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The Transcendent Key

Text Seeing The World With Brand New Eyes.

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Good afternoon ladies and gents, I hope your all doing fine on this wonderful day.  Now then, here is the next chapter of my story, and I hope you all enjoy it!  This chapter is from Rose’s perspective.  Enjoy! ^_^
Chapter Twenty Five: Darkening
I head back to Vincent and Agito, and from what I see, the car is almost up and ready to use.  I still think about the murderer’s strange behavior, and still wondering why he didn’t kill me right there.  Vincent notices that I’m being a little too quiet and he touches my shoulder and asks: “Hey, is everything okay?”  I look at him and say: “Yeah, I’m fine, just a little bit confused.  Guys, I encountered the murderer…he was talking with two demons and I was eavesdropping on the conversation, and just when I was about to leave, he saw me.  Apparently he knew that I had been eavesdropping.  I expected a battle, but the murderer didn’t even try to hurt me.”  When I finish telling them the story, they open their eyes wide in disbelief, and their faces are now filled with the same confusion I have.  Agito looks at the car, as if admiring how nice it looked after being repaired and he said: “Hmm, something’s not right.  If he says he has no other choice, then there’s bound to be something that’s driving him forward.  Maybe he owes a debt to someone.”  I disagree with him and say: “No, I’m pretty sure it’s not that.  He said it was something about following his brother’s footsteps.”  The instant I finish saying that, Vincent seems to click and then he says to us: “Guys, there may be something even more sinister at work.  He said he had no choice but to follow his brother’s footsteps…but also, when you were telling us that the demons said that time is running out, it got me to thinking…maybe he’s working for a demon, or Wade had some kind of debt and now the murderer is setting out to complete the debt, so his brother can rest in peace.”  Agito gives out a satisfying sigh and says: “Well, it looks like Sherlock here might be on to something.  The facts are solid, but the thing is, who is the demon that Wade had a debt with?”  I look at them and say: “That’s something we’ll have to find out. Is the car ready?”  Vincent and Agito nod and Vincent starts the car and we head toward the city.
I analyze what Vincent told me, and while he’s driving, I open the folder containing the documents of the murderer.  I dig through the files and see if I can be able to scrounge up something important, but to my surprise, I find nothing revealing.  His name isn’t even documented in his files.  I think to myself: “Damn, this murderer is always one step ahead of us, he’s even freakishly careful with his documents.”  I then close the folder and ask Vincent and Agito: “Guys, is there any place nearby where we could possibly get any information concerning demons?”  Agito nods and he says: “Yes.  The Museum uptown has an exhibit that emphasizes on demons and such things.”  I nod and say: “Perfect, then that’s where we’ll go.  Vincent, full speed ahead!”  Vincent nods and says: “Right away.” and he presses the pedal on full throttle as we head uptown.  After a few minutes, we arrive to the Museum, and luckily, there’s not that many people around.  We get off the car and we head towards the counter and a kindly looking old man attends us and says: “Ah, hello there, and good evening.  Three tickets, I assume?”  I nod and give the old man the money, and then I smile and say: “Thank you.”  The old man gives a shy smile and says: “Hehe, your welcome young lady.”  As we go through the hallway, Vincent looks at me and Agito and says: “All right, to make this easier, we’ll search on the demon exhibit by splitting up.  Whoever finds anything that might be related to the murderer comes back here to this same spot.”  We nod and we split up, as Vincent goes upstairs, Agito goes the central passageway, and I go downstairs.  As I go down the stairs, the lights start to turn on.  I examine the area and say to myself: “Hmph, people apparently haven’t come to this exhibit in a while.  In fact, it looks like no one has been here in this part of the museum for ages.  Strange…”  I keep going down the stairs and then I go into a hall housing a few demon statues and artifacts here and there, and even some ancient scrolls.
(Start Song Here)
As I go through the exhibit slowly, something catches my eye.  I go towards the object that got my attention, and then it turns out to be an ancient book.  I then think to myself: “Hmm, this must be some kind of journal or maybe an encyclopedia of the era.  I could probably find the answers I’m looking for here.”  I proceed to sit down on a nearby desk and I blow off the dust on it.  I then start reading through the book and find amazing things concerning ancient legends of Japan such as the goddess Himiko, or the legendary wolf warrior Amaterasu.  I keep searching and then I notice something intriguing.  The Demon Lord Hakufen.  I then read the description of this intriguing looking demon.  I decide to read it aloud and it says: “During the height of Japan’s rise to power, the Demon Lord Hakufen prowled the lands, searching for weak minded individuals so that he could take advantage of them, and in doing so, destroying great Japanese warlords and clans.  This demon appeared in different forms throughout the ages, until he seemingly vanished.”  After reading this, I think to myself, and then I realize that this is possibly the demon linked to Wade and the murderer.  I then decide to head towards the lobby to use one of the computers to get more information on Hakufen, when all of a sudden, the door is locked tight, and it disappears before my very eyes.  I then sigh and think to myself: “Why does this have to happen when I’m looking around unaware?”  I then carefully look around to see if I can spot the one responsible for making the door disappear, when I notice that it’s a skinny and pale looking demon.
I look at the demon dead in the eyes and then ask him: “What do you want?”  The demon laughs as if I had made the funniest joke ever, and I simply lean my back to the wall and wait for him to finish laughing.  After he’s done I then ask once again: “All right, now that you’re done, can you tell me what you want?”  Once I finish asking he starts laughing again, and I sigh and sit on the desk and look through the pages of the book while he finishes laughing.  After he’s done again, this time he’s the one that speaks and he says: “My my, it has been quite a while since anyone came down here.  I thought that everyone practically forgot about this exhibit!  But I’m glad to see that you at least had the decency to show up here.”  Only after he says this I realize that he’s a harmless demon, and from the looks of it, he’s been living alone for a long time.  I see a sudden sad expression on his face.  Apparently it’s been a long time since he’s talked to anyone.  I smile and sit down to his level and then I ask: “All right mister, how about telling me your name?”  The demon claps his hands excitedly and then clears his throat and says: “Ah yes, how could I be so rude?  Ahem, my name is Kurizo, demon architect and intellect, at your service.”  I smile and then say: “It’s a pleasure to meet you.  I’m Rose Everdawn.  So then, tell me Kurizo, have you been here a long time?”  He nods and says: “Oh yes.  For you see, I am a Guardian of this Museum, and my soul is bound to this place, and so I can never leave.  I had been so lonely for so long, but you found this exhibit, and I have to say, I’m so happy to make a new friend!”
I look at him and then say: “All right, then tell me your story.”  He nods and chuckles delightfully, and then he starts to tell me his story: “So then Rose, I’ve been a Guardian of this Museum for many ages, before this was even a museum, for you see, this used to be a sacred ground, in which great warriors and demons from all lands came to fight in a battle of good sportsmanship and skill.  We called this place the Coliseum of Legends.  Demons and humans from far and wide would come here to prove themselves worthy of being the best of the best.  Everything was peaceful and just, until that fateful day, when Hakufen the Deceiver came into our midst.”  The instant he said that, my eyes widened open, and I was going to ask him more about Hakufen, but I felt that it was best if I let him tell his tale.  He then continued: “Hakufen was a powerful demon, and everyone knew and despised him.  How he was even allowed to roam into sacred ground, I will never know.  Anyways, he went into the Coliseum to challenge our champion, who’s name was Ayleda of Sablewind.  She was a powerful young lady, with skills and wisdom beyond her age.  She was also kind and just, and she was loved by everyone.  Ayleda accepted Hakufen’s challenge, and so they clashed in a battle that, in my opinion, was the most greatest that by far anyone in any age will ever know.  Tensions were high and blades were constantly clashing, and then, in a marvelous turn of events, Ayleda emerged victorious!  But Hakufen wouldn’t stand for this, and he stormed out of the Coliseum, filled with rage and hatred.  After a few weeks, the Coliseum was attacked, and many citizens were killed, but Ayleda came and repelled him, but she had noticed that Hakufen had increased his strength abnormally, and so she decided, that for the greater good, she would seal him away by sacrificing her heart and soul.  Before she passed on to the next life, she entrusted me with taking care of this sacred ground, and I swore to her that I would care for this place with my life.  And so, on that day, Hakufen was sealed away, never to surface again.  And so, during the centuries, I quietly guarded this place until it became the Museum it is today.”  With that, he finished his tale, and I was very impressed by how devoted he was in telling his story.  Just when I’m about to ask him more about Hakufen, the ground suddenly starts shaking.  I then draw out my knife and I see Kurizo summon a staff and he says: “Prepare yourself milady, we’re under attack!”
(End Song Here)
Well everyone, I hope you enjoyed this chapter!  Let me know what you thought of it, and tell me what you thought about Kurizo’s story!  Leave your thoughts and comments below please!  Oh, and stay tuned for chapters 26 and 27, which will be from Vincent’s perspective. :D 

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Hey there everyone, here’s another chapter!  As you can see, I’m doing my best to post chapters daily, and I hope to keep this up!  Thank you all for reading and enjoy the chapter!  And remember that this chapter is from Vincent’s perspective.
Chapter Twenty Six: Foretelling
I go up the stairs and explore the exhibit, I find strange markings on the walls.  They don’t appear to have been made recently.  Then all of a sudden, I feel a tremor, and then I think to myself: “That came from downstairs.  Rose…please be safe.”  I then continue to walk forward, trying to see if I can find anything of vital importance.  I then examine the markings on the wall closely and attentively, and I notice that it’s a form of language, and it seems to read: “Open the door.”  And so I look at a big wide space, which I can only assume must be the doorway, and then I place my hands on it, and the door slowly slides down and opens, apparently leading into a secret chamber.  I look at the inside of the doorway and it’s pitch black, and I decided to grab a nearby torch, seeing as how I doubt there’s any electricity in this secret chamber.  Again I feel the tremor, this time a tad bit stronger.  I then consider going back to check on Rose and Agito, but then I realize that the doorway I came through is shut.  Then I think to myself: “Hmph, so there’s a magical door that wants to keep me in.  Great…”  I put the torch in front of me and keep going deeper into the secret chamber, until my hand stumbles into what apparently is a switch, and before my very eyes, I see a giant wall overflowing with the same markings I saw in the hallway.  My eyes shift everyone and I spot another blood-written message, which says: “Soon, all that you love will be taken away from you…”  I then stand still in shock, my thoughts immediately shifting towards Rose.  But then I shake my head and say to myself: “Rose will be all right.  I know she will.”
I then walk alongside the wall and examine the markings, trying to see if I can decipher anything, but the markings are too difficult to read.  But then, I feel a strange presence.  As I feel it get closer and closer, I summon my plasma sword and prepare myself for what may be an inevitable battle.  When I quickly turn around, I see what appears to be a human wearing ancient Samurai armor, but then I remind myself that this is a demon, as I can sense it’s aura.  The demon Samurai stays silent, as if he’s the one examining me, and then I decided to make the first move and say: “Who are you?”  The Samurai armor then walks towards me and he points towards the wall and says: “Look towards the wall, and you shall see all.”  I slowly turn around, and the Samurai armor chants an incantation, and then a strange energy surrounds me and then it scatters all over the wall, and then I see images projected in front of me, like if I was in a movie theater.  I see images that must be from an ancient war between Angels and Demons, and I see two distinctively powerful looking deities.  One is apparently leader of the Angles, and the other one undoubtedly the leader of the Demons.  The Samurai armor starts to explain in a hollow and deep voice: “As you see, these markings are a record of past things, of the wars that Angels and Demons waged for supremacy.  None of them won, because as you see, the world has remained at a balance. Now the uprising of the Demons is at hand, and they are all chasing after Rose Everdawn, the light of this Earth.  As you know, you are her Guardian Angel, and you must protect her at all costs.   But you must know that things will take a drastically more difficult turn for you both…”
(Start Song Here)
I stay silent and let the Samurai armor continue its explanation: “You see, this is not as simple as you may think it to be.  There are darker things at work here, and the one you are searching for is closely linked to all of this.”  I then interrupt for a moment and ask: “You mean the murderer?”  The Samurai armor nods slowly and says: “Yes.  He, as you know, is linked to Wade, the one who gave up his soul to Hakufen, and now the murderer is seeking redemption and salvation for his brother’s soul.”  I then ask: “Salvation?  But he raped children and killed them, and he was nothing more than a serial killer!”  The Samurai armor folds his arms and says: “True as though that may be, you cannot blame a younger sibling for wanting to save his brother’s soul from eternal damnation.”  I stay quiet for a few seconds and then say: “Okay, I get that.  But why does he have to resort to doing the same thing Wade did just to save his brother’s soul?”  The Samurai armor waves his arm, as if pointing to the horizon, and he says: “Because that was the agreement Wade had made with Hakufen.  In order for Hakufen to have substance and strength to rule over this world, he needed  the souls of women, since it was a woman who had defeated him in battle ages and ages ago.  And he needed the souls of children to gain more power so he could inspire fear in humanity, which, as you can see, is yielding results.  Wade agreed to this deal, and when he perished, the duty bestowed upon him was passed on to his brother.” I then go deep and thought and ask: “Do you know the identity of Wade’s brother?”  The Samurai armor nods and says: “No, I do not.  For you see, he has done all in his power to keep his identity concealed from both human and demon worlds.  No one knows who he is, but all I know is that he must be stopped, no matter the cost.”
I then look up at the Samurai armor and ask: “How about you?  How do you fit in all this?”  The Samurai armor replies and says: “I was a grand warrior once, in the service of Ayleda of Sablewind.  I was also a chronicler and a recorder of events, and that was the duty bestowed upon me, and throughout the generations, my duty was to alert each Guardian Angel that ever existed about the dangers that lied ahead for them.  And now the same I have done for you.  You must now keep in mind that all demons will do all in their power to stop you from protecting Rose.  They will try to separate the two of you, and they will do all in their power to assure Hakufen’s rise to power.  All you can do now is hold on to the love you both feel for each other, and let that love be the strength that guides you to the ends of the Earth and beyond.  Never hesitate in what your heart tells you, and whatever you think is best, then I advise you follow your heart.”  I then nod and ask: “And…what will happen with the rest of the world?”  The Samurai armor walks around me in circles and says: “For now, your world is blissfully unaware of the dangers it is currently being dragged into.  But your people shall soon see the Armageddon fall upon them, and once all demons have risen, it will be difficult to drive them back.  But fear not, there are still a few good demons out there, and I’m sure that before all is said and done, you will be able to come victorious in the end…but at a price.” I look at the Samurai armor and say: “I’ll be ready for whatever comes my way, and I’ll do all in my power to protect Rose.  I won’t let any harm fall upon her, and I’ll be ready for whatever sacrifice I may have to make to ensure that she keeps on living.  She’s the only person I’ve ever truly loved, and she’s the one who’s given me purpose in this life, and she’s helped me realize who I really am.  And so I’ll do anything to protect her.  Of that I’m sure you don’t have to worry.”
(End Song Here)
The Samurai armor nods and puts his hand on my shoulder and he says: “You are an honorable soul filled with determination and love for Rose.  You have proven before my eyes that you have what it takes to stop Hakufen’s uprising.  And so I bestow upon you a power unlike any you’ve ever known.”  As he says this, a powerful aura sweeps into me, and before my very eyes, I see my plasma sword change in shape and color.  The blade grows larger and turns into a dark silver, with adornments of Samurai warriors on the hilt, and I gaze at my weapon in awe.  The Samurai armor says: “You can morph this weapon into a bow, a lance, or a scythe.  Make good use of it, for you will have much need for it in the coming storm.”  I look at the Samurai armor and say: “Thank you so much.” and it disappears before my very eyes, having fulfilled its purpose.  I look at my weapon, quite impressed by its look and feel, and then the doorway behind me opens again.  I then decide to head down and check on Rose to make sure that she’s all right.  As I go downstairs to the central part of the exhibit, the ground shakes again, and a giant piece of debris falls down on me, and in a desperate action, my weapon transforms into a scythe and it slices through the giant piece of debris effortlessly.  I look at my weapon with my eyes wide open and I say to myself: “Whoah, I got one heck of a weapon here.”  I then shake my head and just when I’m about to head downstairs, Agito shouts to me and he goes towards me and says: “Vincent, the place is falling apart!”  I then tell him: “Go outside and make sure that you protect the citizens outside, I’m sensing the presence of many demons.  We may have to fight a horde of them.”  Agito nods and quickly rushes outside, and I head downstairs towards Rose.
Well everyone, I hope you enjoyed the chapter, and I hope you enjoyed the conversation between the Samurai Armor and Vincent!  Stay tuned for the next chapter, and please leave your thoughts and comments on this chapter below! ^_^

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Hey everybody, I hope your all enjoying the daily posts!  I’m doing all I can to post chapters as soon as possible!  Let me know what you all think of the story so far, and theories on what you think might happen!  I want to know what possible things you expect to happen in the story! Hehe, without further ado, here’s the chapter!  It’s from Vincent’s perspective. :3
Chapter Twenty Seven: Bloodshed
I proceed down the stairs and the tremors grow ever stronger.  I then come upon a dead end, or at least it seems that way, but I then remember how I had been trapped in the chamber upstairs, so I immediately suggest the thought that the door also disappeared.  With that though, I turn my sword into a scythe and I plow through the wall, and I find Rose fighting a horde of demons alongside a skinny demon, which I then assume must be an ally.  I quickly rush to their aid and then I ask: “Are both of you all right?”  Rose smiles and says: “Yes, we’re pretty fine, just a few demons here and there.  Nothing we can’t handle.  Where’s Agito?”  I then say: “I told him to go outside and protect the citizens from demon attacks, because I’m getting a feeling that a big wave of them is going to attack the city.”  Rose then nods and she says: “Oh, and by the way Vincent, meet Kurizo, protector of the Museum.  I look down at the demon and nod and say: “Nice to meet you, although I would appreciate a different set of circumstances, but it’s nice to meet you either way.”  I reach out my hand to shake his, and he jumps of joy and laughs out loud and shakes my hand and says: “Ah, your one good lad, I can tell just by looking at you!  Hehe, I’ve made yet another friend!  Now then, my new friends, let us take care of these demons!”
We nod and then more demons rise from the ground and they start attacking us, but we manage to hold them off and decimate most of them.  A demon with sharp spear like arms tries to go for Rose, but Rose summersault’s her way out of harm and she stabs the demon right in the neck.  Kurizo hits the demons with his staff and he conjures up magic spells to hold them off.  Then I say: “Guys, this area is too small, we need to take the battle to a wider space!”  Kurizo nods and says: “Come this way and follow me!”  We do as Kurizo says and we quickly follow him through the complex and we make our way onto the main hall of the Museum, and we then we see demon archers fire arrows at us.  Rose then shouts: “Take cover!” and we all scramble behind statues for cover.  I turn my sword into a bow and I start firing back at our attackers, while Rose shoots them with a gun and Kurizo decimates them with magic.  Kurizo then says gleefully: “Oh, I do believe I’ve never had this much fun in ages!  What joy to be fighting alongside comrades again!”  I smile and keep on shooting at our attackers, and then I notice a loud sound and I look towards the door, and I see Agito taking on a full horde of demons alongside some cops who are quickly dying.  He needs my help, I can’t just leave him out there to die.  So I say: “Rose, Kurizo, hold the demons off here while I help Agito outside!”  Rose nods and says: “Will do!”  I nod and then I storm my way out of the Museum and I slay all demons in my way and I make my way to Agito.
(Start Song Here)
Agito looks at me with a smirk and he asks: “Did you miss me?”  I smile and say: “Oh no, I just felt like taking the fight outside.”  We then see another horde of demons coming our way, and I turn my sword into a lance and I skewer half a dozen demons and throw them towards the crowd, slowing down their attack.  I then ask Agito: “How many cops have come to help?”  Agito replies: “Most of them, and they just keep dying, these demons are too much for them!”  I then take a moment to look at the dead bodies surrounding us, and I see dozens of bodies of cops dead on the floor, with blood seeping out of them, and then my eyes keep shifting and I see a dead family, no doubt panicked innocents killed by these wretched demons.  My eyes fill up with tears, and then I scream in anger, and I feel a strange energy take over me.  The demons then halt and they observe me, and then I shout at them: “You bastards!  Why must you slay innocents!?  Those children were innocent!  That family was innocent!  You take their lives as if they were nothing more than toys!  You make me sick!  I’ve…had…enough!”  I then feel the energy course through my body, and then I sense my eyes flare, and I see in the reflection of my lance that my eyes change into a completely neon light blue color, and I feel electricity crackle all over me.  The demons again continue their assault, this time turning their attention towards me.
I then look towards Agito and say: “Take the citizens and refuge them while this demon horde is still out.  When they’re all slain, I’ll let you know.”  Agito nods and says: “Good luck my friend.”  He leaves and then I see my arm slowly being clad by silver armor with neon blue lines, and then I feel wings sprout from my back, and the energy inside me grows ever stronger.  I then smirk and say: “So you treat lives like if they were toys?  Then let’s play, demon scum.” I then disappear before their very eyes and I reappear on top of them and I start firing blue orbs of light and I quickly slash dozens of demons into extinction, and then I speed through the hordes, cutting demons down by the dozens.  I then do a back flip and then I see my weapon morph into a machine gun, and then I start shooting down all the demons.  After slaying hundreds of them, they fall back and summon a much bigger and intimidating looking demon.  I simply stand there, waiting for the demon to make its move.  Then the demon stomps me, and then he starts laughing, and all the other demons laugh with him, thinking that he’s slain me.  But then, after a few seconds, I pierce the giant demon’s foot, and then I swipe him clean in half, and he explodes in a shower of blood right in front of me.  The other demons are enraged and they go towards me in anger and hatred, and I unsummon my weapon and then I punch the ground, making it shake, and then I feel my wings turn razor sharp, and then I dart and weave around the demons, cutting them down with my wings, and then I soar to the sky and dive down and perform a final, area clearing blow that decimates the rest of the demon hordes.  I then look towards the horizon, and the remaining demons retreat, and I feel the energy inside me dissipate, and I revert back to normal.
I then look at myself surprised, and I say to myself: “Did I really have all that power inside me?”  I shake the thought off and then I see Rose and Kurizo at the entrance of the Museum, and I head towards them and ask: “Everything okay up here?”  Rose nods and says: “Yes, everything’s fine.  Whoah, it looks like you did a good job slaying these demons.”  I look back and see hundreds of demons piled up against each other, motionless and dead, and I say: “Well, it’s not over yet, there are more in the city, so we have to get a move on.”  Kurizo then says: “Good luck to both of you.  I only wish that I could be of more assistance.”  I see Rose smile and she kneels down and says: “You did honorably Kurizo, and you defended this Museum with all your might.  Ayleda would have been very proud.”  She smiles and kisses his forehead, and he smiles and goes back into the Museum.  I then approach her and ask: “Why can’t he come with us?”  She replies: “Because his soul is in this Museum, he swore he would protect it.”  I smile at Rose and say: “He was a big help.  Now come on, let’s go.  Agito needs our help, and we need to protect the innocents.”  Rose says: “Right, let’s go.” and we start running towards the city.  Along the way, we see hundreds of humans dead, and then I say: “These demons are marauding the city, they’re taking lives by the minute…I can’t believe how heartless they are.”  Rose then looks up and says: “Vincent, look!”
I look up at the skyscraper, and I see a giant monstrous demon, tearing away at the skyscraper bit by bit.  I see it taking hundreds of humans with its tentacles and throws them away, as if discarding them.  When I look at Rose, I see the murderer on the horizon, and I shout to Rose: “The murderer, he’s over there!  We have to get him!”  Rose looks back and I feel a sudden instinct flare inside her, and she starts chasing him down, and she tells me: “Take care of the demon, I’ll take care of the murderer.”  I nod and say: “Be careful.”  She smiles and looks at me and she says: “You too.  I love you.”  I smile and say: “I love you too.” and we kiss each other passionately and lovingly.  She slowly pulls away, and she goes after the murderer.  I then look at the giant demon on top of the skyscraper and I nod to myself and say: “Well, the world may be in its darkest hour, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to stand by and watch.”  With that I summon my wings and I turn my sword into a scythe, and I fly up high to confront the demons.  The giant demon looks at me and laughs and says: “Ah, so here you are, petty Guardian Angel.  You’ve finally come for me to eat you!”  I smirk and say: “Bring it on demon, you’ll be sorry that you messed with me!”  and with that, my eyes flare bright blue.
(End Song Here)
Well everyone, I hope you enjoyed this battle!  Please let me know what you thought of it!  And stay tuned for chapters 28 and 29, which will be from Rose’s point of view!  I hope you all loved the chapter! :D

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Good afternoon everyone!  I hope your all having a wonderful day!  Hehe, here is another chapter of my story, I hope you enjoy, and thanks for your comments, they mean a lot to me!  Remember that this chapter is from Rose’s point of view. :3
Chapter Twenty Eight: Breaking
(Start Song Here)
After I part ways with Vincent, I start to chase down the murderer.  He manages to teleport himself farther and farther away from me, but thanks to years of training, my speed allows me to catch up to him.  When he looks back, he starts throwing obstacles to obstruct my path.  I smirk and think to myself: “As if that’s going to stop me.”  I then jump over the obstacles and I run faster, but then I’m cut off by demons.  I sigh and draw out my knife and say: “I don’t have time for you, get out of the way!” and I quickly dispatch the demons, but then I notice something strange.  I look over my shoulder and I see something horrifying…humans fighting against each other!   I’m shocked and puzzled as to why they are murdering each other, but I then shake my head and continue my pursuit of the murderer.  While I run, I think to myself: “Why is it that people are killing each other instead of standing together?”  Thankfully, my keen senses alert me of a giant crack in the pathway and I jump through the gap.  I then shift my eyes around the streets, to see if I can spot the murderer.  After a few seconds, I see him make a turn to the left, and I then take a shortcut to catch him unawares.  More demons come in my way but I quickly kill them, and then I jump from a shop roof and I land right in the murderer’s path.  I then point my knife towards him and say: “Give it up, it’s over now.  Once I kill you, these demons will disappear along with you.”
The murderer laughs mockingly and he says: “You really think that I’m the source of these demons?  Ha, I’m actually flattered that you would think so…but no, I’m not the main source.”  I then gasp and say: “Oh, don’t be coy with me, I know that you’re the one leading these demon hordes.”  The murderer chuckles and says: “I simply command them, think of me as a general.  The main one your after is Hakufen.”  I then growl and say: “But you’re in cahoots with him, so if I kill you, I can get to him.”  The murderer then has a grim silence for a few long seconds and then he says: “Don’t be so sure of that…” and he disappears then reappears behind me and he strikes my neck, but I’m able to dodge just barely, but I feel the force of his attack.  I quickly counterattack by kicking his legs and swooping him to the ground, and I point my knife toward his neck, but he simply chuckles and he disappears then reappears on top of me and he punches my face.  He keeps punching me but then I manage to stop his attack and I throw him off me.  Then I see a dozen demons heading for me, and I push him away and make quick work of the demon scum.  I then turn my attention back towards him and I throw my knife to his arm, injuring him.  He screams in pain, but then he takes the knife off his arm and he throws it back at me, but with a powerful dark aura.  I dodge the knife and when I pick it up, the aura is gone.
We run towards each other and we start punching and kicking each other, using almost every kind of martial arts that we know.  We are evenly matched, and we block each other’s attacks.  I then think to myself: “What’s it going to take to beat this guy?”  I then punch him in the ribs and I perform an uppercut to his jaw, bringing him down to the floor.  He chuckles and wipes his hands, as if that had been nothing.  He says: “Impressive.  You are quite the agile fighter.  But I expected no less from you.”  I then growl and reply: “Cut the crap, and tell me where Derek is!”  When I say that, he laughs harder, and he folds his arms and looks around, as if taking in the scenery, and he says: “I don’t have to tell you anything.  Don’t worry about him.  He’s safe and sound…for now.”  I then scream in anger and dart towards him, and he disappears again, and just when I’m expecting him to reappear, I fall down hard on the floor. Then I’m kicked repeatedly, and I think to myself: “What the hell is this?  I’m being hit by nothing more than thin air!?  Unless, he’s invisible…”  I then close my eyes and let my other senses take over me, and then I feel my power flow through my eyes, and then I see the background in black and white color, like if I was watching a film.  I then see the murderer’s silhouette, and then I grab him by the throat and slam him to the floor, making the road crack.
The murderer coughs up blood and he holds my hand and digs his nails into my skin, and I shriek in pain and flail back.  I stutter and then I ask: “Y-you have demon powers?”  He then punches me so hard in the gut that I’m thrown back a few yards back, and then I see him walking slowly towards me.  He chuckles and says: “Why yes, I do have demon powers, bestowed upon me by Hakufen himself.”  I then growl and say: “Tell me something.  How can you be such a soulless, heartless bastard, and how can you murder so many innocent people and rape children without a care in the damn world, huh?  What the hell do you have against humanity!?”  I then see him dart fast towards me and he grabs me by the neck and he digs his nails slowly into my skin, and I gasp for air, and he says: “You could never understand…all I want is for my brother to be saved…and in order for my brother’s soul to be saved…there are sacrifices to be made.”  I then spout out: “Sacrifices!?  Your taking human lives you damn bastard!  Don’t you understand that playing with the lives of others is wrong?  Don’t you know that putting your soul on the line for a dead psychotic man is useless?”  When I say that, I feel his grip tighten and he shouts: “Shut up!  You don’t know anything!  I don’t have to explain myself to you.  Your all about to die anyway!  And after I have my way with you, Vincent will be the next on my list to kill!”  When he says those words, I fill up with rage and I feel a tremendous surge of energy flowing through my body, and I scream and let it all out, and a blinding light is able to stun the murderer long enough for him to loosen his grip on me.  I fall to the ground, slightly dazed by the power surge, and I notice that my neck is bleeding by the nail marks that he left in my neck.
I then see my hands glowing with a radiant light, and then I take my knife and it transforms into a katana, with silver and blue colors on the blade, and the hilt representing angel wings.  I then point my katana at the murderer and say: “You’re not going to get away with this, and you’re not going to kill the man I love!”  I then dash towards him and slash him with my katana, but he holds it with his bare hand, and I dig the katana deeper into his hand, but he doesn’t even scream in pain.  The blood spouts out of his hand and then he strikes me with his claws, and he rips my jacket, leaving three claw marks on the left side of it.  I then fall to the floor and then he stands on top of me, ready to give the final blow.  He then says: “I’m sorry it had to be this way Rose.  If you had just surrendered from the beginning, you could have prevented this apocalypse from happening.  Goodbye.”  He then blasts me with a malicious wave of darkness, but I find that it doesn’t affect me at all, because I’m covered by a shield of light, courtesy of my katana.  I smile and think to myself: “Vincent.  Your always with me.”  The murderer looks at me in shock and disbelief, and I kick him off me, and then I swing my sword and I dash towards him.  Even with my swordsmanship, I’m not able to hit him, because he simply made himself disappear, and then he reappears behind me, but I hit him with the hilt of my katana, causing him to fall on the floor.
I then walk toward him and see him weakly trying to stand.  I point my katana at him and say: “Good riddance.  Your going to get what you deserve.  This is for Tyler!”  Just when I’m about to strike him, I suddenly see a lot of images in my head, images that I had never seen before.  I then feel pounding and hear ear piercing screams, and I fall on the floor in pain, and I roll around, trying to make it stop.  I think to myself: “What the hell is happening?”  I see the murderer slowly standing up and standing on top of me, and the images cloud my vision, and the screams get louder.  I then scream, and all of a sudden, it stops.  When I look up, I see that the murderer is still on top of me.  I then ask: “Why don’t you finish me already?  I’m already here, defeated.”  The murderer then says: “I just wanted you to be fully aware before you died, because I want you to see how I kill you.  Now, die, Rose Everdawn!”  When he’s about deliver the final blow, my senses kick in and I swoop him down to the ground and I grab him by the neck and point my sword at him.  Then I say: “Let me take a look at your damn face before I send you to hell.”  I take off his hood, and when I see his face, my eyes open wide, and I freeze in shock, unable to move, trying to make sense of what I’m seeing.  I then stutter and say: “No…no…n-no, this can’t be!  It can’t be you!  Derek!?”
(End Song Here)
Well everyone, I hope you enjoyed the chapter, and haha, Keyblade 101, you were right, the murderer is indeed Derek.  I applaud your keen senses.  You and Tom13 both guessed that the murderer was Derek, and you both guessed right.  Well then, I hope you all enjoyed the chapter, please leave your thoughts and comments below!  And stay tuned for the next chapter, will be from Rose’s perspective! :D

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Hey everyone, here’s yet another chapter!  Thank you for reading and thank you for always commenting on my story!  I hope you’ve all enjoyed the twists and turns this story has made.  Now then, without any further delay, here is the chapter! :D
Chapter Twenty Nine: Origins
I look at Derek in shock, still in disbelief at the fact that he’s the murderer, the one who’s raped so many children and killed so many people.  The person that used to work with me in the Institution is the one that’s responsible for all this carnage.  Tears roll down my cheeks and I punch his face multiple times, hoping I can crush his face into his skull, and I scream: “Derek, please tell me this isn’t you!”  Derek stays silent and he says: “Exactly how you see it, that’s how it is.  You’ve discovered me Rose…I am the murderer, the one who’s been dragging you into this hell…”  I then furiously punch him and ask: “Why?  Why do you do this?  What’s the point of all this?  Why do you want to save Wade when he’s caused so much suffering and grief!?” Derek says nothing and he simply stands up and he brushes me aside and he keeps on walking.  I then rush over to him and grab him by the arm and I yell at him: “I’m not finished with you yet!  I’m still expecting an explanation!”  Derek then glares at me and then he grabs me by the wrists, and his eyes turn into a neon yellow color, and he looks into my eyes, and all of a sudden, I find that the environment around me is distorting.  Derek then says: “Just watch, and you’ll understand…”
        (Start Song Here)
As I hear his words, the environment shifts back, as if we’re going back in time, and I see a beautiful landscape, and a small house located near a forest, and a gorgeous garden in the front yard, with a water fountain by the side.  I see a woman cooking in the kitchen, no doubt a mother, and I see a man working in a garage, no doubt a father.  I then look towards the front yard I see two children playing together, siblings, from the looks of it.  I then look closely, and then I notice that the two brothers are Wade and Derek!  I then gasp and whisper to myself: “But how?”  I look back at Derek, and he simply nods in my direction, urging me to look.  I look at him for a few more seconds, and then my head shifts back to the scene at hand.  I hear little Derek saying: “Aw come on big brother, no fair, it’s my turn to be the superhero! “  Then I see little Wade laugh and say: “Oh come on little brother, you make a perfect villain.”  Derek then asks curiously: “Do you really think so?”  Wade replies: “I know so, I mean seriously, you always give me a run for my money!”  They both laugh and then their mother calls out to them: “Kids, come inside, dinner’s ready!  And you come in too dear!”  The kids and the father all shout in unison: “Coming!” and they all rush inside.  Then the landscape shifts swiftly towards the kitchen and I see the family having a great time eating dinner and talking about simple things.  I think to myself: “But they seem like such a happy family.  Then why…?”  But I stop myself, and I keep on watching, for I know the answers lie here.
Just as they finish eating, the environment shifts again and this time we go forward in time when Wade and Derek are teenagers, and they’re in high school.  The landscape shifts towards the lockers, where Derek is being pummeled by bullies.  He shouts out: “Please stop, I’ll give you all the money you want, just please stop!”  The bullies laugh and say: “Stop being such a pussy and fight back you brat!”  Then I see Wade rushing through the hallway towards the bullies, and he starts pummeling them, and he shouts: “Don’t you bastards dare to treat my brother like that!”  Everyone in the hallway then starts cheering on for Wade, wanting to see more of the fight.  I look back at Derek again, and his head is down, looking at the floor, as if deep in thought.  I then look back at the scene and Wade manages to make the bullies go away.  One of them says: “You’ll pay for this Wade.  You’re going to get what’s coming to you!” Wade scoffs and he says: “Anytime you bastards want to mess with me, I’m here, because I won’t let you get your hands on my brother!”  He then helps Derek up and he asks: “Are you okay little brother?”  Derek smiles and says: “Yeah, just a bruise.  Thanks big brother.”  Wade smiles and replies: “Hey, that’s what brothers are for.” and they walk down the hallway and everyone cheers for them.
When that scene ends, I look at Derek and say: “I…I didn’t know…I’m-“ but I’m cut off by him and he says: “There’s still more…”  I nod and look ahead and then we go forward in time yet again, and then I see Wade and Derek’s house burning down to the ground, and then the landscape shifts to the inside and I see their parents burning alive, screaming in pain and horror, and Derek helpless to do anything, because he’s trapped under debris.  Wade comes crashing through the door and he reaches out for his parents, but they command him to stay away, and then the father says: “Wade…take care of Derek.”  Wade cries and replies: “Dad, please, hang on, I can help you guys!”  The mother lies motionless on the floor and she says: “It’s already too late…we love you so much kids…live on and take care of each other…we’ll always be with you in your hearts…” and with that, they both die in front of their eyes, and Wade and Derek cry and Wade helps Derek out of the debris, and Derek, unable to hold his tears, sobs and stutters: “Who could have done such a thing?”  Then some laughs can be heard from outside.  Wade and Derek go outside, and they see the bullies that had bothered Derek before, saying: “That’s what you get for messing with us.  Now you don’t have any parents.  Boo hoo for you!”  Wade then growls and clenches his fists, and he goes all out on them, and he takes a crowbar from one of them and he beats them up mercilessly, taking the life out of them, while Derek watched in horror.  After Wade killed the bullies, he heads toward Derek and he reaches out his hand and says: “Come on Derek, we have to get out of here.”  Derek then asks: “But where will we go?”  Wade then answers: “Wherever we need to go, as long as we live…”
When I finish seeing this scene, I break down in tears, crying for everything that I’ve just seen.  But just when I’m about to turn around, the environment distorts just one more time, and then I see Wade and Derek in a dark cave in front of a demon.  I hear Derek plead: “Please big brother, don’t do it!  We can’t bring Mom and Dad back!  Please don’t do it!”  Wade then looks back and says: “I need to do this little brother…we need our parents…we’re lost without them…”  He then looks towards the demon and asks: “So, what’s your price?”  The demon laughs and says: “I’ll take your little brother’s soul, and your parents will be revived immediately.”  When the demon says these words, Wade’s eyes flare wide open, and he says: “No…I won’t let you take my brother’s soul.  If it’s a soul you need, then you can have mine…”  Derek then screams in tears: “Little brother, please don’t do this!”  Wade then pushes Derek out of the cave and he says: “Enough little brother…now go and live…I promise that I’ll find you once I’m able to bring Mom and Dad back.”  With that, Wade goes into the cave with the demon and Derek screams in sorrow, pleading for his brother to return.  Then I hear the demon speak: “You made a wise decision Wade.  A wise one, indeed.”  Wade growls and says: “Just tell me your name and your terms.”  The demon smirks and says: “I am Lord Hakufen, and the terms of this deal are that you provide me with your soul so I can gain strength, and you shall collect the souls of women and children as well, and once I’m in full power, I’ll bring your parents back from the dead.”  Wade nods and says: “Understood…”  and they walk into the depths of the cave, and then my vision comes back to the present.
        (End Song Here)
I stay silent for many long minutes, unable to find any words to say to Derek, and Derek simply looks at me, with a grim and sorrow filled expression on his face.  I point my sword at him and say: “I’m truly sorry for everything that’s happened to you.  I truly am.  You had a good life, and I never knew that Wade had been such a good person.  But what your doing is wrong.  You can’t kill people just to bring your brother back and save his soul.  I can’t let you live.  I’m sorry Derek.”  When I say those words, Derek simply smiles and says: “I knew you would say that.  Then again, I expected no less from you.  But at least you know my circumstances.  Just remember Rose, this time I let you slip by…but next time, I won’t hesitate to kill you.” and with that, he disappears, and I stand there silent, unable to think straight.  Then I shake my head and remember that the humans are fighting amongst themselves.  I then think to myself: “I…I need to let Vincent know about this.  We need to save the citizens.”  With that, I quickly rush towards Vincent’s location, running as fast as I possibly can.  And during all the time that I’m running, the thoughts of Derek and Wade’s painful life flow into my head, and tears fall down my cheeks once more.  They’ve had a hellish life…but they can’t be allowed to make a living hell out of people that haven’t done anything wrong.
Okay, even I was shocked and surprised by how this chapter turned out.  I had already planned on posting an Origin story chapter of Wade and Derek, and I found that this was a good time as any to do so.  I hope you all liked this chapter, and let me know what you think about the two siblings’ tragic story.  And stay tuned for chapters 30 and 31, which will be from Vincent’s perspective! :D

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Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen!  Today we have arrived to Chapter 30, and you know what that means!  Only 20 more chapters left for this story to reach its conclusion, and I hope you’ve all enjoyed the ride so far, with all the twists and turns it’s offered.  Thank you for giving me your support by reading this story, and I hope you enjoy this chapter, which is from Vincent’s perspective. 
Chapter Thirty: Calamity
(Start Song Here)
The giant demon on top of the skyscraper shoots down its powerful beams at me, but I simply dodge the attack and fly in circles around him, and I turn my weapon into a bow and I start aiming for the tentacles, but it seems that his tentacles has some kind of barrier that prevents anything from breaking it.  I then think to myself: “There has to be a way…”  I then plunge down and strike the demon’s head, and the demon does nothing more than chuckle and taunt me by saying: “Is that truly all the power you can muster?  How pathetically weak!  And I had heard so many things about you, but it turns out your nothing more than just talk!”  I smirk and say: “Don’t be so sure of that.” and I swoop down and aim for his eyes, and I manage to strike them, and the demon screams in agony and pain and he yells out: “Curse you, stupid Angel!  Curse you to hell!”  The demon flails its tentacles wildly at me and he hits me and makes me crash onto the road, leaving a trail of rubble as a result of my strong impact on the road.  When I stand up, I notice that humans are fighting against each other, killing each other mercilessly!  I think to myself: “What in the world is going on?”  I then see Rose in the distance, running quickly towards me and she says: “Vincent, the humans are in some kind of trance, making them turn against one another!”  I then say: “So that explains it.  So, what happened to the murderer?”  Rose looks away, as if troubled by the mention of him, and she says almost in a whisper:  “He got away…and it turns out that he’s Derek…”  I then open my eyes wide with shock at her reply and I say: “Derek…that bastard…I knew there was something strange about him…”
We hear the demon laugh and we both look up and see it coming down from the skyscraper and he says: “That’s right.  All these humans are killing themselves because I am controlling their minds.  Since humans are so weak minded, they are easy to manipulate.  Ha, how glorious it is to see humans fight to the death against one another!”  I growl and shout: “So you’re the one responsible for this!  I’m going to take you down!”  The demon simply swings its tentacles at us, and we dodge as quickly as we can, and he says: “You my try, but you won’t succeed.”  I then look at Rose and say: “We’re going to have to take a careful approach here, because this thing has eight tentacles, so it’ll be difficult to take it down.   Rose, I need you to see if you can spot a weakness to the barriers protecting his tentacles.”  Rose nods and says: “Will do.  In the meantime, you distract him while I look for his weakness.”  I nod and say: “Good luck.”  And with that, I strike my weapon into the ground, causing the ground to shake so I can be able to get the demon’s attention.  The demon says: “I may be blind, but I can still smell you, and I can still kill you just fine without the need for sight!”  I smirk and say: “Bring it on!”  The demon then slithers its tentacles towards me, and I jump up and turn my weapon into a scythe and I start bashing away at the barrier, but to no avail, as the barrier simply doesn’t seem to crack.  The demon laughs and says: “You fool, not even the most powerful weapon you posses can take me down.  It’ll take you more than just strength to defeat me!”  I then think to myself: “That’s it, keep taking the bait.” and I bash at him with m scythe, provoking him even more.  I quickly look at the corner of my eye and I see Rose heading behind the demon, and I capitalize and say: “You’re not going to live to see another day, demon scum!” and I pound the road one more time to make the ground shake again.
The demon laughs and says: “You are truly desperate.  Do you truly think I don’t know what you’re planning?” and with that he grabs Rose with one of his tentacles and he squeezes her tightly, and I gasp and shout: “Rose!!!”  The demon chuckles and says: “That’s right, I have your mate here, and unless you want the life to be squeezed out of her, you will not fight and you will let me kill you.”  I panic but then I think to myself: “He seems to have quite an ego…hmm, I wonder what happens if I challenge his ego?”  I then point my scythe at him and say: “So…you would resort to that, you lowly fiend…”  Rose looks at me and she immediately understands what I’m doing and she plays along by saying: “How could you do this great demon?”  The demon then asks: “What nonsense is this?”  Then I say: “I can’t believe that a demon three times the size of all the others would be so scared of me that he would use a human as leverage.”  The demon scoffs and says: “You fool, just admit that you’ve lost this battle.”  I then say: “Oh, don’t worry yourself mighty demon, I have surrendered, but I just can’t believe that I wasn’t able to have a thrilling battle with you.  I was looking forward to more, but you simply had to stop.  It’s a shame that a demon as mighty as you has to end a battle simply for being afraid.”  The demon stutters and says: “N-no, that’s not true, I am no coward!  I am indeed a mighty demon!”  I then say: “Then come at me, and let’s battle the way it’s meant to be, just you and me.”  The demon stays silent for a few seconds and then he releases Rose from his grip and he says: “You are right.  A demon as glorious as I should put on a grand performance to show all my brothers how it is rightfully done!”  I nod and say: “Wise decision.” and I look at Rose, and she smiles in such a seductive way that I can’t help but blush.  Apparently I turned her on during this little predicament that we were in.
I smile and then the demon starts attacking me swiftly and I dodge and say: “Now this is truly the work of a mighty demon!”  The demon laughs and says: “Oh what joy to do battle with a skilled opponent!”  The demon then starts moving faster and swinging his tentacles wildly, and I climb on one of the tentacles and I strike his head, making him fall back, and then he swipes me with one of his tentacles and I crash through a building, and I slowly stand up and wipe my face, which has a scar that’s bleeding.  I smirk and say: “Well, you’ve made me bleed, I’ll give you credit for that.  Now it’s my turn!”  I then quickly dash towards the demon and I jump from tentacle to tentacle until striking his head again, making him fall down once more.  The demon then enters in full rage and says: “I’ve had enough of this petty fighting!  Now die you stupid Angel!”  The demon then goes at me, and then I shout: “Rose, now!”  and Rose quickly goes under the demon and she strikes at a jewel that had been embedded in him, and the jewel shattered into pieces, and the demon shrieks in horror and shouts: “No, my barrier!”  I then smirk and say: “Your done for now.” and I dash towards his tentacles and I slash them to bits, one by one, and then I fly high up in the air and I charge all my power and turn my scythe into a bow and my bow changes in shape, more wider and now with a white and silver color embedded with two blue jewels in the center, and then I shoot an arrow of light right into the demon’s heart.  The demon then screams in agony and shouts: “Nooo!!!  You’ll pay for this you wretched scum!  Hakufen will rise, and you’ll all die before this is all over!  Ahhh!!!” and with that, the demon dissipates and fades away, and then we look towards the streets and we see the citizens stop fighting against each other, and they look rather confused.  Rose looks on and says: “Well, it looks like they have no memory of what happened.”  Then she looks towards me and puts her arms around my neck and she says: “You were amazing.” and we give each other a passionate kiss.
Our celebration is cut short however, as we hear the screams of agony from the citizens coming from the city, and we see many people running towards our direction.  Then I sense the aura of an army of demons and I look at Rose and say: “Things are going to get much more difficult now.  Are you ready Rose?”  She smiles and holds my hand and says: “As long as I’m with you, I’m ready for anything.”  We nod and we both start running towards the city, and then we see the army of demons marauding everything in their path, and then we see a few demons on top of the police office and they throw Rufus from the roof with a rope and they strangle him to death, and I scream out: “Rufus!”  But it’s too late, as Rufus dangles lifeless, motionless.  I then clench my fists in anger and say: “Damn it all, everyone we care about is dying…this has to stop.”  Rose cries and she says in between sobs: “We’ll make them pay for this.  They’ll regret messing with us.”  As she says that, I then remember: “Agito!  Where is he?”  Rose looks amidst the horde of demons and she sees Agito in the far end of the street, taking on all of them by himself.  Rose shouts: “He’s over there!”  I then nod and say: “We have to help him, now hang on!”  She hangs onto me and I fly towards Agito and we land by his side, and then he says, catching his breath: “It took you long enough!”  Rose then says: “It’s a miracle that you’ve survived!”  Agito smirks and says: “Hey, I’m the best of the best from the police, what did you expect?”  Rose then looks saddened and she tells Agito of the fate of Rufus, and Agito’s expression then changes to one filled with sadness and he says: “Rufus…the big man was such a good friend. How has it come to this…?”  His face then turns into one full of determination and he says: “We’ll avenge his death, and we’ll do him justice!”  Rose and I say: “Right!” and we all nod and charge towards the demon hordes.
(End Song Here)
Well that was an exciting battle!  I hope you all enjoyed it!  As always, thank you for reading, and be sure to leave your thoughts and comments on this chapter below!  Stay tuned for the next chapter, which will be from Vincent’s perspective! ^_^

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Well everyone, I hope you’re all enjoying the direction the story is going in.  I don’t know why, but I always like to put characters in really tight spots in “against all odds” kinds of things. xD  Hehe, anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter, from Vincent’s perspective. :3
Chapter Thirty One: Hordes
(Start Song Here)
We charge towards the demon hordes and they quickly pounces on us, trying to surround us and make us helpless, but we storm through the thousands of demons charging at us.  Agito draws out two daggers that bear a resemblance to the ones Raphael uses in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and he starts marauding the demons swiftly and precisely, delivering devastating killer blows in less than seconds.  Rose jump up and steps on the demons heads like stepping stones and she swoops down and decimates dozens of demons.  Then a few winged demons go my way, and I repel them with my arrows of light and I use my wings to cut through the swarms of foes.  We make our way slowly through the streets, making sure we take down every last demon that comes our way.  Agito then shouts out: “We need to find the source of where they’re coming from!  We get to the source, and we can stop this damn flood of demons!”  I nod and say: “But we need to be on our toes, demons are everywhere, and we need to protect the citizens, we have to split up!”  Rose then says: “All right, but if any of you gets into a tight spot, just fall back, and do what you can to save the citizens!”  We all nod and we head our separate directions.  I fly high into the sky and I shoot down demons running through the roads quickly and precisely.  Then a few demons climb up the buildings and they jump towards me, aiming for my wings, but I dodge their attacks and I deliver three headshots.  I then keep on flying and scout the area for any people that might be in danger.
Just when I’m about to take a turn, I hear a little girl screaming for help.  I then shift my eyes around the area to see if I can spot the girl, and I see her trapped by demons, all alone.  I quickly make my way down and turn my bow into a lance and I swoop up my foes and finish them off in seconds.  I then look at the little girl, and I see her expression turn from one of fear into one of wonder.  She goes towards me and touches my wings and she says: “Are you an angel?”  I smile and say: “I guess you could say that.  Now come on, let’s get you to your family.”  With that, the little girl starts to cry and she says: “My family is dead!  The scary monsters came and killed them all!  I don’t have a mommy or a daddy anymore.”  The minute she says that, my eyes fill up with tears, and then I hug the little girl, trying to comfort her, and I say: “It’s okay, everything will be fine.  You just need to be strong and persevere.  Come on, climb on my back and hold on tight, I’ll protect you from the demons.”  The little girl nods and climbs up to my back and she says: “Thank you mister.”  I then nod and I fly up and I continue to scout the area for any people that might be in danger, but the streets are empty…too empty…and I don’t like the looks of it.  The little girl holds on tight and she looks around, half in amazement and half in fear of falling down.  I then reassure her: “Don’t worry, I won’t let you fall.”  The little girl nods and she holds on tight to me, and then I stand on one of the roofs of a building, and then I sense a powerful demonic aura emanating from the northern side of the street.  When I take a closer look, I see a giant demon wolf crash through the buildings, and it heads towards me.  I jump up high into the sky and I soar above the wolf, and the little girl screams in terror and says: “That’s the monster that killed my parents!”
I then take a closer look and I notice that the demon wolf has a giant cage mounted on its back, filled to the brim with people.  I gasp in shock as I see all the people struggling to break free, and one of them sees me and says: “Help us, help us please!”  I then turn my lance into a scythe, but before I even strike the demon wolf, two more appear, also with cages mounted on their backs, and then I think to myself: “They’re capturing the people…this isn’t good.  Hakufen must have sent these wolves so they could fetch all these people and take their souls.”  I then look back at the little girl and I say: “Things are about to get dangerous, so I suggest that you find somewhere safe to hide.”  The little girl nods in disapproval and she says: “No way!  You saved me, and there’s no way I’m going to leave you alone with these big bad wolves!”  I smile and then I say: “Okay, but just hang on.”  The little girl nods and she holds on tight, and then I dash towards the wolves and I start striking at their legs, to see if I can cripple them so I can take them down much easier.  I swiftly evade their claws and try to hit them with my scythe, but their too fast, and I’m not able to make a scratch to them.  The demon wolves growl and then one of them destroys a building and throws the debris at me, and I turn through the debris and I jump up and slice the rest of the debris to bits.  My eyes then flare bright blue and then I feel another powerful surge of energy flowing through me.  I then think to myself: “What is this?  A new power?”  I then look back to the little girl, and I see that her eyes are also flaring bright blue, and my eyes open wide in shock.  I then think to myself: “Is this little girl a Guardian Angel too?”  I then feel the energy inside me burst, and my scythe splits into two katanas, and then multiple copies of me surround the wolves.  The wolves then growl and they howl to call for reinforcements, and more demons hordes appear.
Then all the copies of myself disappear and they start to dash and decimate the surrounding demons.  I then smirk and say: “Now we’ve evened up the odds.”  The wolves growl in fury and they charge at me, and I disappear then reappear behind them and I start slashing them violently with my katanas, and then I notice that the little girl throws laser bullets of light that rain down on the demons and the demon wolves.  I then go under one of the demon wolves and slice its head off, and it fades away, leaving only the cage remaining.  Then I dodge one of the demon wolves’ attack and the little girl summons an axe of light and she slices it clean in half.  I once again open my eyes in shock, and I think to myself: “Does this girl really posses that much power?”  I then shake my head and turn my katanas into a double edge crossbow, and I shoot the last demon wolf down, and the multiple copies of myself obliterate the remaining demons in the area. 
(End Song Here)
Then I go down to the ground and I free the people in the cages and they all thank me for saving them, and I say: “Now all of you have to hide, for this isn’t over yet.”  They nod and they all rush to safety.  I then look back to the little girl and I notice that she’s unconscious.  I look at the little girl amazed, and I still can’t believe how much power she possesses.  I then think to myself: “She’s a Guardian Angel all right, but from the looks of it, she didn’t know it.  Hmm, just like me.  I hadn’t known that I was a Guardian Angel until just recently…”  I then start to feel a little weak, and I revert back to normal.  I then say to myself: “I need to rest my powers for a bit.”  I then sit down in front of the little girl, and I watch over her.  I smile and think to myself: “I remember when I used to sleep like that.  So peaceful and innocent.” I then find myself increasingly tired, and to my surprise, I fall asleep.  When I wake up, I notice that a few hours have passed, and the first thing I see is the little girl sitting with her knees to her chest, just staring at me.  I then sit up and ask: “How long have I been sleeping?”  The little girl says: “For a long while.  Listen mister, thank you for protecting me.   I really appreciate it.”  I then think to myself: “She doesn’t remember what happened at all?  Well, she is still just a child, and she used up a lot of power, so it makes sense that she doesn’t remember.”  I then nod and say: “You’re welcome.”  The little girl smiles and she looks at the stars, and then she ask to me, almost in a whisper: “Mister, c-can I stay with you?  I don’t have anywhere else to go…I don’t have a family anymore.  Can I please stay with you?”  I smile and nod and pat her head and say: “Of course.”  The little girl smiles and hugs me and she says: “Thank you so much Mister!”  I smile and then I can’t help but cry, and then the little girl pulls away and she looks at me curiously and says: “Why are you crying mister?”  I then wipe off my tears and say: “It’s nothing.  Don’t worry about it.”  The little girl then pulls at my arm and she says: “Okay then mister, then let’s get going and see if we can find more people to save!”  I nod and say: “All right.”  We start walking down the decimated streets, and then I look at the little girl and say: “By the way, my name’s Vincent.  Vincent Grace.”  The little girl smiles and says: “Nice to meet you Mr. Vincent, my name is Hoshi.”  I smile and say: “Hoshi.  That’s a nice name.”  We then both keep walking towards the city, hoping that there are still more people out there.
Well everyone, I hope you enjoyed this chapter!  Make sure to leave your thoughts and comments below please, and let me know what you think about Hoshi!  Oh, and be ready for chapters 32 and 33, which will be from Rose’s perspective. :)

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Hey everyone, here’s another chapter!  By the way, I wanted to let you all know that in June I’ll be working a summer job, so I might take a bit longer to post chapters, but don’t worry, I’ll do the best I possibly can to post chapters as often as possible.  Well then, enjoy the chapter everyone, and remember that it’s from Rose’s perspective. :)
Chapter Thirty Two: Tears
I go through the city streets, searching for any more signs of demons or people that need help.  I then see a group of people fighting off demons, and I quickly rush to their aid and take down the demons one by one.  The people look in awe and they keep on fighting as well, and after finishing off the demons in less than a minute, I head towards the people and I say: “You’re doing a good job of staying alive.  Right now your best defense is to fight back.”  Then one of the people stands in front of me and she says: “We’re doing our best to fend off these monsters, but more of them keep coming.  We’re rescuing everyone we can, and we’re accepting any help we can.  Will you please help us?”  I smile and nod and say: “Of course, now come on.  Oh, and the name’s Rose.”  The woman then says: “Nice to meet you Rose, my name is Katrina.”  We nod and we head towards the city square, when one of the people says: “Look, more monsters ahead!”  Katrina looks on and she says: “We’re too weak to fight them off now, we need to buy ourselves some time.  Come on, follow me.”  We stealthily go past the demons and I ask, almost in a whisper: “Where are we going?”  Katrina looks back at me and says: “We’re going underground.  We have a base that’s heavily guarded, and no monster can hope to breach it.”  I nod and we go down the sewers and we make our way through the underground catacombs, going deeper and deeper into the ground, until we reach what seems to be a giant steel door.
Katrina knocks on the door in a rhythmic way, implying that it must be some kind of code.  Then a tiny hatch on the door opens and a pair of silver eyes looks down on us and asks in a deep voice: “No one followed you down right?”  Katrina answers: “No one.”  The hatch closes and the door slowly opens, and then I’m struck in amazement by the sprawling and huge base that I see before me.  Many living quarters for what appear to be homeless people, water fountains decorating the plazas, and markets selling foods and other supplies littering the corners of the base.  I keep on looking and I see children playing with wooden toys and sticks and rolling around in the dirt, laughing and giggling.  I think to myself: “These people live so peacefully.  They’re not aware of the destruction going on in the surface?”  Katrina looks back at me and smirks, as if amused, and she heads toward a hut and urges me to enter.  Katrina then salutes, and everyone else does, and so I follow suit and salute as well.  Katrina says: “We’ve come back, Master Zen.”  I look on ahead, but I see no one.  But then, after a few seconds, I see an old man wearing a robe slowly making his way towards us, and he clears his throat and his face brightens up with a cheerful expression.  He then hugs Katrina and smiles and says: “Thank goodness that you’ve all come back safe and sound.  Now then, tell me, what news from the surface?”  Katrina’s face goes grim and she explains about the invasion of demons and how they’re destroying everything.  As she tells the story, Zen looks at her with a calmness that I can’t really describe.  Then Zen walks towards me and asks: “And who is this young lady?  I do believe I’ve never seen her among us before.”
Katrina looks at me and smiles and says: “This woman is Rose. She saved us from those monsters.  She came in the knick of time.”  Zen then nods and says: “I thank you for saving my friends.  You have my eternal gratitude.  I am in your debt.”  I smile and say: “No problem.  There’s no need for it.  I simply did what I had to do.”  Zen then walks outside the hut and he waves his arm slowly across the base, as if he was magically casting a spell over it and he says: “This is a sanctuary that I had started building many years ago.  During the years I found homeless people and I took them in, and they helped me build the rest of this base, as a home for those who don’t have any.  All the people here mean very much to me, and so that is why we protect our own with our lives.”  I nod and say: “That’s very noble of you.  This place is truly amazing.”  At that, Zen smiles and he pats my shoulder and says: “Tell me, are you also homeless?”  I say: “No, I was just going through the city in search of demons, to make sure I slay them all.  I’m with two friends, Vincent and Agito, and we’re doing all we can to defend the city from the demon hordes.”  Zen then says: “Ah I see.  Well, feel free to stay here if you wish.  After all, you did save my people, and as I said before, I am eternally grateful.”  I smile and say: “Thank you for your hospitality, but I need to be going now.  I have to keep searching for demons.”  Then Zen pats my shoulder and says: “Well, then may God bless your steps, and may you have the best of luck in your quest.”  I salute and say: “Thank you very much.”
(Start Song Here)
I go outside and make sure that no demon sees me coming out of the sewer, and then I close the hatch and go towards the square again.  For a moment, I don’t see any demons in the area, and then I try to see if I can trace Vincent or Agito, but nothing happens.  I keep walking and then, all of a sudden, my head starts to hurt like crazy, like if it was getting crushed repeatedly, and I fall to the floor in pain and I squirm and moan, trying to make the pain go away, but nothing happens.  I then close my eyes and then I see images in my head flashing fast before my eyes.  Then I see what looks to be a wasteland, and piles of dead bodies and skeletons littering the entire wasteland, and I move forward slowly, and then I see Hakufen crushing a skull in his hands, and he laughs mockingly and says: “Now this world is mine for the taking.  All shall bow before me, and nothing shall stop me from erasing humanity for all eternity!”  Then my mind flashes towards another scenario, and then I see a horrifying, sickening sight.  I see everyone I’ve ever know, either cut in half or brutally skewered by spears.  Then I hear a familiar voice behind me, calling out my name: “Rose…”  I look back, and then my eyes fill to the brim with tears, as I see Vincent bleeding endlessly from his stomach, and he struggles to make his way towards me, and I run to him and hold him in my arms and I hug him tight and I don’t let go.  I then ask in between sobs: “Vincent, what happened?”
Vincent speaks weakly and touches my face and says: “At least you’re alive.  That’s all that matters to me.  You need to get out of here.  You have to live.  You can’t let Hakufen kill you…”  I then cry uncontrollably and say: “No, I can’t leave you!  I won’t leave you!  I love you so much, and if you die, then I’ll die with you!”  Vincent smiles weakly and he continues to bleed and his eyes start to close, and his voice gets softer, now turning into a whisper, and he says: “I love you too Rose.  You changed my life forever.  Please don’t forget me.  Don’t…” and with that, he dies in my arms, and then I scream in sorrow and my tears roll down restlessly, and I pound the ground in anger and frustration and scream until my lungs run out of breath.  Then I feel a surge of energy inside me, and then the headache stops.  When I get back on my feet, I look around and realize that it was a nightmare.  I sighed and say: “Thank God it was only a nightmare.  But…it felt terrifyingly real…”  I then shake my head and say: “No, Vincent won’t die.  I’m sure of it.  He’s strong and I know that he wouldn’t die easily”  I keep saying that to myself, and feeling anxious, I go running in search of Vincent.
(End Song Here)
Thanks for reading the chapter everyone, I hope you enjoyed it!  Leave your thoughts and comments below please!  And be prepared for the next chapter, which will be from Rose’s perspective! :D

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Wow, I’m surprised at how many chapters I’ve been able to post in these past few weeks. O_O  I hope you’ve all enjoyed the daily updates, and I hope you continue to keep reading my story!  Now then, here is the next chapter, from Rose’s perspective. :D
Chapter Thirty Three: Unwavering
I search around desperately, praying that Vincent is all right.  As I run through the city, I see the piles of dead demon and human corpses scattered all around the place, and I see the shattered buildings and broken roads.  I think to myself: “These demons have caused such a path of destruction, and now they’re slaying anyone that stands in their way.”  I then go towards the commercial district and I notice something in the distance.  I slow my pace and draw out my knife and I hide behind some debris, to see if I can get a better look at whatever is at the other side.  I stay quiet to see if I can hear any voices, but I hear nothing.  I then go closer, and closer, and closer.  When I’m about a few feet away, I notice that it’s Vincent, searching through the debris for something, and I see a little girl by his side, and the little girl turns around and says: “Mr. Vincent, there’s a woman behind you!”  Vincent then turns around and I wrap my arms around his neck and I kiss him passionately, and he smiles and wraps me in his arms and he kisses back full of passion, and I say: “Thank God you’re okay!”  Vincent looks a tad bit confused and says: “Yes, I’m fine.  Why wouldn’t I be?”  I blush and kiss him one more time and say: “It’s nothing.  I’m just glad that you’re safe.”  The little girl looks at us in disgust and says: “Eww, you were making mushy faces!”  We both laugh and then I kneel down so I’m eye to eye with the little girl, and I ask: “And who’s this little girl here?”  She replies: “I’m Hoshi, and Mr. Vincent here saved me from those scary monsters.”  I shoot a look at Vincent, and he nods, and then I say: “It’s nice to meet you Hoshi, my name is Rose Everdawn.”  Hoshi then smiles and points at me and claps her hands and says: “Oh, so you’re the one Mr. Vincent talks about!  Oh, so that’s why you made the mushy face!”  I blush and laugh and look at Vincent, noticing that he’s also blushing and laughing.
We look around and notice that there are no demons, so I sit down with them, and I ask Vincent: “So, what are you looking for?”  He looks through the debris and says: “Oh, just some firewood so I can start a fire.  Demons may not be around right now, but they might appear later on, and this fire is for any demon wolves that may come this way.”  I then nod and look at Hoshi sleeping soundly in a sleeping bag, and then I ask, in a whisper: “So, what’s her story?”  Vincent stops looking through the debris and he sits down in front of me and says: “She was surrounded by demons, and I saved her, and she told me that her parents are dead, and that she has no family.  So, I decided to take her with me, to keep her safe, but that’s not even the bizarre part.”  I ask: “Bizzare?”  Vincent nods and says: “Yes.  When I was fighting off demon wolves that had human hostages, just when I was in a tight spot, Hoshi unleashed a mighty power and she helped me defeat the demon wolves.  But just as soon as she had summoned her powers, she had gone unconscious.  Apparently, she’s a Guardian Angel, but she herself doesn’t know it yet, the fact that she’s still a child and all.”  I nod my head understandingly and I say: “Amazing.  Now that you mention it, I did sense a powerful aura coming from her, but I didn’t want to ask right then.  Well, at least I know that it’s because she’s a Guardian Angel.  So, what will happen to her?”  Vincent looks at Hoshi with a compassionate smile and says: “I’ll keep her with us until this is all over, then we’ll find a home for her.”  I smile and hold his hands and look into his eyes, and say in a soft tone: “You’re a good man Vincent.”  Vincent meets my eyes and he touches my face and he says: “I love you.”
(Start Song Here)
Before I can even say I love you back to him, the building beside us explodes, and Hoshi wakes up startled, and Vincent takes her in his arms and he grabs my hand and he screams: “Run for it!” and we run quickly to avoid being crushed by the falling debris.  We all take a deep breath and then I growl and say: “I hate freaking demons.”  Hoshi looks up and screams: “It’s a giant monster!  Mr. Vincent, Ms. Rose, we have to get out of here!”  Vincent nods and says: “She’s right, this demon is too big for even us to handle.  We have to run!”  We nod and we start running fast as if the world were disintegrating, and I try to look back so I can get a clear view of what kind of demon we’re facing, and then I notice that it’s a giant stone demon, with carvings all around it’s body.  It has bright yellow eyes and from the looks of it, it’s very powerful.  I then shout out to Vincent: “It’s a giant demon Golem!”  Vincent catches his breath and he keep running and says: “We need to get away from this thing.  Hang on, we’re going to fly now!”  I hang on to him and he sprouts his Angel wings and we soar to the sky, but just as soon as we’re in the air, we’re swooped down to the ground by the demon Golem’s hand.  I look at Vincent panicked, hoping that he and Hoshi are okay, and to my relief, they are.  We try to run again, but the Golem ensnares us into what seems to be a pit of quicksand.  Vincent curses under his breath and I try to climb up to strike the Golem.  But we aren’t able to move, and just when we think all hope is lost, a gunshot pierces the Golem armor, and it backs away a few steps.  The quicksand dissipates, and I grab on to Vincent and we quickly run away from the Golem.  When we get our way back to level ground, we see Agito in the distance, along with a few more people.  Agito smirks: “What would you guys be without me?”  Vincent smiles and says: “Boy, am I glad to see you!”  I smile and then I say: “Guys, we have to run away from this thing, it’s too powerful!”
Agito nods in disapproval and he says: “I’m afraid we can’t do that.  If we let this thing rampage through the city, more lives will be lost, and that’s not something I’m going to let happen.”  I look at Vincent and we both nod and say in unison: “Count us in.” Vincent then puts Hoshi on the ground and says: “I need you to stay behind these people okay?  We have to fight this dangerous monster, but don’t worry, we’ll be back.”  Hoshi nods and smirks playfully and says: “You’d better come back Mr. Vincent, or I’ll have to teach you a lesson!”  I smile and think to myself: “He’d make a great father…”  Then Agito says to us: “Okay, here’s what we’ll do.  My men and I will shoot towards the center, and you and Vincent climb on the Golem’s arms, and then you slice off its head to Kingdom Come.”  We both nod and then Agito says: “Good luck guys.”  We both dart off towards the Golem, and the men start firing at the Golem, but the Golem doesn’t look affected, and he starts throwing debris and dark energy towards them.  I climb on its right arm, and Vincent climbs on its left, and we both start dashing up towards its head.  Everything goes smoothly until demon lizards start to sprout out of the Golem’s arms and going towards me, and I quickly slash them with my knife, but the more I kill, the more they multiply.  I see a giant cluster of demon lizards jumping towards me, and I hear Agito scream: “Rose, duck!”  I look back and duck and a hail of bullets decimates the demon lizards and then I keep climbing up the arm.  I look to my left and see Vincent effortlessly taking down demon panthers with his scythe as he climbs upward.  We then make our way to the top and we’re standing on the Golem’s shoulders.  We look down towards the street and we see a lot of Agito’s men dying, but Agito and the other still stand firm, shooting away at this giant demon.
I then look at Vincent and nod and say: “Let’s do this!”  And with that, we soar above the Golem’s head and we swoop down to cut its head off.  As I feel the wind on my face, I close my eyes, and I think to myself: “Vincent and I have been through so much, and everything we’ve been through has helped us to become stronger.  I know that our love will never die, and I know that I’ll never waver from this path I’ve chosen.  So I will go onward with Vincent, to the light!”  And with that, I open my eyes, and we swoop down the Golem’s neck and cut its head clean off, and the Golem’s body starts to fall slowly.  Then I hear Agito say: “Take cover!”  Vincent holds me close and we fly down to safety and we take cover behind a few cars and the Golem’s body thumps on the ground and sends a shockwave of wind towards us.  After the Golem dissipates, we all come out of our cover, and Agito says: “Job well done guys.  Now come on, we have to keep moving, the rest of the city is in peril, and we have to save it.”  I see Vincent take Hoshi on his back and he walks towards me, and then Vincent says: “Right.  We have to stop these demons, because if we don’t stop them here, the world will be next.”  I nod and say: “As long as we stand firm in the face of this danger, we’ll be able to defeat the demons.  We’ll be able to win this battle, and I know that everything will go back to normal.”  Everyone smiles and Agito puts his hand on my shoulders and says: “Wise words Rose.  Wise words.”  I smile back at them and then we all head towards the suburban district of the city, ready to face whatever comes our way.  Because I know in my heart that we’re ready for anything and everything that may come at us.
(End Song Here)
Ladies and Gentlemen, that was the chapter for you!  Thanks for reading, and make sure to leave your thoughts and comments below, and be sure to stay tuned for chapters 34 and 35, which will be from Vincent’s perspective! :)

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Hi there everyone, sorry for the delay on chapters, I was quite busy this week, as I had gone to visit my grandpa and I went to see Iron Man 3 with my Dad and my niece.  But, thank you for your patience, and to reward your patience, here is another chapter!  Thank you for waiting!  And enjoy the chapter, and remember that it’s from Vincent’s perspective. :)
Chapter Thirty Four: Sanctum
Who would have thought that it would have come to this?  I never expected my life to make such a drastic leap into the unknown.  For years, I worked as a detective, one of the world’s best, solving mysteries and crimes all over the world.  I never once thought that I would come upon a case like this, about little Tyler Thompson.  I never expected these kinds of events to unravel, but I thank God they did.  Because of all this, I was able to meet Rose Everdawn, the girl of my dreams, the woman who completely understood me, and I also found out that I come from a long line of Guardian Angels that are supposed to guard the light during the generations.  I think to myself of all the things that have happened till now, and I still can’t believe that I’m in the middle of this struggle.  But now the situation is growing grim by the moment.  Chicago is being destroyed by hordes of demons, and Rose, Agito and I and a few other men are the only people here defending the city.  Everything’s descending into madness, and we’re the only people that can stop these demons from destroying everything and everyone.  I look back and see Hoshi nestled up on my back, sleeping peacefully.  I look over to Rose and she smiles and walks towards me and says: “You know, she seems to be bonding with you.  She looks happy.”  I smile and look ahead and say: “Yes.  She’s a strong little girl, and she’s more powerful than I could have ever realized.”  We both smile and we keep on walking, while Agito and the others check the surrounding area for demons.
I look at Rose and I blush and then I ask: “Rose, there’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you…can I ask you something?”  Rose smiles and nods and says: “Sure Vincent, anything.”  I blush and feel my throat tighten, and for a moment, I think to myself that it’s best not to mention anything now, but my heart tells me that now is the right time.  I then ask slowly: “When this is all over…w-would you like to live with me, and marry me, and perhaps, have a family?”  When I say those words, Rose’s eyes fill up with tears, and she smiles and goes towards me and hugs me tight and kisses me tenderly and she says: “Yes Vincent, of course I will!”  I then smile and say: “Thank you so much Rose.  You’ve made me the luckiest man in this universe.”  Agito then shouts over to us and says: “Yeah, congrats on your commitment and all, but can we focus on the problem at hand here?  I need you two front and center!”  Rose and I look at each other and laugh and then we head over to Agito.  I then look at him and ask: “So, what’s the plan?”  Agito thinks for a moment and says: “All right, here’s what’s going to be done.  As you can see ahead of us, the mall has been turned into some kind of demon fortress, and it’s heavily guarded, and breaking in there will be needed with stealth.  My guess is that the demons are coming from there, because, in all seriousness, this is kind of what you can expect from the only demonic looking building in the city.  Rose, Vincent, you two need to infiltrate that fortress and break down the door so we can go in, guns blazing and take down the bastards.”  I nod and say: “All right.  And Agito, please take care of Hoshi.”  I hand Hoshi over to him and he says: “With my life.  You can count on me.”  
(Start Song Here)
We nod and we quietly make our way through the building rooftops and we climb on the building closest to the fortress.  We stop and take a look and then Rose says: “Well, from the looks of it, there’s an elite force of demons of about forty or fifty.  There are approximately twenty guards surrounding the outside of the fortress.  We can get in by jumping on the wall below us.”  I nod and say: “Agito and his men will take care of the guards, we’ll take care of the demons on the inside.”  We both nod and we leap down and land on the passageway on the wall, and we slowly make our way down a spiraled staircase, and when we make our way down, we find ourselves inside the demons resting quarters and armory.  We move side to side and we see a few demons playing what seems to be chess.  One of the demons says: “So, when do you think Hakufen’s going to show up?”  The other one says: “Once the humans here have been all destroyed and when Derek captures Rose.  That’s when Hakufen will make his move.”  Then another demon asks: “But what if the girl resists?  What if she fights back?”  The first demon then laughs and says: “Then she’ll die a more painful death.  For you see, Hakufen plans to take her soul and transfer it to the Soul Sanctum.”  The other demon asks: “The soul Sanctum?  What the blazes is that?”  The first demon then strikes the other and says: “You are a stupid fool.  All demons should know about the Soul Sanctum!  What stupid kind of an idiot are you?”  Then the demon leaning on the wall says: “Don’t blame him boss, he’s new, we recruited him yesterday.”  The first demon says: “Oh.  Then I offer my apologies, new one.  But since your new, let me fill you in on the Soul Sanctum.”
Rose moves in to attack, but I motion her to stay quiet and listen, for it seems we’re about to get our hands on useful information.  She puts down her knife and she peeks through the hole in the wall and she listens closely, as do I.  Then I think to myself: “We can’t stay still here too long, otherwise the demons will catch our scent and they’ll detect us.”  Then I look at the demons and the first one stands up and waves his arms up, as if citing an incantation, and the other demons gather around as if they were children, and then the first demons says: “The Soul Sanctum is an ancient cemetery that was constructed by Ayleda of Sablewind herself, to ferry the souls to a place of rest to await their final judgment.  This place was sacred, until our lord Hakufen came and defiled it and made it his fortress.  Since Ayleda had sealed him, she was dead and could not stop his spirit from claiming this Sanctum as his own.  And so, it is a place that some say, drains the very life from your body as soon as you even smell the humid air.  The place has such dark power that not even the most fearsome demons dare enter, for they know that it would take a toll on their own souls.”  The other demons were dumbstruck by the story, and the demon leaning on the wall rolls his eyes and chuckles and says: “This story never gets old to them.”  Then the first demon continues: “And so, Hakufen resides in the Soul Sanctum, awaiting for the capture of the mortal Rose Everdawn, so that he may take her soul and feed himself the power of light, so he can rule over all things.  You’ll see, it’ll be most marvelous.  Personally, I’m just looking forward to going to all the other places of this world to slaughter the humans and destroy the cities.  Oh yes, there will be destruction, and we’ll be the ones to deliver it!”  With that, the other demons cheer, and then I notice the demon leaning on the wall sniff the air and then he says to the others: “I smell something.”  One of the demons says: “It’s not me, I swear!”  The other demons laugh.
The demon then says: “No…it isn’t the smell of a demon…it smells of human.  There may be humans here in our fortress.”  I then nod to Rose and then she draws her knife and slits the demons throat, and then I come out and turn my weapon into a bow and we kill all the demons inside.  I then look at Rose and say: “We were able to take them out easily.  Good.”  Rose then looks through the window and says: “That’s just the start.  The others are starting to pick up our scent.”  I then hold her hand and say: “Don’t worry Rose, we can take them.”  She smiles and looks at me and then we prepare ourselves for battle.  I look at Rose, and then I think of all the wonderful things we’ll get to do once this is all over.  Marry each other, live together, go out to the movies, go out to eat at restaurants, walk on the shore of the beach, gaze upon the stars in the moonlight, go to all the countries of the world, have a family together.  The thought makes me smile and it gives me even more determination to fight against the demons.  Then I also think about Hoshi.  She has no family, and she’s all alone.  I then think to myself of adopting her when all this is over.  Rose would like that.  I smile and then Rose heads towards me and she wraps her arms around my neck and I wrap my arms around her waist and I pull her in for a deep passionate kiss, and I can feel the warmth of her lips spreading on mine, and I smile through the kiss, and I feel her smiling as well.  We then pull away slowly and we look at each other in the eyes.  Then Rose motions towards the door and prepares to open it and then she says: “Well then Vincent dear, it’s time to take out the bastards.”  I smile and turn my bow into a sword and I say: “Let’s do this.”
(End Song Here)
Well everyone, that was the chapter, I hope that you all enjoyed it!  As always, leave your thoughts and comments below, and remember that the next chapter will be from Vincent’s point of view.  Oh, and I also have to note that this week is my graduation week, so on Wednesday and Thursday I may not be able to post chapters.  But don’t worry, the story won’t be delayed for too long, of that I promise you.  Thank you for taking the time to read. :D

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Hey everyone, sorry for the delay on chapters, but now I’m back!  I hope you all continue to enjoy my story, and now there are only 15 more chapters for its conclusion.  Thank you for reading and commenting, and I hope you enjoy the rest of my story!  Now then, without any delay, here is the next chapter, and it’s from Vincent’s perspective. Enjoy! ^_^
Chapter Thirty Five: Diabolical
(Start Song Here)
We burst through the door and we immediately attack all the demons that charge at us.  We dodge their attacks quickly and dispatch them effortlessly, and then Rose and I look at each other, and just by looking at her eyes I know that she’s thinking the same thing I’m thinking: “This was too easy…”  After a few seconds, the ground crumbles beneath us, and a giant axe-wielding demon rises from the ground, and he laughs mockingly at us and looks down at us, as if he’s making an examination.  We then quickly charge towards the demon without giving it a second thought, but then it swipes us with his arm, sending us reeling towards the far end of the fortress.  I struggle to stand and feel dazed, and when I recover, I see Rose slowly making her way back to her feet.  The demon slowly walks towards us, and I can notice in his attitude that he’s quite overconfident, seeing as how a demon as powerful as him would have already sliced us to bits.  The demon, whose face is concealed by a helmet with the carving of a demonic snake, looks down at us and says: “So, you two are the feeble mortals who have made Hakufen’s rise difficult.  I don’t see how you two pose so much as a threat.  You are puny and tiny, ha, I could take you on in my sleep!”  I smirk and say: “Oh yeah? Then how about you get a taste of this!” and with that I turn my sword into a lance and I throw it at him, but he simply catches it and throws it near my feet and he laughs and says: “You think a simple magical weapon will defeat me?  You are more naïve then I thought.  You see, I am Konroth, general of the demon armies!”
I then take my lance out of the ground and turn back into a sword and then I say: “Well, at least you have manners.  I’m Vincent Grace, and she’s Rose Everdawn.  Now then, let’s get to the part where we fight to the death.”  Konroth laughs and says: “I thought you would never say those words.  Now then, let us enter glorious battle!”  With that, we start running towards him, but he pounds his axe to the ground, making it shake violently and making us fall.  I look over to Rose and she nods and then she throws a nearby grenade at Konroth, but he simply catches it and eats it, and we both look astonished at him and he says: “Fools, I eat things like these for breakfast.”  Rose then looks at me and says: “Is this guy for real?  He seems more of an arrogant jerk than a demonic general.”  I look at her and say: “But we can’t underestimate him.  After all, if he is a general, it’s for good reason.”  We both nod and then we try to jump at Konroth, but he grabs us in midair and he slams us to the ground and throws us to the armory.  He then walks towards us, not amused and looking at his fingers.  He sighs and says: “Well, this is disappointing, I was expecting more of a challenge!  But, if this is all your capable of, then I’ll just kill you quickly.”  He then disappears and reappears behind Rose and he’s about to slice her head off when I get in the way and a wave of light ripples through me, causing Konroth to step back.  I then look at Rose and ask: “Are you okay?”  She nods and says: “Yes, I’m fine.  Thank you.”  I smile and nod and when I look back, I see that my weapon has gotten a new form.  Konroth looks at my weapon with amazement and he says: “Ah, a Claymore.  Interesting.”
I think to myself: “How is this possible?  My weapon has more forms?”  I then shake off the thought and then Rose says: “Vincent, throw me towards him to see if I can break his helmet.”  I nod and say:  “Right.  Climb on my Claymore and I’ll fling you over to him.”  She nods and jumps on my Claymore and I spin one time and send her charging towards Konroth, and she flips in the air and lands on his back, and she grabs at the helmet and begins to take it off.  Konroth growls and tries to grab Rose and says: “Get off me, human scum!”  I take advantage of the distraction and I head over to Konroth, Claymore in hand, and then I strike his legs, making him fall on his knees, and he screams in pain, and then I jump up in the air and slice his chest, and then Rose rips off the helmet, and then we see Konroth’s face, with glowing yellow eyes and razor sharp teeth, and he growls and sends us reeling to the ground.  He then looks at us, his yellow eyes blazing with anger, and then he says: “Now you’ve pissed me off!”  We look at him stunned, and he grows bigger and stronger, and his jaw grows and his teeth grow sharper.  Rose then says: “Oh boy.  This will be slightly harder than we thought.”  I look at Rose and say: “Well, we’ve got to do this.  We can’t just let him destroy the city.”  We both nod and we head once again to Konroth, but simply with a flick of his finger he summons pillars of stone that strike us and send us flying up high in the sky, and then we start to plummet down to the ground, and I catch Rose and summon my wings and we soar down to strike Konroth.  Rose says: “Let’s unite our strength!”  I nod and say: “Here goes nothing!”  We plummet down with all our might and Rose places her hand on mine and the Claymore transforms into a giant cannon and it shoots out a radiant beam of light, causing Konroth to explode and dissipate.
(End Song Here)
We land on the ground and we smile at each other and I say: “Well, that was easy.”  Rose laughs and we open the fortress doors and then we wave at Agito and he makes his way down with his men and then he says: “It’s about damn time you opened the door.”  We smile and then I see Hoshi running towards me and she hugs me tight and says: “I missed you Mr. Vincent!  Did you take care of the ugly bad guy?”  I laugh and say: “Yes Hoshi, I did, with Rose by my side.”  Hoshi claps her hands together and points at Rose and says: “Well Ms. Rose, you better take care of Mr. Vincent here, because he loves you very much, and he always thinks about you, he told me himself!”  As she says those words, I blush and look away and Agito and his men laugh softly and Rose smiles and looks at me and she heads towards Hoshi and says: “Don’t worry sweetie, I’ll always take care of Vincent, because I love him too.”  Hoshi shouts out a hooray and she hugs Rose and then I head over to Agito and ask: “So, what do we do now?”  Agito smiles and says almost laughing: “Well Mr. Vincent, we have to head to the east side of town and save all the people we can.”  I smirk and say: “Hey, only Hoshi can call me Mr. Vincent.”  Agito rolls his eyes and he orders his men to move out and we follow them through the pathways of the city.  As we go farther in, we see the city decaying even more and more.  Rose says in awe: “I can’t believe how much destruction these demons have caused.  The further we go in, the further they’ve already destroyed.”  I look at her and say: “Well, it won’t be easy getting rid of them all, but we have to get rid of Hakufen and prevent him from rising, otherwise we’re done for.”  We keep walking until I bump into Agito and then I ask: “Agito, why have we stopped?”  He points towards the front, and then the minute I see what they’re looking at, my eyes open wide in shock.
The entire eastern side of the city is decimated, and the few remaining people are running for their lives, as they escape a horde of demons far greater and fearsome than the ones we’ve already seen.  And with all the crumbled building lying on top of the other, they form what seems to be a giant tower, with carvings of an unknown language, probably demon language, and then Rose whispers to me: “This must be Hakufen’s tower…”  I then put my hand on Agito’s shoulder and then I say: “Agito, things now will be even more difficult to take care of.  I understand if you want to retreat, believe me, I would.  There’s nothing you can do here.”  Agito looks at me and he nods in disapproval and says: “No Vincent.  As long my men and I can breathe, there’s always something we can do.  We’ll take care of the demons in the streets and we’ll provide cover for you while you climb that tower and take care of the bastard Demon Lord.”  I nod and then I say: “Be careful.”  He nods and then he and his men go down to the streets to confront the demons.  Rose and I look at each other, lost for words, partly scared and partly determined, and then, before I say anything, Rose puts her finger on my lips and she says: “Vincent, whatever happens, I just want to let you know that I love you so much.”  I smile and touch her face and look into her eyes and say: “I love you too.” and then we kiss each other lovingly, enjoying the warmth of our lips and the passion of our embrace.”  I then take a deep breath, and we both start running down the streets towards the tower.
Well everyone, I hope you enjoyed the chapter!  Leave your thoughts and comments below and prepare yourselves for chapters 36 and 37, which will be from Rose’s perspective! :D

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