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Lu Xun

Are you interested in getting Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII?

Are you interested in getting Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII?  

151 members have voted

  1. 1. Are you interested in getting Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII?

    • Yes, I am! I want to get it the day its English version is released.
    • A bit. I might get it some time after it is released.
    • Not that much. If I do buy it, it'll probably be in the end of the year or after that.
    • No, I'm not. I won't get this game.
    • Nah. I think they shouldn't have made a sequel to FFXIII in the first place.

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Nah, won't be getting it. I don't care for FF unfortunately. Never liked the battle systems. Granted, I've only played XII, which was a Birthday present for me last year... But I just can't get into it.

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I never played the sequel to FFXIII, and so far this one isn't gripping me. I'm sure I'm not the first to say that 13 hasn't been Square's lucky number.


I won't knock it before I try it, but I'm not clamoring to try it, I hope it does well and is better received than its predecessors were.

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I'm waiting till it goes down in price. firetruck paying $70 - $100.


Woah, you pay for PS3 games at $100 when they first come out? O_O


When PS3 games come out at my stores, they're usually 59.99 or $60, and they go down to $20 after a few months.


Not really. I'll probably buy it in a few years when it's really cheap.

You know, if you wait a couple months, it'll probably be cheap enough. But if you want it REALLY cheap, just buy it at gamestop and not someplace like Target or Walmart.

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Woah, you pay for PS3 games at $100 when they first come out? O_O


When PS3 games come out at my stores, they're usually 59.99 or $60, and they go down to $20 after a few months.


You know, if you wait a couple months, it'll probably be cheap enough. But if you want it REALLY cheap, just buy it at gamestop and not someplace like Target or Walmart.


I clearly said I'm Australian. We pay a lot more for video games when they come out.


I've never paid $100, but in the past some games have been $100. I'm expecting about $80 for Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII.


I also said I'm going to wait till 2014 to get it. I won't be able to play it until then anyway. I have five Final Fantasy games I need to complete before I play Lightning Returns.

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I'll get it after I get Pokemon X&Y.....Pokemon XY is a top priority for me and I can't afford to miss it just because Square felt like to develop their game in a much shorter development time than XIII-2



Don't get me wrong I'm interested in LRFFXIII(let the shitstorm of the FF fanbase begin) but Pokemon X&Y looks much much much better than this game



Well,looks like Lightning got owned by Whitney's Miltank again

Edited by Metal Snake

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I clearly said I'm Australian. We pay a lot more for video games when they come out.


I've never paid $100, but in the past some games have been $100. I'm expecting about $80 for Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII.


I also said I'm going to wait till 2014 to get it. I won't be able to play it until then anyway. I have five Final Fantasy games I need to complete before I play Lightning Returns.

Oh, sorry, i didn't see your comment up above. *sheepish grin*


Ok then, that makes more sense on why you'd wait that long.


And what's so bad about XIII?

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Don't know... It depends on the release date of LRFFXIII and KH HD 1.5 ReMIX. They both will be released in Autumn, but they both will be very expensive: 110€!! And I'm also interested in FFXHD, so I have to start saving money for later this year :S

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I'm very interested after just recently finshing watching Cutscenes/gameplay of Final Fantasy 13 and Final Fantasy 13-2.

How ironic the daily poll would be about Final Fantasy 13: Lighting Returns when I just finished watching FF13-2. IT MUST MEAN SOMETHING!! Coincidence? I think not!

And god, it's still killing me on what's gonna happen next. 


But, I don't have the console for the game and the price is a bit much. Might just watch more cutscenes and gameplay. Maybe in the future, I'll get all 3 Final Fantasy 13. 


More or less, I just want more Hope Estheim. :D

Edited by Noobles

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