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The Transcendent Key

A Few Expectations For Kingdom Hearts 3.

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Hey guys, I know that I've discussed this some times before, but there are some things that I would like to talk to you about in concern about Kingdom Hearts 3.  As we all very well know, we have anticipated this game for a long time now, and Nomura has kept us at bay with the glorious spin offs with juicy content to chew on, so I don't argue on that regard, but we can't deny that we can't wait for Kingdom Hearts 3!  Here are some expectations that I have for KH3.

  • The Drive Gauge should come back, or at least some derivative counterpart of it.  I miss using the epic Forms to bash away at Heartless and Nobodies, and it's just a thrill when you activate Final Form!  And it doesn't have to necessarily be the same Forms that were present in KH2.  They could make completely new Forms, or at least make a cool function in which Sora and Riku can have Keyblade Armor, as a replacement to the Drive Gauge.  It would be epic!  Whatever the case, I'll be happy!
  • Second, I would like for Item Synthesis to return for Kingdom Hearts 3.  In Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2, you had to bust your ass up trying to collect the materials to make the Ultima Weapon, but it was so worth it!  I would like for the Synthesis feature to return with more in depth accessories to craft.  And who knows, maybe there could be a Keyblade even more powerful than the Ultima Weapon that can be crafted through synthesis!
  • Third, there has to be a lot of new Keyblades!  If they have to bring back a few old Keyblades from past games, then okay, I don't have a problem with that, but I want lots of more varieties of Keyblades.  BBS and KH3D didn't have that much Keyblades, so I was sad about that.  Here's hoping more Keyblades will be included in KH3!
  • Fourth, there had better be a freakishly epic secret boss or two available!  Because honestly, in KH3D, I was expecting one epic secret boss, but when I saw that it was Julius, my mind got so banged up, I had a MINDFUDGE!  Seeing as how epic the secret bosses from past games were, I had high expectations for KH3D's secret boss, but I was disappointed by Julius.  I just hope that KH3 delivers on epic secret bosses!
  • Fifth, I would like for summons to return to KH3.  Or at least maybe some new innovative way of using D-Links.  And also, I loved the Flowmotion mechanic of KH3D, so I obviously want that back!  I'm sure that on the gameply front, KH3 will deliver hands down, because if Kingdom Hearts is known for anything other than the epic story, it's the glorious gameplay in epic combat!
  • And last but not least, I would like for the game to be longer, at least a little bit longer than Kingdom Hearts 2, if not twice as long.  Although KH3D was pretty long, I craved for more.  So I hope more worlds can be available, and I've got a few ideas, like worlds from: Atlantis, The Lost Empire, Treasure Planet, Pocahontas, Pirates of The Carribbean: Dead Man's Chest, perhaps a Pixar world, and The Lion King 2: Simba's Pride!  There are a few other worlds I had in mind, but I forgot them.  But anyways, these new worlds plus a few old ones from previous entries would help in bringing more length to the game!  And I'm predicting the final world will be inside Kingdom Hearts, but judging from what Xehanort said at the end of KH3D, and I quote: "Let us meet in the fated place, where your seven lights and my thirteen darknesses will clash to beget the prize I seek.", part of the final world might be in The Keyblade Graveyard, but maybe the rest of the final world is in Kingdom Hearts itself perhaps?  

Well, those are my thoughts on what I expect for Kingdom Hearts 3.  What do you guys think, and what do you guys expect for the conclusion of the Xehanort Arc? :)

1)i would like to the drive gauge back and two things about the armor i thought one that when they're in armored form their attacks would change a bit, will they look like aqua and ven in the final battle full body armor(or just no helmet)

2)synthesis is cool but its a bit of a pain since it takes a while to collect the items necessary

3)more keyblades=more awesomeness square should bring probably 2-4 old keyblades

4)yeah i love the secret bosses

5)as well as this

6) i enjoy the world of KH bring it on new worlds!!!

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1)i would like to the drive gauge back and two things about the armor i thought one that when they're in armored form their attacks would change a bit, will they look like aqua and ven in the final battle full body armor(or just no helmet)

2)synthesis is cool but its a bit of a pain since it takes a while to collect the items necessary

3)more keyblades=more awesomeness square should bring probably 2-4 old keyblades

4)yeah i love the secret bosses

5)as well as this

6) i enjoy the world of KH bring it on new worlds!!!

To answer your first one, I would like for completely new armor for Sora and Riku, armor that fits their style and personality, or if not, then an outfit change.

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i said it once and i'll say it again the worlds need to be filled with random NPC. KH3D took the first good point for the worlds and made them big now KH3 need to takes that point and add random NPC to make each world feel alive and something worth fighting for

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To answer your first one, I would like for completely new armor for Sora and Riku, armor that fits their style and personality, or if not, then an outfit change.

that not what i meant, i mean like when sora and riku use their armor it'll be full body or full body without the helmet 

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I thought Julius was a pretty good secret boss :( Better than the stupidly OP ones where luck matters more than player skill.

He's not talking about the difficulty but who it was i mean nobody cares about Julius what we wanted was somethin like KH1,2,& BBS that maybe hints at the next game

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Hey guys, I know that I've discussed this some times before, but there are some things that I would like to talk to you about in concern about Kingdom Hearts 3.  As we all very well know, we have anticipated this game for a long time now, and Nomura has kept us at bay with the glorious spin offs with juicy content to chew on, so I don't argue on that regard, but we can't deny that we can't wait for Kingdom Hearts 3!  Here are some expectations that I have for KH3.

  • The Drive Gauge should come back, or at least some derivative counterpart of it.  I miss using the epic Forms to bash away at Heartless and Nobodies, and it's just a thrill when you activate Final Form!  And it doesn't have to necessarily be the same Forms that were present in KH2.  They could make completely new Forms, or at least make a cool function in which Sora and Riku can have Keyblade Armor, as a replacement to the Drive Gauge.  It would be epic!  Whatever the case, I'll be happy!
  • Second, I would like for Item Synthesis to return for Kingdom Hearts 3.  In Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2, you had to bust your ass up trying to collect the materials to make the Ultima Weapon, but it was so worth it!  I would like for the Synthesis feature to return with more in depth accessories to craft.  And who knows, maybe there could be a Keyblade even more powerful than the Ultima Weapon that can be crafted through synthesis!
  • Third, there has to be a lot of new Keyblades!  If they have to bring back a few old Keyblades from past games, then okay, I don't have a problem with that, but I want lots of more varieties of Keyblades.  BBS and KH3D didn't have that much Keyblades, so I was sad about that.  Here's hoping more Keyblades will be included in KH3!
  • Fourth, there had better be a freakishly epic secret boss or two available!  Because honestly, in KH3D, I was expecting one epic secret boss, but when I saw that it was Julius, my mind got so banged up, I had a MINDFUDGE!  Seeing as how epic the secret bosses from past games were, I had high expectations for KH3D's secret boss, but I was disappointed by Julius.  I just hope that KH3 delivers on epic secret bosses!
  • Fifth, I would like for summons to return to KH3.  Or at least maybe some new innovative way of using D-Links.  And also, I loved the Flowmotion mechanic of KH3D, so I obviously want that back!  I'm sure that on the gameply front, KH3 will deliver hands down, because if Kingdom Hearts is known for anything other than the epic story, it's the glorious gameplay in epic combat!
  • And last but not least, I would like for the game to be longer, at least a little bit longer than Kingdom Hearts 2, if not twice as long.  Although KH3D was pretty long, I craved for more.  So I hope more worlds can be available, and I've got a few ideas, like worlds from: Atlantis, The Lost Empire, Treasure Planet, Pocahontas, Pirates of The Carribbean: Dead Man's Chest, perhaps a Pixar world, and The Lion King 2: Simba's Pride!  There are a few other worlds I had in mind, but I forgot them.  But anyways, these new worlds plus a few old ones from previous entries would help in bringing more length to the game!  And I'm predicting the final world will be inside Kingdom Hearts, but judging from what Xehanort said at the end of KH3D, and I quote: "Let us meet in the fated place, where your seven lights and my thirteen darknesses will clash to beget the prize I seek.", part of the final world might be in The Keyblade Graveyard, but maybe the rest of the final world is in Kingdom Hearts itself perhaps?  

Well, those are my thoughts on what I expect for Kingdom Hearts 3.  What do you guys think, and what do you guys expect for the conclusion of the Xehanort Arc? :)

You know? I actually like kind of love these ideas! All of this is very similar to what I have expected from KH3.

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I expect to be disappointed.I hope beyond hope that I am wrong in this regard.

Well Nomura did say that KH 3 will blow our minds, so I'm going to trust his word. xDWith the PS3s capabilities, I couldn't even imagine the game being bad after seeing what he did with KH 1 and 2 on just the PS2.

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