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KH2 Are Organization XIII evil?

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Do you think the Organization was evil with what they were trying to do? Do you think it was right for Sora to destroy them? Were they simply innocently trying to restore their Hearts, or were they being malicious? What do you think?


Personally I think that they are evil but should be pitied... they didn't really have much choice when the alternative is to "fade into nothingness".


Oh, and try to give reasons instead of simply saying that they shouldn't die because you liked a certain character.

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it's all up to your own opinion .. everyone have a different opinion about them ...


personally .. I don't think that they are evil ... well they just tryed to get something that belonged to them back ... but they .. as everyone else does both bad and good things ..


they maybe weren't so innocent as they seemed to be .. we really don't know so much about them ...


but .. maybe xemnas was a little bit evil ... it seemed like he just "cared" for his kingkom hearts .. and didn't want to get his heart back ... so .. it feels like he tricked everyone in the organization ... (except for saix .. I think that he knew all along)


but anyway ... I think that Sora did a bad thing my killing them .. they didn't deserve that .. maybe they needed to be stoped .. but to kill them .. isn't that too far?



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heck i dun think theyr evil at all they just want their hearts back. and its NOT because all of my fav characters except one are in orgy XIII. i


i totally agree with luzzekat. sora didnt even technically KNOW them for cryin out loud!!!!!!!! no one in their right mind goes around killing people they dun know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! well....except sora of course :dodgy:

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no, i don't think they were evil.

they were only aiming to be complete, and they were risking to do everything to achieve their goal. Is that so wrong?

And then Sora goes and kills them off without really taking things to the Organization's perspective. And of course, he doesn't get that he just CRUSHED the Organization's dream until AFTER he killed them all (after Xemnas "fades" the first time). Grr...Sora...>.>

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and one more thing ... sora just went out and started to slaughter them because yen sid (and diz? maybe) wanted him to O_o .. that's just ... weird


and he became a puppet afterall...

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waaaay too easy i think...


anyway i dont think the org was evil..like everyone's saying; they just wanted their hearts back and be normal again..


sora wanted riku and kairi back D:


if trying to get your heart back and be normal means being evil, then in a way, sora is evil too -__-


atleast thats what i think...idk if that makes anysense ._.

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yeah .. it's not org fault that riku disappeared ...


and really .. why did the others have to pay because saix/ axel kidnapped kairi? O_o (hate my english! GAAH)

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Umm, I think their goal was good - just reclaiming their hearts to be real - but I think their methods were a little bad at times, such as setting up battles in order for heartless to die to claim more hearts.


For me I love Sora and I love the org so its funny. Two sides that hate each other and yet I love them both! Oh and yes, yen sid really gave me the creeps! lol

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yen cid creept me out too O_O


*hold my "hate sora" thirt in front of me*


hmm ... this isn't right ... *write axel, light and repliku in the corner of the shirt*


that's more like it! 8D

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Organization XIII are not evil. They just wanted to be whole. It wasn't really fair how Roxas got to return to his old self and the others didn't. I understand the reason why but i still found unfair. Beside wanting to be whole isn't a bad thing. Sora just wanted to go a killing rampage.

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