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The Red Equal Sign.

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Fool. I don't need a picture to express my opinion.

xD I love how this person stays in character


Thanks for finally explaining what it means! I support the campaign, but I'm gonna stick with my profile pic

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What a terrible movement. 

I agree. It is not right to promote something against the natural laws of the universe and against God's Will in my opinion.


Edit: post number 400 for me!

Edited by KingdomHearts3

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so thats what its about

i agree with Xemnas i don't need a pic

Edited by Balloonga

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I agree. It is not right to promote something against the natural laws of the universe and against God's Will in my opinion.


Edit: post number 400 for me!

If God is as loving and compassionate as the Church says, wouldn't he support two people in love and want them to be happy, regardless of gender? Besides all we want is to marry the person we love and be able to receive the same financial support given to heterosexual couples.


Ohhh so this is what it means.






What a terrible movement. 


Not nice.

Edited by Sora_Kuno

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You really think some mythical cloud man gives a flying firetruck about who marries who? It's people like you who turn me off to religion completely. Besides all we want is to marry the person we love and be able to receive the same financial support given to heterosexual couples. If that doesn't happen maybe someone should start a campaign to have the aforementioned support removed from heterosexual couples. How would you like that huh? And how does two men or two women getting married affect you anyway? Doesn't the bible say "Judge not lest ye be judged"? You make me sick!


Edit: Be glad the site automatically censors profanity.

So let me get this straight: if same sex marriage is legalized, I have to recognize it even though it's against my conscience? That's not fair to me. What about everyone else? Do all those who don't support it have to recognize it even though it's against their consciences? That's not fair to them. I am not judging anyway. I am telling you what I believe and if you don't like it, your problem; not mine.

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So let me get this straight: if same sex marriage is legalized, I have to recognize it even though it's against my conscience? That's not fair to me. What about everyone else? Do all those who don't support it have to recognize it even though it's against their consciences? That's not fair to them. I am not judging anyway. I am telling you what I believe and if you don't like it, your problem; not mine.

Decades ago people said the same thing about Interracial marriage. I'm sorry I got so mad, I'm just tired of all this bureaucratic red tape interfering with basic human rights and the more close minded religious groups supporting that behavior.

Edited by Sora_Kuno

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Decades ago people said the same thing bout Interracial marriage. I'm sorry I got so mad, I'm just tired or all this bureaucratic red tape interfering with basic human rights and the more close minded religious institutions supporting that behavior.

Since the religious institutions (ex: the Roman Catholic Church) are so unchanging, they endure. If they are constantly change, they fall. They will stand by their beliefs and not change them. It's alright to be mad, but not alright to hate. I understand your position and this is a very, very sensitive political and public issue. I just stand by the beliefs of my faith.

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Not nice.


I'm kidding. 



I agree. It is not right to promote something against the natural laws of the universe and against God's Will in my opinion.


Edit: post number 400 for me!


If it's not natural then why are thousands of species in the animal kingdom having sexual intercourse with the same sex? Explain. 


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Since the religious institutions (ex: the Roman Catholic Church) are so unchanging, they endure. If they are constantly change, they fall. They will stand by their beliefs and not change them. It's alright to be mad, but not alright to hate. I understand your position and this is a very, very sensitive political and public issue. I just stand by the beliefs of my faith.

The church has actually endured because they've changed. Historically the man equated with Jesus was born in the Summer, the Catholic church changed that because since they couldn't quash the pagan festivals that take place in Winter they decided to appropriate them to suit their needs. The Church also supported slavery but after it was abolished they changed their stance on it. It's the organism that adapts that survives.

Edited by Sora_Kuno

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