Amon 4,279 Posted July 31, 2013 In my honest opinion they could have saved Amon for Book 2. The final episode had too much of Deus Ex Machina that show hadn't had before in it which annoyed me a bit. Well to be fair, Avatar sometimes has deus ex machina resolutions. Like the giant spirit fish, or the lion turtle. They were deus ex machina, but they were still badass. The whole "and then Korra suddenly airbends" is really ridiculous. I feel like the writers wrote themselves into a corner. They wanted to bring Amon as close to victory as possible and then have him defeated to make things more dramatic. Problem is, Amon already won. The city is completely under is control, and he takes away the Avatars bending and is about to take away Mako's. How the hell are they supposed to turn things around? Make Korra randomly unlock her airbending, screw it. Also, how did Korra's bending get taken away in the first place? Why didn't she go into the Avatar state? The avatar state is a defense mechanism, so why didn't it freaking defend her? It defended Aang when Yakone almost took away his bending! What would of been much better is if Korra went into the avatar state and had a really badass and explosive battle to the death with Amon. Imagine the two, fighting in the stadium, using their extreme bending prowess to tear it apart as they try to do each other in. Also, even if Amon is defeated, how does that stop the Equalist? Sure they lost some momentum because their leader was a fraud, but that still doesn't change the fact that the Equalist still really hate benders. To rid the world of bending, instead of having bender's powers removed, they would merely do something Nazi like. Stop benders from reproducing, hell maybe even have them killed off. Not saying I would want that, but having the Equalist defeated so quickly and abruptly just seems forced and doesn't make any sense. firetrucking hell, you could have future episodes about Korra and her friends leading an underground resistance to have the Equalist removed from power, sort of like what we saw from the last episode. How awesome would that be? 1 dusk reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shazzam 142 Posted July 31, 2013 I don't even really have a problem with Korra and Mako getting together, it's just the terrible way they handled it. No tact or subtlety. What I don't get is the hate for episode 5. I really didn't see anything wrong with it. I found that epiode funny, but from what I have seen, people dislike this episode since its dedicated entirely to romance, when we could be develping other characters or exploring republic city or something, not to mention the Pro-bending subplot. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Taeyeon 1,137 Posted July 31, 2013 I agree with, Amon....I was at least expecting her to go into the avatar state at any serious moment besides the ending. Maybe the studio was trying to stray away from "EPIC MODE"? I don't know, but again like, Amon said She should've gone into the avatar state when she was about to loose her bending. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MyDixieRect 2,061 Posted July 31, 2013 Well to be fair, Avatar sometimes has deus ex machina resolutions. Like the giant spirit fish, or the lion turtle. They were deus ex machina, but they were still badass. The whole "and then Korra suddenly airbends" is really ridiculous. I feel like the writers wrote themselves into a corner. They wanted to bring Amon as close to victory as possible and then have him defeated to make things more dramatic. Problem is, Amon already won. The city is completely under is control, and he takes away the Avatars bending and is about to take away Mako's. How the hell are they supposed to turn things around? Make Korra randomly unlock her airbending, screw it. Also, how did Korra's bending get taken away in the first place? Why didn't she go into the Avatar state? The avatar state is a defense mechanism, so why didn't it freaking defend her? It defended Aang when Yakone almost took away his bending! What would of been much better is if Korra went into the avatar state and had a really badass and explosive battle to the death with Amon. Imagine the two, fighting in the stadium, using their extreme bending prowess to tear it apart as they try to do each other in. Also, even if Amon is defeated, how does that stop the Equalist? Sure they lost some momentum because their leader was a fraud, but that still doesn't change the fact that the Equalist still really hate benders. To rid the world of bending, instead of having bender's powers removed, they would merely do something Nazi like. Stop benders from reproducing, hell maybe even have them killed off. Not saying I would want that, but having the Equalist defeated so quickly and abruptly just seems forced and doesn't make any sense. firetrucking hell, you could have future episodes about Korra and her friends leading an underground resistance to have the Equalist removed from power, sort of like what we saw from the last episode. How awesome would that be? Speaking of Avatar and Deus Ex Machina I really didn't like how Aang could just take away the Firelord Ozai's bending to solve his anti-killing dilemma. It would have been fine if they hinted there was another way but the past avatars told him he would have to kill Ozai, they didn't even leave it ambiguous they say he;d have to kill the firelord then he just finds a convenient solution at the last minute out of nowhere. Was not a fan of that but oh well I guess. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Amon 4,279 Posted August 1, 2013 Speaking of Avatar and Deus Ex Machina I really didn't like how Aang could just take away the Firelord Ozai's bending to solve his anti-killing dilemma. It would have been fine if they hinted there was another way but the past avatars told him he would have to kill Ozai, they didn't even leave it ambiguous they say he;d have to kill the firelord then he just finds a convenient solution at the last minute out of nowhere. Was not a fan of that but oh well I guess. A Giant Lion Turtle... A GIANT LION TURTLE? 1 MyDixieRect reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted August 1, 2013 Speaking of Avatar and Deus Ex Machina I really didn't like how Aang could just take away the Firelord Ozai's bending to solve his anti-killing dilemma. It would have been fine if they hinted there was another way but the past avatars told him he would have to kill Ozai, they didn't even leave it ambiguous they say he;d have to kill the firelord then he just finds a convenient solution at the last minute out of nowhere. Was not a fan of that but oh well I guess. Technically, I think one of the Avatars said(Indirectly)that he didn't have to kill him, just do the best thing for the world, this doesn't mean kill him, just STOP him from doing what he is doing, one way or another. And if I recall, in a previous episode they talked about an ancient Lion Turtle that was supposedly gigantic. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Whimsy-Mimsy 99 Posted August 1, 2013 I was reading a message board and this person hit the nail on the head for me... "On a much more *personal* note, I'd take Book 1 Water over Air any day of the week. I don't give a rats ass about Korra strutting around and showing off (it got old fast), who she likes, who Mako likes, who he's cheating on, who she's cheating on, Bolin being only the comic relief, Asami being spit on as the fourth character though she had some serious integrity. And I especially don't care about Pro Bending and on another level, Republic City itself." "I'd much rather watch Aang in general, see the adorable crush he has on Katara that doesn't overshadow episodes, see Katara struggling to learn how to bend, see Sokka slowly make his own niche in the group where he's not always comic relief, watch much more interesting traditional bending forms, watch Zuko's personal struggles and his interactions with Iroh, watch all the episodes that have spirits in them, watch the amazing ending. No amount of Lin, Amon, and Tenzin can change that." Don't get me wrong I love Korra, but I couldn't help but feel disappointed in the first season. Biggest gripe had to be the lead character's development was zero. Everyone kept fixing her problems for her, so she never grew. The side characters and actual issues of non-benders that cropped up pretty much carried it. The romance was terrible, felt forced, and it took up way too much time. And like this poster said, I love me some Lin Beifong, Amon, and Tenzin, but if I were to choose between Book 1: Water and Book 1: Air, I choose the former. I love this series and I'm stoked to see the next season of Legend of Korra redeem itself in my eyes, though I don't doubt it will! I agree so hard. With all of this. So much. All of it. At first, having a lead (female) character who was ballsy and light-hearted seemed like it was going to be a refreshing change of pace. But it did get old. Fast. Also, the whole airbending-at-last-minute thing annoyed the crap outta me. I mean, people are comparing it to the lion-turtle-island, but I feel like Aang's inner turmoil leading up to his finding it and figuring out how to take Ozai's bending was much better developed. I mean, he was searching for a way to not have to kill Ozai, and after SEARCHING he found it. Korra just kinda 'gets' her airbending magically. Poof! Also, I can't leave this be because it made me throw something at my TV: MAKO IS A BIG MEAN BUMHOLE. Honestly, I liked him at first. He had a Zuko-ish feel to him, and yes, I'll admit I shipped him/Korra. But if there is one thing I cannot stand it's guys who switch girls so quickly. In the end, it seems like he only liked Asami for her money, and as soon as that element was out, he goes crawling right back to Korra, without even TELLING ASAMI. And I genuinely liked Asami. And Bolin. They seem like the most honest, true characters in the series (although Bolin can be a bit pointlessly comedic relief-y). Anywho, there's my rant. I just had to put it out there. 1 Shazzam reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Amon 4,279 Posted August 1, 2013 Technically, I think one of the Avatars said(Indirectly)that he didn't have to kill him, just do the best thing for the world, this doesn't mean kill him, just STOP him from doing what he is doing, one way or another. And if I recall, in a previous episode they talked about an ancient Lion Turtle that was supposedly gigantic. It's just so contrived and ludicrous even if it was briefly mentioned before. I like the energy bending concept, but I wish Aang learned it another way. You know what would be awesome? Aang getting a spirit visit from his former mentor. I'm pretty sure the last time that guy is even mentioned is when he's a skeleton in book 1. I know I'm just yelling "I WANT THE SHOW MY WAY" but I think it would be really cool and heartful if Aang had one last lesson from his mentor, how to energy bend, and an actual lesson on it, not just the guy touching his forehead and BAM powers! But like an actual lesson or something. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted August 1, 2013 I agree so hard. With all of this. So much. All of it. At first, having a lead (female) character who was ballsy and light-hearted seemed like it was going to be a refreshing change of pace. But it did get old. Fast. Also, the whole airbending-at-last-minute thing annoyed the crap outta me. I mean, people are comparing it to the lion-turtle-island, but I feel like Aang's inner turmoil leading up to his finding it and figuring out how to take Ozai's bending was much better developed. I mean, he was searching for a way to not have to kill Ozai, and after SEARCHING he found it. Korra just kinda 'gets' her airbending magically. Poof! Also, I can't leave this be because it made me throw something at my TV: MAKO IS A BIG MEAN BUMHOLE. Honestly, I liked him at first. He had a Zuko-ish feel to him, and yes, I'll admit I shipped him/Korra. But if there is one thing I cannot stand it's guys who switch girls so quickly. In the end, it seems like he only liked Asami for her money, and as soon as that element was out, he goes crawling right back to Korra, without even TELLING ASAMI. And I genuinely liked Asami. And Bolin. They seem like the most honest, true characters in the series (although Bolin can be a bit pointlessly comedic relief-y). Anywho, there's my rant. I just had to put it out there. Bolin is the new Sokka, just with a bending attachment. It's just so contrived and ludicrous even if it was briefly mentioned before. I like the energy bending concept, but I wish Aang learned it another way. You know what would be awesome? Aang getting a spirit visit from his former mentor. I'm pretty sure the last time that guy is even mentioned is when he's a skeleton in book 1. I know I'm just yelling "I WANT THE SHOW MY WAY" but I think it would be really cool and heartful if Aang had one last lesson from his mentor, how to energy bend, and an actual lesson on it, not just the guy touching his forehead and BAM powers! But like an actual lesson or something. Yeah, that would have been better, a final lesson, but it would kinda break the rules of the Avatar visiting thing. He has the wisdom of all his past lives, and can call upon it, but since his previous master wasn't a Avatar, he can't be called upon. Still, it would have been cool if e were just, like, revisiting his past, and somehow the Master knew Aang would need it in his future and taught it to him in secret, and as Aang revisited his past, kinda like the way he did with Roku, he would realize it in his past mentor's words. and actions there would be another way and thus develop a brand new kind of bending. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dio Brando 5,810 Posted September 4, 2013 I've yet to finish watching the Last Airbender and I have a couple of episodes left but I wanted to ask Is Legend of Korra a sequel to the Last Airbender or not??? Forgive my lack of knowledge here because I didn't watch a single trailer for it and I'm curious Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lord Sesshomaru 35 Posted September 4, 2013 Yeah, I believe it's a 70 or 80 years after the last air bender, it's not as adventurous as the last airbender, but I still loved watching it, it was more for the mature audience this time around but still had a pretty good humor. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gothamninja394 92 Posted September 4, 2013 (edited) I like how they switched things around, switching the roles around like they did The nonbender of the group is Asumi (cant help feeling bad for her, she's even had it worse then me) while the benders are our avatar Korra (who has the hotheadedness of Katara), firebender Mako (who's technically the parental role of Katarra) And the hilarious Sokka of the group, Bolin Got the first book on dvd myself and love every second of it! And I'm uberly excited for the 13th as that will be when Book 2 airs at long last. Anyone else loving Aang and Katarra's son Tenzon? And it was a Lion Turtle who taught Aang to energybend btw, for those of you who are confused. And I love how Aang got so deep at the end, what he told Korra before returning her bending to her, talk about brainfood Edited September 4, 2013 by gothamninja394 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Amon 4,279 Posted September 14, 2013 3 Xiro, Shana09 and Wisdomform reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shana09 5,769 Posted September 14, 2013 I like how LoK is the opposite of ATLA in terms of whose the "bad nation". Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lord Sesshomaru 35 Posted September 14, 2013 The Bad Starting from the first season I could already tell that I didnt like the Steam punk look, I understand that this is a different time, and technology is getting advanced, but it shouldnt move as fast as our real world tech. That being said, the world of avatar now has a president, again I dont like the idea, The council should be enough. I know Korra is young but she needs to start making her own decisions and stop asking everyone what she needs to do as you guys saw in the second episode she didnt listen to her father to turn away from the south pole and what do you know, the northern tribe is on the way to supposedly fix the southern water tribe. Now I know her father said "She did it" and looked happy, I think his gut feeling is still right. Now, both episodes were pretty predictable. Korra's uncle in the tone of his voice, you can tell that he's got some evil intentions for the southern water tribe. Okay so another thing Avatar Aang was always on the go, training with all the masters for his specific element, Avatar Korra fails to be mobile, I feel like she thinks that one guy will teach her everything she needs to know, sure her Uncle can calm dark spirits down. But come on, she needs to start realizing that not only one person can be her teacher, she needs to start controlling her own life, her own destiny and not go to others all the time for help. Sure when she's told what to do, and cant believe in herself but others can, she can get the job done. And didnt we all think that she was ready to take on anything? She supposed to be the complete opposite of Aang, which may be true, but I feel Aang was more responsible of getting things done without asking ALL THE TIME what he should do. Now lastly, I shouldnt have a problem with this since we were told that everything would get straight to the point, no filler episodes. But it just kind of makes me mad that everything is rushed in the episodes, its so predictable, you will know the outcome of the episodes before midway in, I knew Korras uncle would have evil intentions, I knew Korra would be too stubborn to listen to Tenzin and her Father, and I knew she would be a Bratty girlfriend. I know that was off topic but heres why I think its rushed. The fight scene between the first Dark spirit in the first episode was not exciting for me, it was too short, and too easy to calm the spirit down, and watching everyone get their asses handed to them while they tried their hardest to defeat the spirit was just awful to watch. In the second episode again, the ending scene was extremely rushed. I would have rather had her fight a bunch of Dark spirits instead of one before reaching the heart of the forest. And again, this was predictable, I knew she had to be in the Avatar State to activate it. Now one more thing, looking at the end of episode 2, the northern water tribe give me this feeling of what the fire nation was in the last airbender, I really hope we do not get a repeat. okay enough of the Bad. The good The relationship to the Characters are stronger than ever in any of the Avatar series, these guys work really well together, they connect really well together, and just like the Last Airbender they got even stronger as the series went on, and I cannot wait until later episodes to see how well these guys will be in-sync with each other. Im glad they they are finally out of republic city, we saw a bit of the northern water tribe, more of the southern water tribe, and a peak of the air temples. Thats really great, keep giving us looks at the whole world. There was not alot of action in the first 2 episodes but, seeing how Korra and Mako' relationship has come to be is great, its like the real world on how women react when the man cant choose her side, and the man reacts with confusion when he hasnt done anything wrong. Now Bolin on the other hand reminds me of a guy who wont be happy with a women until he realizes he doesnt need one. I dont know how him and his... girlfriend I suppose will do together, that one is interesting. Bolin makes the show really funny, he tries to act hard, but really he cant even hurt the little things, which makes his personality in the show interesting and funny. Im glad to see Korra able to be in the Avatar State, but I expected her to be stronger than what she has shown, but she can only do so much in the early seasons. Results All in all, I really missed the Avatar series, I know I put more negative feedback than good, I still really enjoyed the show. I would like to see everyones opinions about my review, or you can post your own. I give the first 2 episodes a 7/10 +Glad the show is back +Character Development is great +Exploring places other than Republic City +Bolin makes the show funny -Rushed -Predicatable -Korra has not back bone One more side not. With how Korra and Mako' relationship is, I hope whenever they get into a fight, it doesnt affect them when things need to get done. 1 Reyn reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lord Sesshomaru 35 Posted September 14, 2013 Pretty much yeah. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Queen Tery 4,591 Posted September 14, 2013 I actually felt like Korra tried too hard to decide everything by herself instead of hearing other people out. Hence why she moronically went along with her uncle's plan. Mako was pretty much the only person she asked for help and when he tried to be supportive she jumped down his throat. I feel Korra is becoming more childish and ignorant as time goes on. I don't like it. Mako, on the other hand, has seemed to have grown up a bit. Overall I enjoyed the first two episodes, but I do hope it gets a bit better. 1 Lord Sesshomaru reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lord Sesshomaru 35 Posted September 14, 2013 I actually felt like Korra tried too hard to decide everything by herself instead of hearing other people out. Hence why she moronically went along with her uncle's plan. Mako was pretty much the only person she asked for help and when he tried to be supportive she jumped down his throat. I feel Korra is becoming more childish and ignorant as time goes on. I don't like it. Mako, on the other hand, has seemed to have grown up a bit. Overall I enjoyed the first two episodes, but I do hope it gets a bit better. Good point she did only ask Mako for help. She started to appreciate it near the end of ep 2 but at a certain point she needs to start realizing that on her own instead of when Mako makes a point. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gamerazor247 877 Posted September 14, 2013 You amuse me :-) Anyway I can agree you... 1 Lord Sesshomaru reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lord Sesshomaru 35 Posted September 14, 2013 You amuse me :-)Anyway I can agree you... Well, I hope I can amuse with every episode I do. hopefully I can be more detailed and not scattered. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JTD95 1,107 Posted September 15, 2013 (edited) What probably bother me the most was how little time was dedicated to the ending of the second episode. Korra comes back, hugs people and then suddenly it's daytime again and an invasion is about to begin. They should have added perhaps an extra minute or so to that last scene to make it feel more natural. Also, Unalaq don't come off to me as being all that bad, not yet at least. If we compare him to Sozin. Fire Lord Sozin wanted to force the greatness of the Fire Nation upon the rest of the world. Unalaq only wants so far to force the Southern Water Tribe to become more spiritual. But he's actions can at least be justified. He wants to do this to prevent the world from falling into a war with the spirits. Edited September 15, 2013 by JTD95 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lord Sesshomaru 35 Posted September 15, 2013 What probably bother me the most was how little time was dedicated to the ending of the second episode. Korra comes back, hugs people and then suddenly it's daytime again and an invasion is about to begin. They should have added perhaps an extra minute or so to that last scene to make it feel more natural.Also, Unalaq don't come off to me as being all that bad, not yet at least. If we compare him to Sozin. Fire Lord Sozin wanted to force the greatness of the Fire Nation upon the rest of the world. Unalaq only wants so far to force the Southern Water Tribe to become more spiritual. But he's actions can at least be justified. He wants to do this to prevent the world from falling into a war with the spirits.Very good point. I like your words "war with the spirits. I just feel he's setting himself up to maybe try and conquer. But again it's only 2 episodes and lets see how it plays out. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VisitJoan 2,713 Posted September 15, 2013 So I'm not the only one who thinks the uncle's playing her. 2 Shazzam and Lord Sesshomaru reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MiontheDemon 71 Posted September 15, 2013 Korra: Still think I'm a half-baked avatar!? (vs Taarlok) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VisitJoan 2,713 Posted September 15, 2013 So... what did you all think? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites