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χ Union Thread- Red Unicorns

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I don't have time to right now, but when I get back I might. I'm going on a trip for the weekend.

I wish you a nice trip, and beware of heartless someone might have told them where you are going!

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I finally got to play today and I'm at lvl 8 ^^  I feel proud of myself.  And I got redeem the code that came with my HD 1.5 Remix which gave me a good card.


And I just noticed that me and spiderfreak are on the same team xD  Who would have thought.


If anyone knows where the red nocturns are, let me know. I've been running around and can't find them anywhere >.<

WE WERE ON THE SAME TEAM AND I WAS OFFLINE! UGH! I cant believe i missed you.

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Just started a couple hours ago. I'm only about Level 6 right now and my username is "SSjMikito". I need to do a bit more research on how everything works before I go on to do anything besides grinding and story. I also have a copy of 1.5 but I left it at my Mom's house. I need to go pick that up and get my free crap.


Also, is there any reason at all to hold on to my extra or duplicate cards or should I just meld them all to buff my current cards? I've got like 6 freaking copies of the same Cid card.

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Just started a couple hours ago. I'm only about Level 6 right now and my username is "SSjMikito". I need to do a bit more research on how everything works before I go on to do anything besides grinding and story. I also have a copy of 1.5 but I left it at my Mom's house. I need to go pick that up and get my free crap.


Also, is there any reason at all to hold on to my extra or duplicate cards or should I just meld them all to buff my current cards? I've got like 6 freaking copies of the same Cid card.

Keep the strongest cards in your deck, and then just meld the rest into your strongest cards. If you mold two of the same card together you raise the max upgrade level of that card. (this can be done upto 3 times per card) And if you mold cards of the same type (Red/Blue/Green) together it levels up the card faster.

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Hate to ask but where do I use the code I got from 1.5? Do I go to a website or is there an option in-game?

Hit the menu button and then the button highlighted in this picture. (in the upper right corner)

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It's weird, but I've always wondered that when they say "even in the deepest of darkness there is a light that never goes out" what that light is.  If that light can even survive the greatest darkness, it must be the most powerful light, right? So my goal would be to use the χblade and venture into the deepest darkness, recover this light and bring it out into the world.  Even if it meant sacrificing myself to the darkness I believe this light would save the worlds from never having to be destroyed by darkness.


Oh, and it's irritating how I'll go to a door and it says "It takes a key to open this" and I'm just standing there holding a giant firetrucking key in my hand.  If Terra can break out of an alien prison with his keyblade I should be able to get through a wooden door >.>

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My goal: Free every world from the deepest Darkness with the X-Blade and living in peace where Light aboundsGuys we are at the 2nd Place! We are getting better!


Are you serious?!?

I haven't checked the boards in ages omg I'm so happy :3 

I have a question, see how we're split into groups from our unions, like I was No.163 before, and now I'm in No.27, does the success of your group move you up or is it just completely random numbers

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Are you serious?!?

I haven't checked the boards in ages omg I'm so happy :3 

I have a question, see how we're split into groups from our unions, like I was No.163 before, and now I'm in No.27, does the success of your group move you up or is it just completely random numbers

I think it's random, not sure ofcourse :P Also, we're 3rd place now but the leaderboard updates in 13 minutes.


And about the Xblade, this game is about getting the xblade haha, it's not obtainable in the game though

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Are you serious?!?

I haven't checked the boards in ages omg I'm so happy :3 

I have a question, see how we're split into groups from our unions, like I was No.163 before, and now I'm in No.27, does the success of your group move you up or is it just completely random numbers

I am pretty sure the number is the order the game assigned the groups in. You can potentially get reassigned to a new group every single week. And I believe you have a near 100% chance, if not a 100% chance to get into the same group as your party members. And since parties go upto 30, and groups are supposed to be 30, a lot of time groups will be just one party.

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I am pretty sure the number is the order the game assigned the groups in. You can potentially get reassigned to a new group every single week. And I believe you have a near 100% chance, if not a 100% chance to get into the same group as your party members. And since parties go upto 30, and groups are supposed to be 30, a lot of time groups will be just one party.


The one I'm in now is all my party members, but I think there's 1 person not from the party xD

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I am pretty sure the number is the order the game assigned the groups in. You can potentially get reassigned to a new group every single week. And I believe you have a near 100% chance, if not a 100% chance to get into the same group as your party members. And since parties go upto 30, and groups are supposed to be 30, a lot of time groups will be just one party.


This is why when the complete version comes out we need all the KH13 member to be in the same union so we can have a KH13 party!


Also, all I said was よろしく and a Japanese person added me to their party xD

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This is why when the complete version comes out we need all the KH13 member to be in the same union so we can have a KH13 party!


Also, all I said was よろしく and a Japanese person added me to their party xD

Square already jumped out of nowhere and officially released it last night. Well, about 4PM JST...

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