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Kingdom Hearts: The End

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When they got to the office, they began observing all of the papers. Hikaru noticed a drawer she didn't notice on the desk before. She looked inside and found notes. ".... Lilian..."

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"April 16; I found the two pure breeds that could put an end to this war. Kurai and Hikaru. Dark and Light. If I could form their molecular structures, they can become one being that will save these worlds. However, Kurai ran away. He was smarter than I thought. I took in Hikaru..." The papers trembled in her hands.

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Hikaru took a deep breath. "Okay.... April 21, Hikaru acts though nothing's happened. Possible case of amnesia. No sign of Kurai.... December 5, I found Kurai. He's taken over his home world, Destiny Islands. His powers have grown... February 3, I had a chance to get Kurai, but I didn't. If I did, then I would have begun my project and... I've grown to love Hikaru as my own child, I couldn't... October 15, Hikaru, if you happen to read this, attached are the papers to the project... I'm sorry..." Hikaru would have cried, but she didn't . She looked for the blueprints, but they were gone. "Where is it...?"

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(( My RP, so I get to create another person. xD

Name: Xeroe

Age: 17

Weapon: Claws

Side: Dark

Appearance: Posted Image

Theme song: "So Cold" Breaking Benjamin

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Finally, Kurai had made three darksiders, it was hard to make such massive heartless after his fight with Hikaru. "Go after her, and kill them both" He commanded

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"Ok,so what are we going to do? Your brother wants to kill us,well, at least me.But I'm really confused."said Lillian sitting and trying to think of a solution.

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Name: Shuriken.

Age: 21

Weapon: One large keyblade forged for him... it is known as Conflict.

Side: Dark.


without Armor:

Posted Image

With armor, his suit is like Terras.

Bio: he has told nom one of his past.

Theme song: In the end, lp

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"... Maybe, he doesn't want to "forge" with me, so he thinks killing me is the only way... He probably saw you as a threat." Hikaru smiled. "You are pretty threatening."


Xeroe was sent with the Darksides to make sure that they were doing their job. "We're gonna have some fun," he said to the Heartless, "aren't we boys?" As Heartless, they couldn't reply, so they just gave him a look as they walked. Xeroe sighed, "You guys aren't fun." Walking through a portal, they arrived at Radiant Garden. "Pff, it's 'radiant' alright," Xeroe said, "but we can change that..."

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Suddenly, Hikaru heard a noise. "Wha- Are they back?!" She rushed outside.

"Alright, boys," Xeroe began, "go fetch." With that, the Darksides headed for Hikaru's scent.

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Hikaru went to attack the Darkside on the left.

Xeroe couldn't help it, but he wanted in on the fun. He appeared in front of Lilian, grinning as he said, "Hey, babe."

(( lol, I love smart-asshes. xD -edited 'a' word for Jacob's sake- ))

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"What, can't take a compliment? Very well, then." Xeroe slashed at her with his claw.

"LILY!!" Hikaru called. She wanted to help, but the Darksides held her up.

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Xeroe held his claw up to block. "Lily, huh? What a pretty name, just like everything else here that'll be devoured by darkness." He pushed her back.

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