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Which would you choose?

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Which organization would you join? Would you join organization XIII where you would do daily missions such as killing Heartless, investigating new worlds, and do recon? Or would you join the Assassin's creed where you could find and kill Templars and other targets as well as build your own guild or brotherhood of Assassins?



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Definitely the Org XIII. Dat coat, and using the corridors of darkness? How cool would that be?

Not to mention being able to hang out with all the members and such, if we are assuming that everyone isn't destroyed lol

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  On 3/28/2013 at 7:15 PM, Tails said:

Which organization would you join? Would you join organization XIII where you would do daily missions such as killing Heartless, investigating new worlds, and do recon? Or would you join the Assassin's creed where you could find and kill Templars and other targets as well as build your own guild or brotherhood of Assassins?

It's obvious


Organization XIII

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Can I do neither?  Killing people and causing general mayhem isn't a part of my hobbies (outside the internet), plus the only way I could join Organization XIII is if I lost my heart and my body would one day be used as a vessel by creepy old men.  I'll admit the black duds and the dark portals would be pretty slick, though.  I could portal from my computer to the grocery store and back in no time at all.

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organization XIII 

1) you get cool powers and cool looking weapons

2) in assassins creed your just a regular person

3) can go to many different worlds

4) you've got to love the black cloak

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Organization XII cause I would have that awesome black coat also I would have magic power (hopefully not any flowerish and then be called as flower boy) and also be able to use the dark realm and get wherever I want whenever I want (I always wanted to use that vanish into darkness teleport)

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