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Why do people hate geeks

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I guess back in the day, a geek was seen as someone who was wimpy and spent all their time doing childish things (in the eyes of others). "Put down the obsession over dragons nerd, they aren't real". If you didn't live in the real world you were defiantly not cool. We used to live in a Barbi and Kan world after all. We still do to a degree. Luckily that's changing now that the world is starting to actually accept things that were used to me seen as odd or "gay". You know when Baseball first started, the men who played it were originally booed at and were hated. They were often told to stop playing stupid children games and find a job. Look at Baseball now.

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I think that's mostly immature people in schools. Younger school kids use a lot of insults that are very, well, stupid. There's honestly nothing wrong with it but some people are just immature like that.

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'Cause the world wants to create intelligent and productive people and geeky activities are (usually) counterproductive towards that.  It also comes from what people believe are "for kids," "uncool," "uncool because they're for kids," etc, and that anything unproductive is inherently a waste of time because you could be using that time to cure cancer.  Which is true, except we're not machines that can function on pure work and progress, sad to say.  We do it because it's fun, but the stigma comes from people having too much fun with it, getting obsessed over it to the point it's the primary thing they can talk about, and letting it interfere with your responsibilities.  So, the most irresponsible geeks also tend to be the most outspoken, but not always.  Many of my geeky friends who don't hide it are also quite the hard workers.

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It could base on jealousy. People who do better at school are often bullied and left 'outside'. And being friends with those kind of people is considered unacceptable.

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Because a lot of people are under the impression that if you're not "cool"--as in have the best car or the best hairdo, or whatever it is they're interested in--that you're not worth knowing.  Generally geeks don't focus on those outward objects as other "normal" people do, so those normal people disregard them and classify them as geeks/dorks.


Not saying I'm quite a geek myself, because I'm not exactly.  But I think it's unfortunate that such a large amount of the population is so narrow-minded to think bad of geeks (all my best friends are geeks--they're great people).

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