Sorual 607 Posted April 1, 2013 ive been giving alot of thought into this. is it croul to catch pokemon? i mean, taking pokemon away from there family andhome. ive thought of ways to think its not croul. 1. if not wanted to be caought dont battle. (except for the hole fast ball isea that cathces pokemon that run away from you) 2. if they just decide to come with the trainer. tell me what you think. 1 Nora Valkyrie reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Weiss 8,279 Posted April 1, 2013 Irl it would be kind of cruel if they don't want it in pokemon logic: No one cares 5 Sorual, Ben G, Nora Valkyrie and 2 others reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hei 3,233 Posted April 1, 2013 Is it cruel for a duel monster to be stuck on in a paper card? But idk, depends on if they wanna go or not 3 Ben G, Reyn and Nora Valkyrie reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zola 3,038 Posted April 1, 2013 Not at all. In fact, they offer Pokemon classes at universities nowdays. 4 DreamDropDragon, Sorual, Kaneki Ken and 1 other reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ben G 166 Posted April 1, 2013 (edited) Maybe they're like fish and abandon their kids at it could be cruel not to catch them... Edited April 1, 2013 by Ben Guinan Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sorual 607 Posted April 1, 2013 (edited) Maybe they're like fish and abandon their kids at it could be cruel not to catch them... no. i saw an episode with arcanine taking care of the baby growlith so not that. Edited April 1, 2013 by benj0818 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dio Brando 5,810 Posted April 1, 2013 Just three the anime as long as the Pokemon itself is happy with it's trainer(Which is why some Pokemon evolve by Max happiness) and the trainer is caring enough to love his Pokemon....It's not cruel to catch one in fact ....humans literaly can't live without Pokemon in the Pokemon Universe .....just look at the humans they barely have weapons or anything to defend themselves with against criminal organization like Team Rocket Besides,Pokemon battles without having a Trainer with them(Groudon and Kyogre is an example) it's a tradition that existed before the invention of Pokeball (See some Pokemon mythos) I mean....the entire point of Pokemon that Professor Oak says in every single Pokemon game is: To raise your Pokemon with care and love and that is the key to become a successful trainer....which is literally what Oak said in RedBlueYellow Besides,IT'S FREAKIN VIDEO GAME...THEY DO NOT EXIST. Also,if that is the case why don't you guys complain about Summons in Final Fantasy being trapped in Jewels for eternity and only gets out to do just one cinematic attack and then return back to their crystals??? At least in Pokemon the Pokemon have the choice to get out of his Pokeball(a.k.a Wobbufet)......but noooooooooooo because everything is okay in FF and FFVII should be worshipped as the best RPG ever Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sorual 607 Posted April 1, 2013 Just three the anime as long as the Pokemon itself is happy with it's trainer(Which is why some Pokemon evolve by Max happiness) and the trainer is caring enough to love his Pokemon....It's not cruel to catch one in fact ....humans literaly can't live without Pokemon in the Pokemon Universe .....just look at the humans they barely have weapons or anything to defend themselves with against criminal organization like Team Rocket Besides,Pokemon battles without having a Trainer with them(Groudon and Kyogre is an example) it's a tradition that existed before the invention of Pokeball (See some Pokemon mythos) I mean....the entire point of Pokemon that Professor Oak says in every single Pokemon game is: To raise your Pokemon with care and love and that is the key to become a successful trainer....which is literally what Oak said in RedBlueYellow Besides,IT'S FREAKIN VIDEO GAME...THEY DO NOT EXIST. Also,if that is the case why don't you guys complain about Summons in Final Fantasy being trapped in Jewels for eternity and only gets out to do just one cinematic attack and then return back to their crystals??? At least in Pokemon the Pokemon have the choice to get out of his Pokeball(a.k.a Wobbufet)......but noooooooooooo because everything is okay in FF and FFVII should be worshipped as the best RPG ever i've been watching the anime and so far i've watched over 400 episodes. but i'm talking about irl and if the pokemon didnt want to be cought. but the summons, your right about that one thing. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DreamDropDragon 16 Posted April 1, 2013 In real life, maybe if the pokemon didn't want to be caught or something. But in the Pokemon World, you kinda need it for battles and such so.. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Isamu Kuno 2,512 Posted April 1, 2013 (edited) No because it's a video game and not real. But if you want to go into it, think of real life wild/stray animals. Even with animals that stay with their young for a while like cats and dogs don't you think that they're better off in the care of a loving human being than left to fend for themselves in the wild, even if they don't want to be domesticated? It's basically the same thing. Edited April 1, 2013 by Sora_Kuno Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dio Brando 5,810 Posted April 1, 2013 (edited) i've been watching the anime and so far i've watched over 400 episodes. but i'm talking about irl and if the pokemon didnt want to be cought. but the summons, your right about that one thing. The Pokemon simply reject the many episodes of the anime Pokemon rejected the Pokeball so many times until he feels the trainer is worthy of accompanying him. Also,In the Pokemon Adventure manga,Pokemon can see through their Pokeballs ...the Pokeballs are not dark and they're designed to make it easy to carry the Pokemon around in a safe way and place for them. Keep in mind that Pokemon are much stronger than humans....As I said humans literally can't do anything without Pokemon.....Some Pokemon like Hydrogeon or Gyarados can simply kill a human if he didn't like him.So it's pretty much the Pokemon choice to stay with his trainer or simply defy himher. In the Pokemon world humans need Pokemon in everything.To find food,to find materials,to build cities...etc.....Heck in a Pokemon mytho....the Lucario species of Pokemon taught human martial arts So yeah,in the Pokemon universe humans can't to jaqshit without a Pokemon in their disposal One last thing ,in some of the Sinnoh mythos,Humans and Pokemon share some common ancestors and Pokemon battles existed before human even roam the Pokemon world. There is a deep story behind the concept of the Pokemon Universe and it's really deep and interesting to read and most of them are canon to the games and the anime. At least there is a logical reason for human and Pokemon to cooperate together and build the world the live in unlike in Final Fantasy where summons are only used to kill and sleep in crystals for much for the self-proclaimed best RPG series And please...change the topic to something that doesn't catch PETA's bullshit detector because believe me they'll look for any chance to leech on a franchises popularity They've recently attacked Assassin's Creed 4 and I'm pretty sure they're looking to attack X&Y just like what they did to Black&White 2 This isn't an order to limit your choice of words....I beg you....I literally beg you from my heart to change the topic to something like:(Something I thought of about catching Pokemon) a title that won't catch PETA's might think they're not interested in a site like KH13 but trust me they surf around the internet to find any tiny little thing ti grab attention from. Edited April 1, 2013 by Metal Snake Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kingroxas 11 Posted April 1, 2013 once you catch a pokemon they might think what are you going to do to them treat them like crap or give them love and happiness once you trained them well and belevie in them and give them love and happiness the pokemon well be like your best friend Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Roxas Illini 49 Posted April 1, 2013 Is it cruel to ask for a nice plate of fried Magikarp with some chips on the side? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sorual 607 Posted April 1, 2013 The Pokemon simply reject the many episodes of the anime Pokemon rejected the Pokeball so many times until he feels the trainer is worthy of accompanying him. Also,In the Pokemon Adventure manga,Pokemon can see through their Pokeballs ...the Pokeballs are not dark and they're designed to make it easy to carry the Pokemon around in a safe way and place for them. Keep in mind that Pokemon are much stronger than humans....As I said humans literally can't do anything without Pokemon.....Some Pokemon like Hydrogeon or Gyarados can simply kill a human if he didn't like him.So it's pretty much the Pokemon choice to stay with his trainer or simply defy himher. In the Pokemon world humans need Pokemon in everything.To find food,to find materials,to build cities...etc.....Heck in a Pokemon mytho....the Lucario species of Pokemon taught human martial arts So yeah,in the Pokemon universe humans can't to jaqshit without a Pokemon in their disposal One last thing ,in some of the Sinnoh mythos,Humans and Pokemon share some common ancestors and Pokemon battles existed before human even roam the Pokemon world. There is a deep story behind the concept of the Pokemon Universe and it's really deep and interesting to read and most of them are canon to the games and the anime. At least there is a logical reason for human and Pokemon to cooperate together and build the world the live in unlike in Final Fantasy where summons are only used to kill and sleep in crystals for much for the self-proclaimed best RPG series And please...change the topic to something that doesn't catch PETA's bullshit detector because believe me they'll look for any chance to leech on a franchises popularity They've recently attacked Assassin's Creed 4 and I'm pretty sure they're looking to attack X&Y just like what they did to Black&White 2 This isn't an order to limit your choice of words....I beg you....I literally beg you from my heart to change the topic to something like:(Something I thought of about catching Pokemon) a title that won't catch PETA's might think they're not interested in a site like KH13 but trust me they surf around the internet to find any tiny little thing ti grab attention from. it cant reject the ball if its tired out from battle. The Pokemon simply reject the many episodes of the anime Pokemon rejected the Pokeball so many times until he feels the trainer is worthy of accompanying him. Also,In the Pokemon Adventure manga,Pokemon can see through their Pokeballs ...the Pokeballs are not dark and they're designed to make it easy to carry the Pokemon around in a safe way and place for them. Keep in mind that Pokemon are much stronger than humans....As I said humans literally can't do anything without Pokemon.....Some Pokemon like Hydrogeon or Gyarados can simply kill a human if he didn't like him.So it's pretty much the Pokemon choice to stay with his trainer or simply defy himher. In the Pokemon world humans need Pokemon in everything.To find food,to find materials,to build cities...etc.....Heck in a Pokemon mytho....the Lucario species of Pokemon taught human martial arts So yeah,in the Pokemon universe humans can't to jaqshit without a Pokemon in their disposal One last thing ,in some of the Sinnoh mythos,Humans and Pokemon share some common ancestors and Pokemon battles existed before human even roam the Pokemon world. There is a deep story behind the concept of the Pokemon Universe and it's really deep and interesting to read and most of them are canon to the games and the anime. At least there is a logical reason for human and Pokemon to cooperate together and build the world the live in unlike in Final Fantasy where summons are only used to kill and sleep in crystals for much for the self-proclaimed best RPG series And please...change the topic to something that doesn't catch PETA's bullshit detector because believe me they'll look for any chance to leech on a franchises popularity They've recently attacked Assassin's Creed 4 and I'm pretty sure they're looking to attack X&Y just like what they did to Black&White 2 This isn't an order to limit your choice of words....I beg you....I literally beg you from my heart to change the topic to something like:(Something I thought of about catching Pokemon) a title that won't catch PETA's might think they're not interested in a site like KH13 but trust me they surf around the internet to find any tiny little thing ti grab attention from. whats so bad if peta catches it? and what did they do to b and w2? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dio Brando 5,810 Posted April 1, 2013 (edited) it cant reject the ball if its tired out from battle. whats so bad if peta catches it? and what did they do to b and w2? Again in order to catch another need another Pokemon that you've built a Friendship with + Let me fill you in in case you didn't hear of. Last year right after the announcement of Black and White 2 PETA attacked Pokemon and accused it of abusing and made a flash game called Pokemon Black & Blue that encourage kids to kill Humans ....but later in the year they took back their accusation and said they were joking like how they did with Mario and the Tannoki suit when they attacked Super Mario 3D Land. It's bad because PETA kill animals instead of protecting them.They never stood for a cause to protect and extincting animal species and instead go mess around with game and movie companies so they can grab attention from any popular media they find Since you've watched 400 episodes of the anime by now.You realize that the entire point of Pokemon is to treat your Pokemon with love and care and about the Pokeball thing....not all Pokeballs can catch Pokemon and Pokemon like Gyarados can simply reject a Pokeball easily and some Pokemon enter the Pokeball by their own free will when they like a trainer just like the case with James and his Yanmask in Pokemon Best Wishes...James was so kind with Yanmask(despite being a Team Rocket Member),he feeded him and the little Yanmask entered the Pokeball by his own free will Wobbufet always gets out of his Pokeball and sometimes disobeys Jessie's orders Pokemon never encouraged animal abusing and they're alot of episodes in the anime that stands against the practices of Giovanni and his Team Rocket Grunts(Jessie and James can be an exception) Also,like humans,some Pokemon can be evil from birth.Lickwick,Lampent and Chandelure from Black & White hunt and eat souls and some of them are better tamed for the good of both human and Pokemon also,have you read my entire post or just the point about PokeBall......It's not cruel to catch a Pokemon as long as you treat them with love???? And finally.It's a freakin video game.nothing is real and nothing encourage animal abuse.In fact,Final Fantasy uses summon only for fight while Pokemon and Human can live together without Pokemon battles.I'm surprised no one complained about the FF summons just because how they over-glorify FFVII as the game from heaven. Catching a Pokemon is just like petting an animal.It's up to you how to treat and it;s not cruel to catch a Pokemon since the Pokeball just serves as a mean of carrying them around in an easy way It has been mentioned multiple times in the anime that Pokemon and humans worked together before Pokeballs even invented please read the entirety of my previous posts instead of picking only the points about the Pokeballs Few days ago you said you like Pokemon and now you want it to stop??? Edited April 1, 2013 by Metal Snake Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VisitJoan 2,713 Posted April 1, 2013 I wouldn't worry about it. It's not even real. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sorual 607 Posted April 1, 2013 Again in order to catch another need another Pokemon that you've built a Friendship with + Let me fill you in in case you didn't hear of. Last year right after the announcement of Black and White 2 PETA attacked Pokemon and accused it of abusing and made a flash game called Pokemon Black & Blue that encourage kids to kill Humans ....but later in the year they took back their accusation and said they were joking like how they did with Mario and the Tannoki suit when they attacked Super Mario 3D Land. It's bad because PETA kill animals instead of protecting them.They never stood for a cause to protect and extincting animal species and instead go mess around with game and movie companies so they can grab attention from any popular media they find Since you've watched 400 episodes of the anime by now.You realize that the entire point of Pokemon is to treat your Pokemon with love and care and about the Pokeball thing....not all Pokeballs can catch Pokemon and Pokemon like Gyarados can simply reject a Pokeball easily and some Pokemon enter the Pokeball by their own free will when they like a trainer just like the case with James and his Yanmask in Pokemon Best Wishes...James was so kind with Yanmask(despite being a Team Rocket Member),he feeded him and the little Yanmask entered the Pokeball by his own free will Wobbufet always gets out of his Pokeball and sometimes disobeys Jessie's orders Pokemon never encouraged animal abusing and they're alot of episodes in the anime that stands against the practices of Giovanni and his Team Rocket Grunts(Jessie and James can be an exception) Also,like humans,some Pokemon can be evil from birth.Lickwick,Lampent and Chandelure from Black & White hunt and eat souls and some of them are better tamed for the good of both human and Pokemon also,have you read my entire post or just the point about PokeBall......It's not cruel to catch a Pokemon as long as you treat them with love???? And finally.It's a freakin video game.nothing is real and nothing encourage animal abuse.In fact,Final Fantasy uses summon only for fight while Pokemon and Human can live together without Pokemon battles.I'm surprised no one complained about the FF summons just because how they over-glorify FFVII as the game from heaven. Catching a Pokemon is just like petting an animal.It's up to you how to treat and it;s not cruel to catch a Pokemon since the Pokeball just serves as a mean of carrying them around in an easy way It has been mentioned multiple times in the anime that Pokemon and humans worked together before Pokeballs even invented please read the entirety of my previous posts instead of picking only the points about the Pokeballs Few days ago you said you like Pokemon and now you want it to stop??? i would never want pokemon to stop. its just a nitpick. pokemon is still the best thing EVER!!!! and i'm totaly with you about ff7. and yes ive really been reading the entire posts. i dont just read a part. my modow is theres no point in anything if you dont go all the way. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shera Wizard 2,736 Posted April 2, 2013 (edited) If: Catching Arceus [basically a POKEGOD] is legit Catching Giratina, Dialga, Palkia [Heavenly rulers of time, space and darkness] is legit Then: Catching a ratata, a mouse is legit Catching a Pidgey, a bird is legit Therefore: Catching any pokemon is not cruel or against the law. Edited April 2, 2013 by Shera Wizard Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dio Brando 5,810 Posted April 2, 2013 (edited) If: Catching Arceus [basically a POKEGOD] is legit Catching Giratina, Dialga, Palkia [Heavenly rulers of time, space and darkness] is legit Then: Catching a ratata, a mouse is legit Catching a Pidgey, a bird is legit Therefore: Catching any pokemon is not cruel or against the law because Peta doesnt exist in the Pokemon world. Great GOD This is a f.ucking video game......nothing is real I wonder why NO ONE here consider trapping summons in Final Fantasy for eternity just to attack once and then go back to their crystal forever until the next attack I mean....the entire point of Pokemon that Professor Oak says in every single Pokemon game is: To raise your Pokemon with care and love and that is the key to become a successful trainer....which is literally what Oak said in RedBlueYellow Also,if that is the case why don't you guys complain about Summons in Final Fantasy being trapped in Jewels for eternity and only gets out to do just one cinematic attack and then return back to their crystals??? You put Shinryu(A Dragon so powerful that the gods in the FF universe are scared from him) in a shiny jewel were you can alter existence anytime At least in Pokemon the Pokemon have the choice to get out of his Pokeball(a.k.a Wobbufet)......but noooooooooooo because everything is okay in FF and FFVII should be worshipped as the best RPG ever If you truly believe that PETA's accusation was right then I feel sorry for you PETA is just a bunch of attention whores who kills more animals than they protect The entire point of both the anime and the show that has been established hundreds of times is to treat your Pokemon with love and care and almost 700 episodes of the anime are all about that. Seriously last year you were laughing at PETA and now you believe in their bullshit???????? Why don't you go and protect animals yourself instead of setting your ass at KFC eating mountains of chicken buckets???? In Final Fantasy you kill random innocent monsters and humans in the overworld just to level up and earn money,You trap mystical summon creatures inside a crystal they can never get out of except for one shitty cinematic attack,You slash a Chocobo with your sword to ride him instead of petting him.Here is a real animal abuse for your worshipped overrated stinky FFVII that you guys worship as the best game ever graced Planet Earth firetruck Final Fantasy.firetruck this stupid franchise that has the biggest amount of nonsenical writing I ever seen in my life Edited April 2, 2013 by Metal Snake Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shera Wizard 2,736 Posted April 2, 2013 Great GOD This is a f.ucking video game......nothing is real I wonder why NO ONE here consider trapping summons in Final Fantasy for eternity just to attack once and then go back to their crystal forever until the next attack I mean....the entire point of Pokemon that Professor Oak says in every single Pokemon game is: To raise your Pokemon with care and love and that is the key to become a successful trainer....which is literally what Oak said in RedBlueYellow Also,if that is the case why don't you guys complain about Summons in Final Fantasy being trapped in Jewels for eternity and only gets out to do just one cinematic attack and then return back to their crystals??? You put Shinryu(A Dragon so powerful that the gods in the FF universe are scared from him) in a shiny jewel were you can alter existence anytime At least in Pokemon the Pokemon have the choice to get out of his Pokeball(a.k.a Wobbufet)......but noooooooooooo because everything is okay in FF and FFVII should be worshipped as the best RPG ever If you truly believe that PETA's accusation was right then I feel sorry for you PETA is just a bunch of attention whores who kills more animals than they protect The entire point of both the anime and the show that has been established hundreds of times is to treat your Pokemon with love and care and almost 700 episodes of the anime are all about that. Seriously last year you were laughing at PETA and now you believe in their bullshit???????? Why don't you go and protect animals yourself instead of setting your ass at KFC eating mountains of chicken buckets???? In Final Fantasy you kill random innocent monsters and humans in the overworld just to level up and earn money,You trap mystical summon creatures inside a crystal the can never get out of except for one shitty cinematic attack,You slash a Chocobo with your sword to ride him instead of petting him.Here is a real animal abuse for your worshipped overrated stinky FFVII that you guys worship as the best game ever graced Planet Earth firetruck Final Fantasy.firetruck this stupid franchise that has the biggest amount of nonsenical writing I ever seen in my life uhhh what did i do again? I'm not a FF gamer, I dont worship FF7, i actually didnt like it and can we stay on topic please? I know your rage for the FF franchise but this had little relevance to what i said Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dio Brando 5,810 Posted April 2, 2013 uhhh what did i do again? I'm not a FF gamer, I dont worship FF7, i actually didnt like it and can we stay on topic please? I know your rage for the FF franchise but this had little relevance to what i said Did you ever read my post????Why do you insist that Pokemon is about abusing animals when if you watched at least a season of the anime or read a dialouge from Oak in the games you realize that Pokemon actually encourage people to treat them with kindness and punish the people who abuse them like Team Rocket or Team Galactic Here is my post in a nutshell without the FF related crap Great GOD This is a f.ucking video game......nothing is real I mean....the entire point of Pokemon that Professor Oak says in every single Pokemon game is: To raise your Pokemon with care and love and that is the key to become a successful trainer....which is literally what Oak said in RedBlueYellow At least in Pokemon the Pokemon have the choice to get out of his Pokeball(a.k.a Wobbufet)..... If you truly believe that PETA's accusation was right then I feel sorry for you PETA is just a bunch of attention whores who kills more animals than they protect The entire point of both the anime and the show that has been established hundreds of times is to treat your Pokemon with love and care and almost 700 episodes of the anime are all about that. Seriously last year you were laughing at PETA and now you believe in their bullshit???????? Why don't you go and protect animals yourself instead of setting your ass at KFC eating mountains of chicken buckets???? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WhiteCrow 55 Posted April 2, 2013 *sees Metal Snake's big ass argument* *scrolls down* *sees this* Summons in Final Fantasy being trapped in Jewels Wha.. How.?! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dio Brando 5,810 Posted April 2, 2013 *sees Metal Snake's big ass argument* *scrolls down* *sees this* Wha.. How.?! Well since you guys insist of acusing Pokemon of animal abusing and believe in PETA's crap I just wanted to show you how Final Fantasy is animal abusing since you guys believe that FF is the greatest thing ever and don't understand that Pokemon or Final Fantasy is A firetruckING VIDEO GAME Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shera Wizard 2,736 Posted April 2, 2013 Did you ever read my post????Why do you insist that Pokemon is about abusing animals when if you watched at least a season of the anime or read a dialouge from Oak in the games you realize that Pokemon actually encourage people to treat them with kindness and punish the people who abuse them like Team Rocket or Team Galactic the thread 'Is it cruel to catch pokemon?' i answered in that context. I read your post and most of it revolved around Final Fantasy, and most of all, Oak tells that yes, but still don't you think capturing a God in a pokeball and then treating it with kindness is a bit... see this is why i love James Well since you guys insist of acusing Pokemon of animal abusing and believe in PETA's crap I just wanted to show you how Final Fantasy is animal abusing since you guys believe that FF is the greatest thing ever and don't understand that Pokemon or Final Fantasy is A firetruckING VIDEO GAME Final Fantasy is ALSO a video game, you understand that. Pokemon is ALSO a video game, you understand that. YOU are the one getting all fired up about 'A firetruckING VIDEO GAME'. Cool down bro Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dio Brando 5,810 Posted April 2, 2013 (edited) the thread 'Is it cruel to catch pokemon?' i answered in that context. I read your post and most of it revolved around Final Fantasy, and most of all, Oak tells that yes, but still don't you think capturing a God in a pokeball and then treating it with kindness is a bit... see this is why i love James Final Fantasy is ALSO a video game, you understand that. Pokemon is ALSO a video game, you understand that. YOU are the one getting all fired up about 'A firetruckING VIDEO GAME'. Cool down bro First:Arceus is an event Pokemon therefore you can't catch it unless you go to stores like Gamestop or through Mystery gift Second: You can get Shinryu in a crystal who's more powerful than the gods of the Final Fantasy franchise...and all that in one convenient jewel Third: You accused Pokemon of animal abusing and said PETA is right and that is what pissed me off I know it's a video game but why you guys believe in PETA's crap??? I mean seriously they attacked Cooking Mama before Mario despite cooking Mama being nothing but a game of an activity that EVERY MAN AND WOMAN IN THE WORLD DO. They attacked Mario 3D Land for the Tanooki suit despite you get it from a leaf not the actual animal They attacked Pokemon for animal abusing despite Pokemon actually standing against that in every episode of the anime and games And Finally they attacked Assassin's creed 4 for telling events that actually happened in history books PETA kills more animals than they many endangered species around the world and instead of spending their money to protect them they go around and mess with popular video games I'm pissed that you believe that PETA is right....If you just see that you think Pokemon sucks and you hate it...I'm fine with that no problem but when you seriously think that a children-friendly video game promote animal abusing even though both the games and the anime stands against really need to think of who you should believe Seriously of PETA see this crap they'll gonna do it again for X&Y.I know you'll think: How the muk will PETA care about a random fansite??? Trust me they surf around the net to find any bullshit they can get money from Edited April 2, 2013 by Metal Snake Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites