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The race against time

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Ok,this is an story that I created and wanted to turn it in RP(it isn't in the writting section).

You live in a world far away from here.In this world there are lots of beings living toghether.The government sistem is a monarquy,everyonw likes the king and the queen,they're very good to theur people.In the capital(where the king and his family lives)there is a different being that came from another world.This being is friends with the king.One day you heard that this being was planning a betrayl to take over the world.

You and a group of others that heard it too try to tell the king,but no one believes you,now in all places of the world they are hunting you and your friends down.Save the world and your life.

Well this one is very simple,you live in the capital,and you'll begin there with this group of friends who are with going to tell the king.The first one to join will be a member of the royal family if he wants,if not the next will be.The others(including me) will work at the palace.And two person can be trying to capture the group(general)


Here's the characther profile:







Occupation: (worker,member of the royal family or general)


Here's mine:




Appearence:Posted Image

Personality: Don't be mistaken by her innocent face,she's very nervous and agressive,always keeps her opnions,and won't give up her opnions.


Occupation: worker.

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i'll join



weapon:crossbow and 2 daggers

appearance:look at the pic i post in the dragon riders rp ill try and get it here

personality:is calm all the time, may look confused but is actually dangerouss


occupation:member of the royal family

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*I forgot to tell one thing,you're a member of the royal family but,you believe in us and try to help,but no one goes after you,ok?*

Iris and some other friends were going to the castle to see the king.

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"Come on,no one wants to listen.I've already tried lots of people in this place,but they just don't want to talk to us." said Iris to herself getting nervous.

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"Well,I work here,and one day I was passing near that creture's room and I heard it talking to someone,and planning a betrayl,it's going to take over the planet.You have to stop it before it's too late."

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Iris saw that the king was finished,she got closer "Your majesty,I work here,and I was passing near the room of that guest from another planet and I heard it talking to someone,they were planning a betrayil,they're going to take over the planet.And they'll kill you.You can't allow that your majesty."

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