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Kingdom Hearts: The End

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"Where did my brother go?" the boy asked.

"Your brother...?" Hikaru questioned.

"Yeah, the champion," the boy said. "... Well, I'm pretty sure that it was him. If you meet him, tell him I'm looking for him, okay? His name is Reoe." He then ran off.

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A sudden thought came to Hikaru. Roee... X... Equals Xeroe...! However, she didn't tell Lilian of this, not in the mood that she was in.

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"Vanish, teleport, same difference," Hikaru sighed. "Let's go look for information. The notes said that Kurai lived in a world called Destiny Islands. We can see if anyone heard of such a place."

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Hikaru sighed. "What now...?"

"Other worlds?" The boy was back. "I don't anything about worlds, but there's this special train that's supposed to go to the greatest wizard in the world!"


Xeroe came out of the portal, walking onto the shore of Destiny Islands. "Stupid girl," he muttered. "It makes me glad that the major difference between us is our existences, me having the better end." He attempted to grin, but his headache got the best of him...

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"Yeah!" the boy said, grinning. He led them to the train station. "You have to buy a ticket," the boy explained. "I could come, but..." He pointed to a sign that said NO KIDS UNDER 10 WITHOUT PARENT OR GUARDIAN. "I'll see ya around!" He ran off.


Xeroe entered the shack that he was allowed to sleep in. Clutching his head, he witnessed all of Roee's memories pass through his head again. "Stupid kid..." he muttered as he sat on the bed. "I'm gonna suffer with this headache now..."

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It was barely crowded inside the plaza. Hikaru noticed a funny-looking train. Suddenly, its horn let a shrill cry. "Let's go!!" she exclaimed as she dashed for the train.

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