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What's gonna happen to the main cast after KH3?

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Nomura confirmed that after KH3, Kingdom Hearts will have another saga of videogames/story telling. So most likely, 3 more main titles, plus side titles that take place in between the main ones.


But i was thinking, in the next saga, what'll happen to Sora and co.?


I mean, there could be a chance Nomura will pull an FF on us, and make it so that theirs a new crew and cast, with a different universe.


That or its in the same universe as previous KH titles, but with a new crew and protagonists anyway.


What do you guys think? Will Nomura keep Sora and his friends around for the next saga, or will he ditch them and have a new party of keyblade wielders?

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  On 3/30/2013 at 2:42 AM, Weiss said:

Nomura already confirmed Sora will be the protagonist of the next saga so I believe we'll have some of the same characters from the first saga along with many new characters.

Oh. :mellow:  Ok, nevermind then. xD

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Damn. He confirmed it?


I was gonna say the Child of Sora and Kairi, the Child of Roxsas and Namine, and the Child of Riku and Xion go an an epic quest to fight a new evil.



......but that's the inner Apprentice of Shipping speaking. I think.

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Everyone di-oh God dammit...


Well as mentioned before KH is Sora's story till the end and I doubt they'll dump most of the current protagonist so it'll be a real juggle. There are like, thirteen or so current protagonist whose stories are not yet wrapped up and by the looks of it won't end with KH3. For the time being though I'm guessing that SRK will go back to DI, TAV will go back to the newly established LoD, MDG will go back to Disney castle, RAX will go back to...TT? Namine is also a bit hard to predict since she doesn't strictly belong anywhere but probably TT or DI. Then they all get together when a new threat arises 

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I personally hoped for the new main character to be Sora's daughter. As much as I love Sora, I think for the new saga, it would be good to have a character with a new quest to be developed. 

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I don't know and I'm nervous about where KH is gonna go after the Xehanort saga is done.  There's only so much focus that can be given to Sora without him overstaying his welcome, or changing a lot in order to keep things shaken up.  Such changes usually lead to jumping the shark, even if it's not a guarantee.


But maybe, as long as things focus around Sora somehow, he can still be the main character while giving other characters focus.  Days and BBS did it--Days because of Roxas being Sora's Nobody, and BBS for setting up the circumstances for Sora to be the hero.  Even Riku got his chance to shine in DDD; in the end, I think it was more his story than Sora's despite Sora being a significant part of it.  Maybe there could be some kind of time skip, with Sora and co. being closer to Terra and Aqua's age (I personally peg them close to or in their twenties).  They could help out a new batch of characters develop, so even if the central focus isn't on Sora per se, he and the others can still play a huge part in the newbies' growth.


That might be wishful thinking, though.  For all I know, Squeenix could drag things out for a loooong time.

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