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If only I were older than now and knew where the voicings were held for terra i'd SO be in the auditions! :P But sadly as my voice is deep enough, it doesn't have any emotion T_T


As you can see -_-


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If only I were older than now and knew where the voicings were held for terra i'd SO be in the auditions! :P But sadly as my voice is deep enough, it doesn't have any emotion T_T


As you can see -_-



your voice acting reminds me of leon, no offense, if i even got a part in a game, id be one of those sad characters, with the weird voice, and the possible dorky complexion

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Oh thats nice, Someone on Youtube says I sound like Xemnas, some say I soun like Ansem's Apprentice (Terranort) and some say I sound like Terra, but now YOU say I sound like Leon? Great who's next? Lexaeus? (I wish xP)

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Oh thats nice, Someone on Youtube says I sound like Xemnas, some say I soun like Ansem's Apprentice (Terranort) and some say I sound like Terra, but now YOU say I sound like Leon? Great who's next? Lexaeus? (I wish xP)


i understand you are joking, but i don't mean to be rude, that's exactly why i inserted that comment about me sucking at acting altogether

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none taken, I actually think I sound like him too. Whenever I talk quietly to myself. But if only my voice had more emotion in it I would soun like a better Terra instead of Terranort. But oh well, I can always voice Xemnas if Square Enix needed it :P

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yeah, i say this from the deep side of my 'heart' that only reveals itself every full moon! (lols, first off, that's just a load of crud, second, that might mean im a werewolf, third, the moon itself isn't even out, let alone being a full moon) yeah, if there were emotion, that would boost your voice acting 100 fold!

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