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Xbox 'Durango' Requires All Games to be Installed

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How stupid. send the disc. But not actually use the disc.... what is this i don't even....Only install the game onto the hard drive with the disc wow.... 

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the durango is going to fail miserably because online drm never works and the sales will plummet after launch. I will probably avoid the ps4 until a slim version comes out, looks like its pc and ps3 until then.

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$60 for a install disc? I'm not surprised, Microsoft has been doing it for years. (microsoft office comes to mind) Always online and possible DRM, not that my friends is a issue.

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If this is true... Microsoft has already lost the Next Gen Console War. When people hear "There is no such thing as a 'used game' on the next XBox"... Then nobody will buy it. Not enough people, really, to amount to anything.

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