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Introducing friends to KH

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so ofcourse I always tell me friends about Kingdom Hearts, but they don't play it.Now one of my friends at school did want to play it! and ofcourse I was totally enthousiastic.She doesn't have a PS2 but she has a DS so I gave her 358/2 days,Personally I think it's a great game to start with, because Roxas doesn't know everything either. And next to that it's my favorite ;D so what game would you let your friends play? and do your friends play KH?

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358/2 Days is what got my into KH. Funny enough, because my friend was playing it at school. I was like "wow. Cool." So I got the game, then when I got to GameStop and asked about it...


*snaps out of memories*


358/2 seems like a good way to start tbh, but try and get a PS2 to her house so she can play KH1.'



And my best friend plays KH. She told me she hated Riku because he kept on kicking her ass rofl.

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Fool. Yes, it's true. I spread the love of Kingdom Hearts. I try to get all my friends into the game. And even some enemies. I did get my girlfriend into it, which is sweet. I'm having her play Re:CoM though, and she HATES the cards.

Edited by MasterXemnas

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KH1 is where everything starts and what everything ultimately revolves around.  All the other games deal with issues raised directly or indirectly in KH1 with the exception of Days.  Storywise, Days is an awful game to start with because to truly understand things requires familiarity of three different games.  While going into things completely blind gives the game its own impact, it wasn't meant to be played that way.  Because it requires knowledge of KH1, CoM, and even KH2, the game spoils a lot and being surprised in this game has the side effect of knowing what's coming in the others, which negates their impact.  If you or your friend have a PS3, you can wait for 1.5 to come out in English and play the games on one console with updated gameplay and graphics.

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I'd give kh2.Why?1) Roxas' dreams pretty much summarize KH1 and a bit of khCoM.2)It starts out with Roxas' 7-day life and if the person starts to like Roxas then, he/she, would definitely be interested in khDays :3 (you know, they'll be interested in knowing Roxas' past)3)Sora's not so childish in it and becomes a lot more bad-ass as compared to other games4)The secret ending can inspire them to watch/play BBS.All in all, i think KH2 is that "center game" which practically connects and holds together the entire series along with creating a great first impression of the kh franchise

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I gave my friend 358/2 Days to try the series out with, but I believe it actually shunned her from the series because the gameplay isn't that engaging in comparison to some :O.  I think if I could give a friend any game to start out with it'd be Birth by Sleep, just because it has one of the most fascinating stories in the series and the gameplay's fun and engaging (unlike Re:coded that lacks in story, and 358/2 Days that lacks in gameplay).  And I actually do have a very good friend in real-life that loves Kingdom Hearts, which is great for us because we can both obsess over it together. :D

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My friend got a PS2 for Christmas because she wanted to play Kingdom Hearts, but she said she was going to play the games in the order they came out.  But I came into Japanese class yesterday to find her playing 358 Days.

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I have no friends that play KH(for obvious reasons). I would give them KH 1.5 HD ReMIX.



Im ready for you nazi.


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