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Corrupted keyblade

Beware of Walkers

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(Yes this is a Zombie RP)


Walkers are crawling all over the city few survivors inhabit the area.  Food is running low and so are survivors.  It looks like there is no possible way to survive.  But that doesn't mean we can't try.   There are always chances we will get a way to communicate with other survivors but sometimes the other survivors are worse than the walkers.  You never know who you can trust but you never know if the next person you meet could save your life in the long run.  Everything from this point on is built on choice.  Choose carefully and wisely. 


* You can go crazy and be cruel but you CAN NOT kill someones character without their permission.
* Then just remember all KH13 RP Rules and we'll be good!







Weapon: (nothing mystical or magical, can be ghetto or crafty but yeah nothing crazy lol)

Short Bio: (Where you were when all this went down)

Here is mine:

Name: Jack Gomez

Age: 21

Gender: Male
Appearance: Posted Image

Weapon:  A fireman's Ax

Bio:  Jack was at his 21st birthday when a strange walker came inside and started eating his friends while he was at the bar.  He didn't know what to but watch until this guy handed him a pool Cue and asked him to help.   He broke it off the side of the bar then stabbed the Walker in the neck.  Then the walker pushed him down when a loud gunshot sounded and the walkers brains exploded on him.  Jack has now been following this survivor group that he doesn't agree with.  He plans on leaving the group soon.

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Name: Eve "Zion" Taylor

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Appearance: LINK

Weapon: Competition Bow

Short Bio: Eve was showing her friends the better point of Archery in her backyard, when it started. Walkers crawled through the house, broke through the glass. Eve let arrows fly as one friend was eaten...but soon she stood alone...among the dead and re-dead bodies of walkers and friends alike.

Gathering arrows, a traumatized Eve ran with what little she had on hand from her house, trying to survive without parents or friends. To distance herself, Eve started to go by the name Zion to whoever stayed alive long enough to earn her trust.

Which wasn't for long.



Inb4 Sikota arrives to try and ship this reincarnation of Zion O.o

Edited by Oathkeeper136

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Name:mao king



Appearance:Posted Image

Posted Imagemask

Weapon: cane katana, another katana later on

Short Bio: mao was out walking late at night for some exercis he got to the park and started to run around a bit he had his head phones in so he didnt hear much he stop in the middel of the park and looked around there wasnt much noise but he keep jogging tell he made it home the door wasnt locked he pushed and the door came open slowly. he looked for his dog but no sound was anywhere he walked into his liveing room and his dogs head was laying on the ground he looked over and a walker was eating his dog it turned to attack him and he grabed his glass table and hit it in the head he keep going untell it final stopped moveing he stood up. and walked to his room he pushed his bed over and moved a floor Bord there was a demon mask and a cane katana in the floor he left his hous and the lasting he did was looked at his dog's head slid the mask on and walked away to find the world being detroyed. as he travelled alon

Edited by darklunatic

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Name: Rin Yamashi

Age: 15

Gender: female


Posted Image

Weapon: twin pistols that has blades attached to them that acts as knives

Short Bio: Rin was at a gun range learning how to shoot with her older brothers when the walkers came in and wrecked havoc among the people that were there. Even though it was a practice gun, she manage to shoot some of them down but she couldn't save anyone, including her brother that didn't make it out alive. Terrified of the scene, she managed to flee from the gun range with two pistols that she took off the display and some extra ammo. 

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Name: Hattie Mason

Age: 20 

Gender: Female 

Appearance: https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&site=imghp&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=1241&bih=544&q=anime+girl+with+pony+tail&oq=anime+girl+with+pony+tail&gs_l=img.3...3062.7198.0.7405.,or.r_cp.r_qf.&bvm=bv.44158598,d.eWU&fp=445d1c1e191f58e1&biw=1241&bih=544&imgrc=vEwn3L_byOjtoM%3A%3BH_35FV7BQdr48M%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.wallsave.com%252Fwallpapers%252F1600x1134%252Fgirl-with-gun%252F182166%252Fgirl-with-gun-anime-x-182166.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.wallsave.com%252Fwallpaper%252F1600x1134%252Fgirl-with-gun-anime-x-182166.html%3B1600%3B1134

Weapon: Sniper rifle (in picture), hunting knife, and pistol 

Short Bio: Being a FBI agent, Hattie always thought she should handle every situation. Unfortunately, a couple walkers eating your parents is not something an agent was trained for. Hattie's parents came over to Hattie's house for dinner, in celebration of her father's successful surgery. While Hattie was cooking in the kitchen, she heard crashes and screams from her parents as Hattie knew something was wrong. Rushing to the dining room, she looked at the horrifying scene that will haunt her forever. Windows were broken, glasses were shattered, but her parents was in the worst condition. Their bodies were torn apart and towering over them were 3 walkers all covered in blood. Quickly grabbing her sniper rifle from a hidden hole she shot all the 3 walkers with tears in her eyes. Soon after that, everything was a blur as Hattie packed everything she could in her backpack and went into the outside world. 

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Name:Alessa Liddell
Appearance:Posted Image
((Wears red shorts with half of one side in a checkered pattern,black T-shirt and high tops.))
Weapon:basic handgun,butcher knife and hand to hand combat if needed.
Short Bio: (Where you were when all this went down)
Alessa had been in her room reading when she heard her parents screams come from downstairs.She grabbed a baseball bat and ran to their rescue.When she reached the bottom of the stairs Alessa saw her parents being eaten by the walkers.She quickly killed them with her bat and grabbed her dads gun that he kept with him along with a butcher knife in case she couldn't use the gun.Alessa quickly said bye to her parents and ran out the door prepared to fight.((sorry it's not that good I sorta had a long day  :mellow: ))

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(NO its perfectly find and acceptable!  So yeah  now we can start :))Jack was stored up in the local wal-mart.  He had a hiking backpack full of stuff.   He had enough food to last himself a few months and had a couple knives ready to be thrown from a seconds notice.  He had his ax in hand and was ready for whatever happened.  Then he heard a rustling from nearby behind the raided chip aisle.   He looked and saw a walker shoving intestines of its victim in the ground.   Jack gagged a bit but regained his composure.  He then grabbed a knife and tossed it quickly at the walker watching the blade land between the eyes of the walker.  Jack picked up the blade then severed the head with his ax to make sure it was dead.  Jack then ran over to the hunting section and loaded up on duct tape, first aid kits and a shot gun just in case.  He still preferred his ax but it would help to have some extra fire power.  He then grabbed a bunch of walkie talkies in case he met anyone else.

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mao stood there for a minute he was on the roof of a building looking down at people who ran away. as well as being eaten the floor was covered in dead bodies e only watched as the blood was spread everywhere he heard the scream's of people from the alley way. he looked over the edge there was an escape way he jumped down and started walkeing his way down the stairs he could even hear the screams in the rooms as he past blood was shoot across the window frame a human head was planted trow it they where bleeding everywhere there only words where "....help me..."mao keep going down as the head was pulled back in he got to the bottom there wasent a sound.he jumped downwhen he landed a walker came from behind him he didnt even pull the sword out he hit it in teh head bashing it into the wall as te blood splattered everwere he walked away into the shadows.

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Alessa's lungs felt as if they were about to burst as she ran through the town.It was no use,everywhere she looked there were walkers.She was grateful they weren't as fast as her games had made them out to be and even luckier she trained herself for this kind of situation.


Let's see...in the games and movies the safest place is a roof..or a high building.. 


Alessa's eyes lit up as an idea struck her.She looked around until she spotted a Wal-Mart.


"There has to be an ax in here or this plan is useless.." She said to herself as she ran across the parking lot making sure to avoid the walkers that covered the place.

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Rin pinned down another walker that was coming her way. By now she was used to them so she didn't have any problems taking them down. She then slit the knife part of her gun hard through the neck and the walker stopped moving. Done and done, she thought and stood up. Her hand was covered in blood but she ignored it. Rin started running through the streets while clearing out the walkers in her path by shooting them down with her pistols 

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Eve prowled the rooftops, not taking any walkers down. She had precious few arrows.

Not that she was in any shape to fight; she saw her friends slaughtered. She was in shock, but instincts managed to get her up and away.

Skirt...luckily she had tennis shoes.

With a sigh, she spotted a Wal-Mart.

She kicked the door a few times. No way down.

Resigned, she tied some rope and let loose an arrow, which thankfully impeded itself in a tree across the street. Tying off the other end to a pipe, Eve jumped, using her bow to zip-line down...but got ready to hang on for dear life as the rope started to sag a bit.

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Alessa ran up to the Wal-Mart doors,the doors were blocked leaving her to find another way in.She sighed as she attempted knocking on the glass to get anyone's attention..of course she assumed whoever had been in there was dead by now.The pounding had managed to get a few walkers attention.Alessa refused to leave her spot in front of the doors,instead she got into a fighting stance and began using advanced hand combat on any walker that came near her.


"If anyone can hear me I could use some help!"She shouted as the group of walkers began to increase.

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Rin made it to a near by Walmart and saw a bunch of walkers crowed in front of the doors. Is there someone up there?, she thought as she slowly made her way to the group of walkers while trying to remain unnoticed. She heard a girl shout something but didn't quite catch it because a walker saw Rin and jumped at her. Crap, she thought and jumped out of the way. The walker grabbed her arm but Rin quickly stabbed at it in the chest and the walker collapsed. Only of these things would stop gushing out so much blood, she thought, shook some of the blood from her hands and ran towards where she was hearing the girl's voice at the front of the Walmart entrance 

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Jack heard the broken glass and ran to the sight.  He had grabbed a few of his knives and started dropping the walkers dead in their tracks that were reaching for the girl.  He then reached through the glass door and pulled her in knowing she may have been hurt.  Then he saw another girl fighting alone near by.  He then ran out ax in one hand and started knocking off heads feeling broken skulls and brain matter fall on his body.  He then grabbed the girl not caring if she was dangerous and pulled her inside to safety.  "Ya'll grab a rack and bring it close and I'll hold these guys off" He orders as he hooks a skull on a walker.  Then one takes him to the ground.  He started crawling back trying to get away but couldn't make it up.  He then began kicking the walker ontop of him in the head.   THe head then crushed open and the walker stopped its attempt on eating him.   He then stood up and looked for anyone else that may need help before he ran back inside.

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Alessa did as she was told,still in shock though from the sudden rescue.When she finished she walked up to the man,"Hello,thanks for helping us I'm Alessa Liddell."Alessa held out her hand politely as she introduced herself.

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(Hey lolitacosplayer I know it may be hard to pull a lot to type out of this but we need a little bit longer of posts just so this thread doesn't get moved into forum games! Not mad or anything lol)Jake looked back at Alessa and then back at the zombies on his tail.   He then ran back into the store pushing her back once more and throwing the shelf in front of the door.     He then pulled down the bars for closing time to help tighten the grip of the walkers staying out.  He then attached his Ax to his back pack and looked back at her.   "Doesn't matter" he said quietly as he walked off sitting on a nearby bench washing the rotted corpse off his body.

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(( Okie,thanks!  :D ))


Alessa sighed,taking one last glimpse of the doors she decided to go look for the ax she needed.She looked over at Jack,feeling the slightest bit guilty that it could have been something she did.Alessa reassured herself it had nothing to do with her,and continued to explore the store.



Hmmm...where exactly are the hunting supplies..?


I Alessa had spent a good ten minutes looking for weapons,but had come up with nothing.After exploring more of the store she had realized the weapons had been just a few aisles((is that how you spell it...?)) down from her.Mentally face-palming herself Alessa walked down the aisle until she found  an ax.


"Yes! now my plan can be put to work!"She whispered loudly to herself.After gathering some more supplies such as food,water,and more ammo along with a back to carry the supplies,Alessa made her way back to everyone.


"Hey guys..I sorta have a plan that might keep us safe from walkers..you are more than welcomed to come,honestly I don't think I can handle being alone anymore." She stood in a stiff awkward position as she spoke trying to make sure her words didn't come out too fast.


((Just letting you know Alessa's plan is my real life ZA plan  :lol: ))

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(Lol oh my lets hear it)"What's the plan?" Jack said shortly while sharpening his knives and his ax.  He then stood up and realized he had a gash up and down his arm from pulling her through the glass.  He's had worse cuts so this didn't bother him too much.  He just needed to clean it up soon.  He then waited to hear her plan and then looked at the other girl who didn't say anything yet.  He was just going to let her be for a while.

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mao looked down so see a body layin there he keep stepping then stopped he looked to the side of both roads he thougt back to his mind and started moveing against complete walls a bit he heard wheel's go off they where skate board wheels he heard the screaming as a board slid in front of him e looked over to see a group of walkers attacking skater's . one of them grabbed his leg "i beg you ....help"mao ignored the person and moved away he grabbed the board and and started riding the walker;s looked up at the sound and started chansing  him there speed was weird he got further way. and jumped a fence he keep going with the walkers chasing him.he was heading to a bigger road as he keep riding hords of walkers chased  behind  "come..."

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