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Kingdom Hearts: The End

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I stepped through the portal of darkness to the pitiful Radiant Garden. I looked at a rose growing slowly. "Don't worry, you poor, poor, so sad case, you will soon be mine... and feast upon this weak universe!" I murmured. "Now, back to business" I said, unleashing a Trickmaster, something I bent to my will from my training in wonderland, and started to destroy the gardens.

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Finally, after what seemed like forever, several Creeper plants appeared at his feet. "You, keep destroying this garden" He said to the Trickmaster "And Creeper plants, you proceed to attack the town nearest" I felt a presence nearby... it could be her, so I made a Shadow Portal, and with Three Neo-Shadows, and with Oblivion ready, walked through it slowly

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For some reason, Hikaru found herself running towards the monsters. Her Keyblade came out automatically. "Keyblade... Heartless..." As she understood this simple equation, she charged.

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I appeared behind a girl running to attack my heartless... I told my neoshadows to attack her, and so they circled around her, making her slowed down so my heartless able to destroy the garden

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The Trickmaster says, "You call uuuussss 'Things' when you've taken worlds from countless ssssspecies" and throws three cards at Lillian, which turn into card soldiers, and throw their spears at Lillian

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