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The Xion battleground

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Xion is the most sympathetic character in the series. Need I say more?


xD I somehow KNEW this thread would be created!


*Pulls up chair and popcorn*

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Xion(<3) is My favorite KH Char she has such a sad story and such a tragic ending that makes me love her even more. I think she didn't do anything wrong and I put the blame on Organization XIII and on AXEL!!!!. Had he not gone to hunt her then she wouldn't have such a tragic ending (Sora's face) poor Xion (<3)

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Xion(<3) is My favorite KH Char she has such a sad story and such a tragic ending that makes me love her even more. I think she didn't do anything wrong and I put the blame on Organization XIII and on AXEL!!!!. Had he not gone to hunt her then she wouldn't have such a tragic ending (Sora's face) poor Xion (<3)

How is it tragic at all? She caused so many problems she deserved what she got.


Plus she forced roxas to kill her so they both could go back to sora without telling him the truth.



Made Roxas kill his best friend.

Lied to him.

Tried to get him to do something he didn't even want to do.

What a bitch!


How is that even Axel's fault? He tried to protect her. hahaha

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I have prepared a nifty checklist for everyone.


chances are you like like xion if you are a

-nintendo fanboy

-angst y teenage girl

-played days first

-never played the real kh


chances are you have a cool fav character if you

-use logic and observations in order to make decisions

(lol jk that was hash xD, im not that mean lululuu)


but srsly  I dont like her.

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Personally, I just love Xion because she reminded me of a friend I had once. I like relating to Roxas a good bit as well, so naturally I'd love Xion. "Don't go! Who else will I eat ice cream with? I want no one else here with me but you, Xion." Great stuff :) not my favorite character, but still a favorite.


As for the above post.. I am none of the above. Played every single Kingdom Hearts since they came out basically, and loved them all :P

Edited by Dr. Shimo

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Personally, I just love Xion because she reminded me of a friend I had once. I like relating to Roxas a good bit as well, so naturally I'd love Xion. "Don't go! Who else will I eat ice cream with? I want no one else here with me but you, Xion." Great stuff :) not my favorite character, but still a favorite.


As for the above post.. I am none of the above. Played every single Kingdom Hearts since they came out basically, and loved them all :P

Axel...His true friend. Duuuuuur.

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How is it tragic at all? She caused so many problems she deserved what she got.


Plus she forced roxas to kill her so they both could go back to sora without telling him the truth.



Made Roxas kill his best friend.

Lied to him.

Tried to get him to do something he didn't even want to do.

What a bitch!


How is that even Axel's fault? He tried to protect her. hahaha


Xion made Roxas kill her because if she continued to live, she'd fully absorb Roxas and kill him.  It's him or her and she decided Roxas deserved it more.  Roxas wouldn't have understood her decision and he'd never willingly kill his friend, so she had to coax her.

Xion didn't lie to him so much as distanced herself from him as to not get involved.  It was Axel who lied to Roxas's face and kept the real truth from him.

Friends ask friends for favors.  Of course, I don't think Roxas's suicide mission by making a huge scene was what she had in mind.

Axel is as much to blame for how things happened as Xion.  He willfully kept the truth from both of them, but even if he did tell them, what would it accomplish?  What better result would that produce, given the natures of Roxas and Xion and the Organization's plans?


People seem to think everything would've been solved if they'd told each other everything, as if honesty would've solved the issues they faced.  The problems Xion caused were mostly beyond her control, which makes her less a character and more a plot device.  How can you say she's a bitch when her personality is so negligible that it was the whims of the plot that made her act as she did?

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is My favorite KH Char she has such a sad story and such a tragic

ending that makes me love her even more. I think she didn't do anything

wrong and I put the blame on Organization XIII and on AXEL!!!!. Had he

not gone to hunt her then she wouldn't have such a tragic ending (Sora's

face) poor Xion (<3)


Well okay, one thing's for sure: If Axel hadn't hunted her down, she would have had the same end, but through other means. He did it in hopes that she and him and Roxas could keep on living together, to fulfill the promise of going to the beach they had made a few days earlier! When Xion showed her face to Axel on that ne mission, it was already Sora's face. That's why he let her go.


How is it tragic at all? She caused so many problems she deserved what she got.

She didn't ask to be alive though. Which is why she accepted her own fate.

Plus she forced roxas to kill her so they both could go back to sora without telling him the truth.



Made Roxas kill his best friend.

Lied to him.

Tried to get him to do something he didn't even want to do.

What a bitch!


Everything Xion did was because she had no other choice. First of all, she had JUST been reprogrammed by Xemnas. She couldn't think straight. Second, she was running out of time. If she kept on living any longer and if she stumbled across Roxas again, she would suck up all of Roxas' energy and HE'D die, and cause permanent damage to Sora whether Roxas was out of breath or not. He would never wake up.

In fact, having Roxas finish her off was the nicest thing she could have done. Her death was pretty much an apology. She obviously regretted making Roxas suffer, but she knew that he'd forget it anyway.



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Personally I can't really hate Xion, but she's not my favorite character either. I just get really pissed whenever people say that she's a worthless character.

She's not. Sure, her story wasn't exactly necessary in the series, but Xion is a kingdom hearts character that deserves as much respect as any of the characters. 

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Axel...His true friend. Duuuuuur.

But Roxas couldn't have babies with Axel (though I'm not entirely sure he could with Xion o.o)


Xion made Roxas kill her because if she continued to live, she'd fully absorb Roxas and kill him.  It's him or her and she decided Roxas deserved it more.  Roxas wouldn't have understood her decision and he'd never willingly kill his friend, so she had to coax her.

Xion didn't lie to him so much as distanced herself from him as to not get involved.  It was Axel who lied to Roxas's face and kept the real truth from him.

Friends ask friends for favors.  Of course, I don't think Roxas's suicide mission by making a huge scene was what she had in mind.

Axel is as much to blame for how things happened as Xion.  He willfully kept the truth from both of them, but even if he did tell them, what would it accomplish?  What better result would that produce, given the natures of Roxas and Xion and the Organization's plans?


People seem to think everything would've been solved if they'd told each other everything, as if honesty would've solved the issues they faced.  The problems Xion caused were mostly beyond her control, which makes her less a character and more a plot device.  How can you say she's a bitch when her personality is so negligible that it was the whims of the plot that made her act as she did?


Well, she was a puppet. Buut, the thing is, that is still her. An empty shell "plot device", just like the rest of the Organization. She had as much of a right to be there as they did, and given more time, her heart could have developed even further. I'm sure developing a heart out of nowhere and going through a bunch of other people using her as that puppet/plot device would have been very hard on her.

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Go ahead and challenge me. I won't hesitate to retort.

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Xion made Roxas kill her because if she continued to live, she'd fully absorb Roxas and kill him.  It's him or her and she decided Roxas deserved it more.  Roxas wouldn't have understood her decision and he'd never willingly kill his friend, so she had to coax her.

Xion didn't lie to him so much as distanced herself from him as to not get involved.  It was Axel who lied to Roxas's face and kept the real truth from him.

Friends ask friends for favors.  Of course, I don't think Roxas's suicide mission by making a huge scene was what she had in mind.

Axel is as much to blame for how things happened as Xion.  He willfully kept the truth from both of them, but even if he did tell them, what would it accomplish?  What better result would that produce, given the natures of Roxas and Xion and the Organization's plans?


People seem to think everything would've been solved if they'd told each other everything, as if honesty would've solved the issues they faced.  The problems Xion caused were mostly beyond her control, which makes her less a character and more a plot device.  How can you say she's a bitch when her personality is so negligible that it was the whims of the plot that made her act as she did?



Xion deliberately held the truth from Roxas just as much as Axel did . He also tried to stop both of them from destroying each other in Halloween town absorbing both of their blows at the same time. He defended Xion to Saix and didn't want either destroyed but did not see a way out of the situation for any of them .He didnt think the truth would've helped save them bc they were told they would all be destroyed if they defied the organization .Therefore he didnt want  them to leave and feared that would be their fates if the truth came out . He wanted to find a way to save both but didn't know how.. In short , he was wrong to keep the truth but his motivation made more sense than Xion's bc she didn't even have logic to constantly running away and even threatening her fellow best friends . She confided in Namine and Riku  yet not her best friends . Telling her friends the truth might not have changed their fates , but at least their friendship didn't have to end the way it did and with some dignity .Roxas deserved to at least accept his own fate which Xion cruelly robbed him of .She made that decision for him and in the most firetrucked up manner by cruelly forcing him to kill her . He could've at least understood why she was doing this . Basically they all made mistakes but constantly blaming Axel makes no sense when Xion made her share too. 

Am I the only one who think that hating a character is stupid? Why can't we just put the hate aside and enjoy the game?


This is just for fun .Calm yo tits xD 

Edited by Flaming Lea

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I'm like Xion because I don't really have a reason to hate her in my opinion. For some reason Kairi and Xion are the ones hated the most by people. And somehow one of the arguements for both of them is that she is a worthless character.

Have fun arguing when there is no right and wrong...

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