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Okay I'm not gonna fight with anyone over anything so I won't be responding to any replies but-

You choose your thoughts. You choose your actions.  You choose your likes.  You choose your dislikes.  You choose who you are.

Great.  I would love to have "chosen" not to be ADHD.  Sexuality is a similar thing as it is how your brain works.

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Great.  I would love to have "chosen" not to be ADHD.  Sexuality is a similar thing as it is how your brain works.

Don't you get it? You did choose that! Just like I chose to have paranoid schizophrenia! Common Othersider get with the program here. Something that occurs naturally is chosen. It's fact....Somehow..

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Don't you get it? You did choose that! Just like I chose to have paranoid schizophrenia! Common Othersider get with the program here. Something that occurs naturally is chosen. It's fact....Somehow..


It's a fact stated by JESUS obvs

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 Sorry I don't appreciate people telling me to be nice to my oppressor because that is crap. I'm allowed to get angry, I am allowed to be upset because my own basic human rights are at stake. My anger is not getting the best of me, I'm letting my human emotions show and that does not make me or my arguments invalid because I'M ALLOWED TO GET UPSET. I hate the whole idea that you have to be nice to your firetrucking oppressors to get them to listen to you. No, I do not have to be nice to them. firetruck that.



No you don't choose your likes or dislikes and sometimes you can't help who you are.

I can't help that I'm an angry individual. I don't choose to be angry.

I didn't choose who I'm attracted to. I didn't choose to love who I do. It happened and I chose to accept it. But I didn't choose for it to happen. 

I'm not saying you have to suck up to them but it's true that most people will simply dismiss something they see in all caps without even looking at it. I got angry too but I realized that it would only make things worse. Being a gay man myself I know how important this is an how much is a stake. It's not bad to be angry, in fact it's good because it means you care, but try to express it in a way people will consider rather than just ignore. That's how progress is made. Besides I'm pretty sure that the person you're angry at is no longer responding to this topic.

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Can't choose what happens in your brain.

In a person's mind, previous experience in the thought creation center is put together with previous experience and one's personalty which is developed from a parent's input and teachings, living conditions, then an idea is formed and sent to the action center of the brain to determine it without our control. Its like if you look at something with words on it, you don't always tell yourself to read it, your brain will interpret it automatically. Data is the thing the brain is here for.

Edited by Guest

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I'm not saying you have to suck up to them but it's true that most people will simply dismiss something they see in all caps without even looking at it. I got angry too but I realized that it would only make things worse. Being a gay man myself I know how important this is an how much is a stake. It's not bad to be angry, in fact it's good because it means you care, but try to express it in a way people will consider rather than just ignore. That's how progress is made.


This kind of sounds to me like "BE NICE TO YOUR OPPRESSORS OR THEY WON'T CARE" which I think is a bunch of BS. If someone dismisses someone's thoughts because they are angry, then they're pieces of crap not worth of anyone's time anyways. I'm queer too and I put up with bullshit all the time. Even when I'm nice people are like "whatever". There comes a time when you have to stop being nice because no one gives a damn when you're nice either. I rather call people out for their bullshit in an angry manner than have to act all nice and sugar coat it for them. If they ignore me, then that's too bad for them because I'll keep coming back and back. 

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Don't you get it? You did choose that! Just like I chose to have paranoid schizophrenia! Common Othersider get with the program here. Something that occurs naturally is chosen. It's fact....Somehow..

well, that was a stupid choice of mine.  add it to the list.

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It's not a choice who you're firetrucking attracted to. Otherwise when someone you like didn't like you back it wouldn't bother most people, they'd just move on EASILY. And if that were the case then a straight guy trying to say that it's a choice could go out suck a dick like it were no one's business and honestly claim that they enjoyed it. But guess what? They can't, because they're firetrucking attracted to women. It's the same thing for homosexuals. They can't force themselves to be attracted to someone. And even if it were a choice why would it matter? It doesn't affect you one bit. 

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But someone please tell me how a dude that likes dude and wants to marry another dude is so catastrophic that it effects the lives of individuals they have never met

Posted Image

I would post my opinion on here, but I'm pretty sure we get it xD

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So let me see if i get it...

You are hanging your pic as a way to support the now in debate law of marriage with the same sex...

In that case... as people are free to take their choices, why just block them with laws? that´s not quite fair. 

But by the other hand... society has left a scar over all those years of humanity. So it´s hard to eliminate the paradigms of relationships

between people of the same sex. 

so what i think of it? 

All of this won´t matter. Each one is free of doing what they want, as long as it doesn´t risk any life. So why do you need a paper for telling you that it´s fine? I´m alright with gay and lesvian people, they are just like us, with different ideas, but we are the same at last. So i don´t see the trouble with the God and Society laws and way of living. If thats what they want, so be it. 

But i´m not going to use the = symbol... too simple for my taste xD

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Everyone knows that if you bring religion into politics you are going to suffer backlash. Just let two gay men/women get married and firetruck who they want and just shut up and do what you want that doesn't force others to do the same. 

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I take it everyone is familiar with the Westboro Baptist Church, right? We should all go to they're church, and tell them to shut the hell up. I fully support this, though lol

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I take it everyone is familiar with the Westboro Baptist Church, right? We should all go to they're church, and tell them to shut the hell up. I fully support this, though lol

That would be fun. xD

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Can we just stop with the debate here? It would be a shame if we keep arguing until it's a war and kh13.com suffers a schism because of different positions. Everyone who is for gay marriage: you won't convince the other side to change including me. Everyone against gay marriage: you won't convince the other side to change. Ok? This is a sensitive issue and we should all stop the debate and argument and let the Supreme Court decide. What would break my heart is if kh13.com would be split because of an argument over one issue and make this site weak.

Edited by KingdomHearts3

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I don't have anything against gays. I actually admire people who can be who they are, without shame. But I think I'll just side with the bible on this.

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Can we just stop with the debate here? It would be a shame if we keep arguing until it's a war and kh13.com suffers a schism because of different positions. Everyone who is for gay marriage: you won't convince the other side to change including me. Everyone against gay marriage: you won't convince the other side to change. Ok? This is a sensitive issue and we should all stop the debate and argument and let the Supreme Court decide. What would break my heart is if kh13.com would be split because of an argument over one issue and make this site weak.

the fact that you care more about a website than the basic rights of human beings proves that youre an ignorant bigot. i will never stop fighting for my rights that i deserve.

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the fact that you care more about a website than the basic rights of human beings proves that youre an ignorant bigot.i will never stop fighting for my rights that i deserve.

Ok. First, I see all of this as argument. If you want to fight for your rights, you can protest in D.C or if your neighborhood or town has some protest movement for this.Second, how can anyone on here take away your rights? The only restrictions on here are for posting and threads. Third, the only thing that really matters is what position every person stands for and knowing that peacefully. Do not attack anyone who disagrees with you on this issue or any issue including me. Fourth, these are not basic rights in my opinion. You believe otherwise, but i respect your position. Please respect mine.

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Can we just stop with the debate here? It would be a shame if we keep arguing until it's a war and kh13.com suffers a schism because of different positions. Everyone who is for gay marriage: you won't convince the other side to change including me. Everyone against gay marriage: you won't convince the other side to change. Ok? This is a sensitive issue and we should all stop the debate and argument and let the Supreme Court decide. What would break my heart is if kh13.com would be split because of an argument over one issue and make this site weak.



It's funny since the Supreme Court is going to have a tough time deciding whether Gay marriage should be legal or not if around half of the population says no. The Supreme Court also base their decisions on the populations stances, you know.


Besides, it's just a site that delivers KH news. I don't see what "war" will happen here if 80% of the people here support gays or don't even care what they do in their life.  

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Ok. First, I see all of this as argument. If you want to fight for your rights, you can protest in D.C or if your neighborhood or town has some protest movement for this.Second, how can anyone on here take away your rights? The only restrictions on here are for posting and threads. Third, the only thing that really matters is what position every person stands for and knowing that peacefully. Do not attack anyone who disagrees with you on this issue or any issue including me. Fourth, these are not basic rights in my opinion. You believe otherwise, but i respect your position. Please respect mine.

of course you see this argument because you dont respect me or other queer people enough to realize what your bigoted opinion does. do you think it feels good to be told youre wrong and unnatural by people like you? you can fight for your rights in many ways and you know i don't have the means to protest like you suggested. i live in a bigoted town with a bigoted school who threatened to suspend me for hugging my girlfriend. guess who wanted to suspend me? someonelike you. youre taking away my rights as a human by not respecting me or others. of course you dot see it because again, youre a privileged bigot. Plus you can have your hateful opinion but i can call you out on it because it affects me. so apparently being able to love who you want and being able to be who you are aren basic rights? i thoughy we all had the right to pursue happiness but apparently you dont think so. so thanks for letting me know that i dont deserve to be happy. i will never respect someone whos opinion makes me deserve less than being treated like a human being. thanks for givig the world your ignorance and hate. if youre allowed to choose which ignorant religion youre part of then i should be able to marry someone i fell in love (and you cant choose who you fall in love with) Edited by Koko

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Hey, my friends are lesbians...they can do whatever the hell they want to. I will support them and any freaking way I can. Love is Love people <3

Posted ImageGay Uraboku <3 <3 <3 loved this series


Edited by Sodom

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Ok. First, I see all of this as argument. If you want to fight for your rights, you can protest in D.C or if your neighborhood or town has some protest movement for this.Second, how can anyone on here take away your rights? The only restrictions on here are for posting and threads. Third, the only thing that really matters is what position every person stands for and knowing that peacefully. Do not attack anyone who disagrees with you on this issue or any issue including me. Fourth, these are not basic rights in my opinion. You believe otherwise, but i respect your position. Please respect mine.

They are basic rights. Everyone should be able to be treated as an equal. When someone is denied something like marriage that isn't equal.


The fact that everyone thinks they should have an opinion on the matter sickens me. The fact that something like gay marriage even needs to be voted on sickens me. It doesn't effect anyone other than homosexuals. Just leave them the firetruck alone. They aren't hurting anything by loving someone.

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