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What if in maybe 10 years or so....

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Lets say in like 10 years(It'll probably take that long) the next KH saga is almost finished. Then Square remasters the whole series again(Including the Xehanort saga) for PS5(Probably not PS4). Would you guys still keep your PS3's with the remaster's we are getting now. Or dump it all and head for the PS5?


I have so many fun games on my PS3 with more to come(Infamous, Uncharted, Final Fantasy, Soon ill have KH) that i couldn't bear to part with it, unless an HD collection is released for most of those games. What about you guys?



I got the idea for this thread and seeing that lots of people are ditching their PS2's for the PS3 since all of their Favorite games are being remastered


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I keep all of my systems.  Remastered versions are fun, but not everything I like gets remastered. 


Plus sometimes I just get really nostalgic and want to play the game in it's original 8 or 64-bits.

Edited by Zola

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I never get rid of my old systems since there's so many fun games on them. Even if you can get them on virtual shops it doesn't give the same feel as playing the actual game sometimes. (I even still have my snes). So I will be keeping my PS3 even if they put the remasters in a collection later on mainly because of all the great games PS3 has.

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Depends on if my system is still functioning, and what incentives they give for rebuying the games again. New version of trophies? Extra features, like commentaries, making of videos, or artwork? Or nothing at all? I'll have the games already, so they need to come up with the proper incentive.


PS5 or no, I'm going to always hold onto my first copy of Kingdom Hearts for the PS2. There's some serious sentimental value with that disc, case, and manual.

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What would they remaster it in? That makes no sense. It's 1080p now. 

I know, i was just using this as an example. Unless they come up with an even higher resolution in like 10 years. Its just a placeholder, i don't mean that it'll really go higher than it is right now. Its just discussing if it was possible, would you still keep your old consoles, or get rid of them and head on to the new ones. Just for discussion purposes. :)

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What would they remaster it in? That makes no sense. It's 1080p now. 

They've (They as in people who do technology and stuff) have already begun to make resolutions exceeding 1080p, diginfo news probably has some videos on it on youtube.

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