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KHRecoded Did you find this game challenging?

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Was the difficulty of Re:Coded challenging to you? I found it to be very hard, especially towards the second half of the game. Behind KH3D, this is the second hardest KH game for me so far. What do you think about it? 

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Well, it took me 15 hours to beat it on Standard and I didn't die once, then I went through and beat the worlds on the other difficulties faster without dying. Then I decided that it was a good time to do all the extra stuff and the only time I died was when I was against that giant Roxas virus thing and I died once then beat him the second time. That was the end of my first week with the game. I then went through and got very command then used my Wii for that multiplayer part thing(sorry Idr what its called). I think this game had potential to be the hardest in the series if there was a secret boss, but there wasn't really. I think story-wise KHII was hardest for me and to pretty much complete (by that I mean everything except Gummi Ship stuff) was probably BBS cuz I hate MF and he's too good.

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Well, the 30 layers Collosseum, optional things such as getting the Ultima Weapon and beating enemies fast are VERY.DAMN.CHALLENGING. But everything else...? No, not really.

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Well I think the turned based fighting system is the dumbest battle system ever invented, so the Olympus Colosseum was really annoying. I also had a hard time with Sora's Heartless, but other than that, the game was pretty fun, easy, and enjoyable

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