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The Transcendent Key

Text Seeing The World With Brand New Eyes.

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Good afternoon ladies and gents, I hope your all enjoying the wonderful summer vacation, because I know that I am!  So then, here is another chapter of my story!  Only 14 more chapters, and you’ll see the finale to this story.  Keep on reading my fellow followers! :D  And remember that this chapter is from Rose’s prespective.
Chapter Thirty Six: Ascent
As we go down the streets, and increasingly and disturbingly huge amount of demons prowls at us.  We run as fast as we can, taking down as many demons as we can to get to the tower. Luckily, Agito and his men are providing backup for us, so at least I know that we have a fighting chance to save the city.  It’s been such a long time now…this battle has gone on long enough, and too many innocent lives have been lost.  We already know who killed little Tyler, but this is more than just his murderer…this is about avenging Tyler’s death and the death of so many other innocent people that will never go home again.  This is for them.  We fight to end this madness, and to prevent that bastard Hakufen from ever rising.  I rip off one of the demons heads and I put a grenade inside it and I throw it towards the demon hordes and a few of them are caught by the blast.  Vincent looks back at me and asks: “Are you ready for this?”  I nod and say: “As ready as I’ll ever be!”  We then take the first steps near the tower, but then we see a giant, bulky demon holding a cage full of people, and then I gasp and the demon laughs and says: “Oh, you’re not going to enter there…not unless you want to sacrifice these human lives!”  I look at Vincent and he clenches his jaw and says: “Put them down you bastard…”  The demon snorts and says: “Or, if you’d prefer, I’d kill that little Guardian Angel girl over there, along with your friends!”  I then scream: “Don’t you dare touch them!” and then I suddenly feel a strange sensation inside me, and I close my eyes from the following pain.  But when I open my eyes, I see that the demon is laying on the floor, dead and motionless, and the people in the cage are freed and they head towards Agito and his men.  I then stutter and ask Vincent: “W-what happened?”  Vincent looks at me surprised and he says: “Well, when you screamed, a mirage, or well, you know, a copy of yourself, came darting out of your body and took out the demon and then came back to you.”  I then look at my hands and say: “I have that kind of power?”  Vincent nods and says: “Yes, and it’s a good thing you’re on our side.”  He smiles and takes my hand and we go running into the tower.
(Start Song Here)
Once we go in, all we can feel is the disgusting stench of death and decay, and then we see how the tower looks from the inside.  Sharp stalagmites, no doubt made of debris, hang from the ceiling of the tower, and the pathways are carved with human bones, and pedestals are adorned with human skulls, and everywhere we look, we see dead humans piled up, one on top of the other.  Vincent mutters under his breath: “What a disturbing twisted sight…”  I silently agree with him, and then I feel my eyes flare up, and I look to the far left and I point towards the passageway and say: “I can sense a very strong presence from inside there.”  Vincent goes towards me and then he feels it too and says: “Do you think it’s Hakufen?”  I nod and reply: “Most likely.”  I take a deep breath and then Vincent and I go through the passageway and start climbing a spiraled staircase.  For now, everything’s quiet…a little too quiet.  We keep on ascending the stairs, and I suddenly start feeling an immense headache and I fall to my knees, and then I see Vincent rush toward me and hold me in his arms.  Just when he’s about to talk to me, someone falls from the steps a little bit higher above us.  Vincent goes in front of me protectively and he turns his weapon into a lance and he waits for whatever it is to come down the stairs.  Just when he’s about to strike, he stops, dead in his tracks, and he gasps in shock, and when I take a look, I see that it’s Tyler!  He goes towards me and hugs me and says: “Ms. Rose, you’re alive!  I was so worried about you!  This is such a scary place!”  My eyes fill up to the brim with tears and I stutter under my breath: “T-Tyler?”  I can feel Tyler’s arms tightening around me and he says: “I’ve missed you so much Ms. Rose!  Please get me out of here!”  I look up at Vincent, but his face of comfort turns into a face of concern, and he slowly raises his lance at Tyler.  I then scream and hold Tyler in my arms and I say: “Are you crazy!?  What’s wrong with you!?”  Vincent then tells me: “That’s not Tyler!  It’s just a demon under the guise of him, he’s playing mind tricks on you Rose!”  I ignore Vincent and hug Tyler again and I say: “Don’t you listen to him, he’s just going through a rough time, like we all are.”  But when I look at Tyler, all I can see are bright yellow demonic eyes and a smirk and then he opens his mouth and razor sharp teeth are shown and he lunges forward to kill me, and I scream in desperation.  Vincent comes in and slices the demon to bits, and then I fall into his arms, crying.
(End Song Here)
I hug Vincent tight and I say with tears falling down: “I’m sorry.  I’m so sorry for not listening to you.  I just actually thought that he…” he stopped and finished the sentence for me and said: “I know.  I thought for a moment that it was him.  But then I noticed a strange mark on his back, and that gave him away as a demon.  I’m so sorry Rose.”  He holds me close to him and he wipes off my tears and kisses me lovingly, and I kiss him back.  I then slowly rise to my feet and then I say: “All right…let’s keep moving.”  Vincent looks at me with a face of concern and then he says: “Are you sure?  If you want, we can stop here and rest.”  I nod in disapproval and say: “No, it’s all right.  Let’s keep going.”  Vincent nods reluctantly, and we keep on going up the spiraled staircase.  Along the way, we see the walls carved with strange markings and what appear to be drawings, or hieroglyphs.  I hear Vincent say: “Huh, so this is where the infamous blood-written messages come from.”  I look up and then I see the ceiling covered with blood-written messages.  There are so many that I can’t understand them all, but the most noticeable ones are the ones that say: “Humanity is a lie.”  “Everything is nothing.”  “Sorrow is true peace.”  I hold on to Vincent’s arm, and  for a moment, I feel a surge of fear inside me, but I keep reminding myself that as long as I’m with Vincent, everything will be okay, because as long as I have him, I don’t have anything to fear.  After a few more seconds, we make it to the top of the spiraled staircase and into a chamber that looks nothing like what we saw below.  The chamber is beautifully decorated, with vines adorning the surrounding pillars, and crystal mosaics everywhere you look.  For a moment, it looks like a church, but then I remind myself that this is Hakufen’s domain, and not everything is at it seems.  I then step forward and shout: “Hakufen! Show yourself!  You’ve been looking for me all this time, and now your searching is over, because I’m here!  Come out and fight me you bastard!”  No response.  Vincent looks around warily, and then I shout out: “Hey, I told you that I’m here, so now you can show your disgusting face!”  Still nothing.  I start go get irritated, and before I shout again, Derek appears on the other end of the chamber.  He takes off his hood and says: “So, you’ve made it this far.  Congratulations.”
Vincent growls and he steps in front of me protectively and turns his lance into a scythe and he says: “You…you killed Tyler, and you caused the deaths of so many innocents…your going to pay for that!”  Derek says nothing, and when I take a closer look at his face, I can actually see sadness, and perhaps even regret, on his face.  Derek then says: “All the pieces have come together.  Soon all will be complete, and Rose shall meet her end, and the world as you know it will turn over to demon rule.  No longer will you have wars, no longer you will have to hide in fear…because once Hakufen reigns supreme, true peace will follow.”  I then look at him and say: “Is this what you really want?  You want to sacrifice so many human lives?  I can understand wanting to save your brother’s soul, but turning this world into a demon world?  That’s just sick!”  Derek looks at me and he actually seems to be weighing my questions, but he shakes off the thought and he summons a blade of darkness and he says: “It’s not my decision to make.  Everything has already been set in motion.  All your friends, all of humanity will perish, and not a single trace of it will be left.  And you, my dear Rose, are the one I should thank, for your powers will be the energy that Lord Hakufen feeds on to maintain his strength.”  Vincent screams and says: “You won’t lay a finger on her you damn bastard!”  I see him leap up in the air and I scream: “Vincent, no!” and Derek smirks and he disappears and then reappears under Vincent and he throws him up to the ceiling and makes a sort of binding spell so that the vines grip him tight and prevent him from moving.  Vincent struggles to break free, and I look at Derek, my eyes tearing up in anger and frustration.  I say: “I thought that I could be able to save you Derek…but now I see that I’ll have to destroy you…”  Derek smirks and says: “Hit me with your best shot.”  I then scream and lunge toward him and suddenly a katana of pure light radiates in my hand, and our blades clash against each other violently.  Derek’s smirk grows wider and he says: “It’s about time.”
I hope all of you enjoyed this chapter!  Let me know what you think of the story so far, and tell me what has been your favorite moment in the story!  Please be sure to leave your thoughts and comments below, and stay tuned for the next chapter, from Rose’s perspective. :D

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The final battle is drawing near, and Rose and Vincent must defend all that they believe in and all that they love.  Will they be able to prevent Hakufen from rising?  Find out in these riveting final chapters of Seeing The World With Brand New Eyes.  Thank you for your support and for following my story.  Now then, here’s the chapter! :D  And thank you Keyblade101 and my darling Inori for your comments. ^_^
Chapter Thirty Seven: Change
(Start Song Here)
I look in awe at my newly made weapon, and I think to myself: “Is this a result of my power?”  Derek smirks as if had read my mind…maybe he could, and he said: “Yes, that is a result of your mighty power.  When your loved ones are hurt, or when you are thrown into action, your emotions forge weapons so that you may defend those whom you hold dear.”  I whisper under my breath: “You’re going to die, you madman…”  Derek laughs and says: “I’ve been called worse darling.  Now then, enough chatter, let’s battle!”  With that, I push him back with a sweep of my blade, and I send him reeling back, but he regains his focus and dashes towards me at blazing fast speeds, and he attacks me but I block his attacks and I try striking him with my knife, but he’s too quick.  When I kick him back, I look up for a few seconds to see Vincent, tied up with no way to unbind himself. He nods and says: “Take him down.”  I nod and charge towards him, and for a moment, everything seems to be in slow motion, and then five beams of light shoot from the sword’s tip and the beams dart around each other and they coalesce and strike Derek, and he falls to the ground, and then I see blood coming out of him.  I smirk and say: “You may have powers, but you’re just like everyone else.  If you bleed, you die.”  Derek smirks and says: “Impressive…you haven’t even used that sword for five minutes and you’re already performing like an expert swordsman.  I salute you on that Rose.”  I sweep my sword against the ground and cause shockwaves to emanate and go towards Derek and I say: “Flattery will get you nowhere…”
Derek smirks and he disappears then reappears behind me and he kicks me right in the waist, and I fall to the ground but quickly counterattack my using one of the vines in the floor as a whip, and I wrap the fine around his foot and I yank him down, and he falls hard to the ground with a sickening crack and thud.  I say: “We’re done here.”  Just when I’m about to head up to untie Vincent, Derek laughs maniacally and he comes out of the debris and he says: “You are so naïve.  Did you actually think I was done for that quickly?  Ha, then your much more pathetic than I thought.”  His sickening laugh irritates me, his smirk unsettles me, and the way he thinks he’s so powerful makes me want to rip his skull out.  I calm myself and I feel the flow of power surge inside me, rolling around, charging and waiting for the right time to unleash itself.  I then walk towards him slowly and I say: “You are nothing more than a joke.  You are pathetic, and the worst thing you could have done was to mess with me and the people I care about.  You took away Tyler, you killed so many innocents, and now you want to separate me from Vincent.  You’re nothing more than a sick bastard!”  Derek growls angrily and says: “Shut up you wench!” and he spits at my face.  I then feel something snap inside me, and then with a wave of my hand, a blinding force of light radiates from my hand and it sends Derek crashing through the pillar.  When I walk towards him, he’s coughing up blood and I smirk and say: “Pathetic.  And you still think of yourself as strong.  Just pathetic.”  I walk away and then I see Vincent and he screams: “Rose, look out!”
Before I can turn around, I feel a surging pain swelling inside me.  I fall to my knees and I notice that Derek’s dark blade pierced through my stomach, all the way through.  I cough up blood and I struggle to stand, and I fall to my knees again.  I hear Vincent screaming like a madman, trying to free himself from the vines, and he screams: “Rose!!!”  Derek smirks and pulls the blade out of my stomach and he says: “Never turn your back on an opponent.  That’s something even you should know by now.”  I slowly stand up, but can’t contain myself from all the bleeding, but I manage to close the wound with my powers and I’m able to heal myself.  Derek then curses under his breath and he screams: “Die already!”  He raises his arm up and I stab my blade through his chest, and his eyes widen, and I hear Vincent sigh of relief.  I may have healed myself, but I still feel weak, and I fall to my knees again while the blade is stuck in Derek’s chest.  Derek slowly removes it and I open my eyes wide and I say: “Impossible!”  He laughs and says: “You’re not the only one with the powers of healing you know.”  He heals his wound and then I scream: “That’s it, I’ve had enough of you!”  I run towards him and punch him right in the jaw, and he punches my stomach, causing the pain of the wound to increase.  Then we pick up our blades and we continue to fight, the echo of our blades ricocheting through all the chamber.  He then smirks and says: “There will be no dawn for humanity, no morning for hope, no day for triumph.  There will only be darkness.  Everlasting darkness!  You will never be able to see what lies ahead, because you’ll die by my hand!”
(End Song Here)
I growl angrily at him and then I punch him right in the jaw again, I break through one of the mosaics, and all of the city can be seen from this point.  I then hold his face and make him look at the chaos and I say: “Look at what you’ve caused!  Look at all the lives being lost, all the homes being destroyed!  Is this what you want!?  Is this what you want for our world!?  You would sacrifice your own soul just to see the destruction of humanity!?” I then see Derek’s expression change from a cocky bastard into a frightened man, almost like a child.  He then says: “But…my brother-“ I then interrupt him and say: “Your brother.  You want to atone a mistake your brother did, but look what it’s costing you!  Look at everything happening around you!”  Derek tries to look away, tears swelling his eyes, and he says: “It’s too late to do anything…there’s nothing I can do to stop the demons from rampaging through the streets.”  I then slap his face and I say: “There’s always something you can do!  It’s never too late to do the right thing!”  Derek says, almost in a whisper: “But I’m nothing but a Heartless bastard…you’ve seen everything I’ve done…what makes you think I can do something?”  I then put my hand on his shoulder and I say: “I know you can do something, because of the love you have for your brother.  You’ve sacrificed body and soul to bring him back, so I know you can be able to save the lives of the innocents!  I’ll forgive you for everything you’ve done, if you help me now!”  Derek stutters and asks: “But, how can I?”   I then say: “Prove to me that there’s still good inside you!”  He nods and says: “I’ll try.” and then he releases Vincent from the vines and he comes towards us.  Vincent looks at Derek and says: “At last you’ve listened to reason.”  Derek nods and then he says: “Follow me, I’ll lead you to Hakufen’s throne room.  We get rid of him, and all the demons will die.”  I then nod and say: “Lead the way.”  Derek nods and he runs down the hall.  Vincent looks at me and asks: “Do you think we can trust him?  For all we know, he might lead us into a trap.”  I kiss Vincent and say: “I saw the look in his eyes, the sudden change.  I know I can trust him.  He’s the Derek we all know again.”
We run down the hall with Derek and then he says: “Hakufen’s throne room is a few floors up, but it’ll be more difficult from here, since the demons guarding the way are more powerful than the ones outside.”  Vincent sighs and says: “Great, just what we had to deal with, more demons.”  Derek laughs and says: “I know.  They can be quite a handful.”  We make our way through the halls and corridors, and suddenly, everything stands still except for me. I then look at Vincent and Derek, and they’re both frozen in place, as if they had frozen in time.  I then think to myself: “This must be Hakufen’s doing…”  I slowly walk down the hall, hoping I can be able to make time flow back again.  But nothing happens, and even the air is still, and then it starts to get harder to breathe.  I then feel dizzy and I fall on my knees, and then I feel a screeching pain clawing at my head, and I struggle to move and I moan in pain and then I fall completely to the ground.  I try to stand up, but the pain is so much, that I can barely move.  My vision starts to get blurry, and then I think to myself: “No…I can’t fall unconscious now…not when the situation is so dire…”  I fight with all my power to stay awake, but my vision gets blurrier.  I then feel as though my body is getting cold, as if all the power and life inside me is being drained away the more I struggle.  But I keep on fighting, hoping to break free of this pain, hoping to be able to help Vincent and Derek.  But it all doesn’t matter, because in just a second, I feel as though all my life force has been drained away, and all I can see before I close my eyes is the silhouette of someone who’s about to pick me and carry me away.
Okay, so that was the chapter!  I hope you all enjoyed it, and be sure to leave your thoughts and comments below!  And prepare yourself for chapters 38 and 39, which will be from Vincent’s point of view! :)

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Okay everyone, here’s another chapter!  I hope you all keep enjoying the story!  Prepare yourselves, because the finale is coming soon, and it’ll be filled with pulse pounding action!  Without further ado, here is the next chapter, from Vincent’s point of view. :3
Chapter Thirty Eight: Demonspawn
I don’t know how it happened.  One moment Rose was in front of me, and just like that, she was gone.  Derek was just as speechless as I was, and we couldn’t even begin to guess what had happened.  I look towards Derek, expecting to see if he at least knew what had happened to us.  Derek then says: “This must have been Hakufen…he must have stopped the flow of time in here so that he could take Rose.”  I gasp and clench my fists and think to myself: “I let her slip through my fingers…the bastard who’s been trying to have her all these years has captured her, and I didn’t even see it coming.  I’m such an idiot.”  I then sense Derek’s hand on my shoulder, and I look up at him and he says: “Now’s not the time to be regretting what we weren’t able to do.  Come on, we’ll eventually find Hakufen, and besides, if both of us know something sure about Rose, it’s that she won’t go down without a fight.”  I smile and say: “Yes.  Right you are.”  We then go running down the hallway and it seems endless, but as we go deeper, the stench of demons increases, and the smell becomes so intoxicating that I have to cover my nose with my arm.  I look at Derek, and he’s running as if nothing would faze him.  I then ask between breathes: “How can you take this disgusting smell?”  Derek looks back at me and says: “I’m used to it.  Now come on!”  I nod and we reach the end of the hallway and we come upon a giant door, and then Derek slowly opens it, and we enter a chamber, which seems to look like an arena.  Derek signals me to keep on moving and he says: “Quick, we have to keep moving before-“
Before he even finishes his sentence, a few lights on top of us turn on, and the empty seats are suddenly filled with demons, spectators no doubt, and apparently, we’re their source of entertainment.  Now we’re two gladiators, trapped in a demonized version of a coliseum.  The demons roar with anticipation and excitement, and above the bleachers, a tall tower, no doubt the seat of the arena master, looms over us, and then we see a formidable looking demon take his seat and then the crowd goes silent as he raises his hand.  Derek sighs and says: “Great…just what we needed.  A damn arena fight…”  The demon looks down on us and says: “Ah, greetings Derek, it’s been a while since I saw you.  And it seems you have now allied yourself with our enemy.  Ha, I expected you to betray us, and it looks as though I was right.  Ah, and I see that little friend of yours is a Guardian Angel?”  I nod and shout out to the demon: “What’s it to you!?”  The demon laughs and says: “Ah, you’ve got a fiery spirit.  I like that.  Allow me to introduce myself, Guardian Angel.  I am Zangan, demon gladiator extraordinaire!”  he waves his arms majestically, and the demon crowds roar and applause, and I look at Derek and he says: “His Majesty is a total show off, just so you know.”  I reply: “Yeah, I think I noticed that.”  The applause dies down and Zangan then points at me and says: “So, you’re the mighty Vincent Grace I’ve been hearing so much about.  You are quite a handsome fellow, I’ll give you that much.  But you must understand that this is where your journey ends.  You will die here, and Hakufen will have his way with Rose Everdawn.”
(Start Song Here)
I clench my fists and I shout: “Well here’s some news for you, o mighty arena master, I’m not going down that easily!”  Zangan smirks and says: “You’ve certainly proved you are tough with words.  Hmph, let us see how tough you are in skill!  Unleash the Demonspawn!”  Derek and I look towards the steel door below the tower, and loud thumping noises can be heard from the inside.  Everyone in the crowd goes insane with joy and laughter, and I think to myself: “Wow, and I thought that people got all insane at the Super Bowl.  But this tops it.”  I then look at Derek and say: “Are you ready?”  Derek nods and says: “Whenever you are!”  We both nod and the Demonspawn bursts his way through the steel doors and it walks around us in circles, as if examining us.  It has fiery red eyes, and it has razor sharp teeth and red fur.  Derek then whispers to me: “That’s one of the most powerful Worgs alive.  The infamous Demonspawn.”  I look over at Derek and I say: “With everything that’s happened, this doesn’t exactly surprise me.  Now come on, let’s take care of business!”  We charge towards the Demonspawn, and it jumps out of the way, surprising fast for his size.  He then pounces at us and swipes us with his claws, causing my leg to be wounded and causing Derek to reel back.  Derek jumps towards it and he slashes it three times with his dark blade, but the Demonspawn doesn’t even flinch, and it just slams Derek to the floor, and I quickly turn my weapon into a bow and I aim for the Demonspawn’s leg, and I shoot the arrow, but it ricochets of his leg and into the ceiling.  Zangan laughs and says: “We sure have a spectacle here tonight, everyone!” The other demons laugh mockingly and enjoy the sight of a stupid wolf demon trying to kill us both.  I go quickly towards the Demonspawn and turn my bow into a sword and I start taunting it so it heads towards me.  I signal Derek to take advantage of the distraction, and he gets my message.
The demons keep on cheering, and Derek climbs up the wall and strikes at the chandelier in the ceiling, causing it to fall on the Demonspawn.  I make sure to keep my guard, just to make sure I don’t get caught unaware, and just when I think it’s over, the Demonspawn breaks the chandelier and its fiery eyes center towards me and he charges at me, and I quickly dodge and summon my angel wings and I soar upwards.  Derek then says: “I would come down if I were you.”  I ask: “Why?  It’s not like he’s going to reach me.”  But I then see how wrong I am, as I see the Demonspawn climbing up the wall and killing a few demons during its climb, which apparently makes the crowd even more insane with excitement, and it jumps off the wall and grabs my leg and slams me down to the floor, causing a crack in the floor.  Derek then goes towards me but he’s swiped off by the Demonspawn.  I then stand up from the crack in the floor and I ask: “Is that all you got you mangy mutt?”  The Demnspawn growls angrily and it starts bashing away at my wings, but my wings are luckily razor sharp, and I manage to strike both of its eyes, making it blind.  It roars in pain, and Derek says: “All right, now’s our chance, we have to strike now!”  I nod and both of us climb up the walls, we both raise our arms high, and we swoop down to the Demonspawn’s head, causing it to get sliced off instantly.  The crowd goes silent and Derek and I stand in the middle of the arena.  Then I hear a slow clap, and I see Zangan emerge from his seat and he jumps down from the tower and slowly walks towards us.  He then looks at us both in the eye and he says: “Well, I must admit gentlemen, you both are quite the warriors.  You both have proved to be strong.  But now, you must face a greater challenge.”  I then smirk and say: “Bring it on!”  Zangan smirks and takes off his cape and beneath it he’s wearing silver armor with many carvings engraved on it, and the crowd goes wild.
I look at Derek and say: “Well, it looks like we’ve got to take care of one more numbskull.”  Derek laughs and says: “I’m sure it won’t be that challenging.”  We both laugh and Zangan growls angrily and says: “Silence!  Do not dare to underestimate my power!  I am the demon gladiator extraordinaire, and you will feel my wrath!”  I turn towards Zangan and I turn my sword into a scythe, and Derek’s dark blade grows longer and shaper, and we both prepare for battle.  Then all of a sudden, I feel something strange surging inside me.  Then all of a sudden my vision shifts towards another demon.  Hakufen maybe?  I try to piece together and find out what the hell I’m seeing, but when I look closely, I see Rose, her arms and legs tied, and she’s hanging on the wall, with only thin, ripped clothes to cover her body parts.  I try to scream out to her, to see if she can hear me, but then I realize that I can’t do anything.  I clench my fists angrily and I feel the energy within me reach its boiling point.  I can see Rose crying, suffering, awaiting a torture more punishing than death itself.  I then think to myself: “I have to hurry!  Rose, please hang on!  Please!  I’ll get to you!  I won’t let Hakufen lay his hands on you!”  Then my vision shifts to the arena again, and I see Zangan about to strike, and Derek pushes me out of the way and he dodges the attack.  Derek then screams to me: “Get your head out of the clouds, we have a fight on our hands!”  I shake my head and say: “Right!”  Zangan chuckles and he points at us and says: “Now, you shall witness true and fearful power, for I shall destroy you and use your heads as trophies!”
(End Song Here)
Okay, so that was the chapter everyone.  I hope that you all enjoyed it, and as always, leave your thoughts and comments below!  And if there are any questions you want to ask about the story, feel free to ask! And stay tuned for the next chapter, from Vincent’s point of view! :D

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Hey there ladies and gentlemen, and good afternoon!  Here is another daily chapter update, and I hope you all enjoy it!  Oh, and after I finish this story, I’m going to give a preview of what my next story will be.  So keep your eyes peeled everyone. :)
Chapter Thirty Nine: Zangan
(Start Song Here)
Zangan lunges towards us and he sprouts out four more arms, and then I think to myself: “Hmph, no wonder he’s the “gladiator extraordinaire’.  With so many arms, who wouldn’t be?”  I shake my head and I look at Derek and we nod in unison, and just when Zangan is about to attack, we disappear before his eyes, and then he shouts out: “What mad trickery is this!?”  Then Derek and I appear on top of him and we start bashing at him with our weapons, but they don’t seem to even give so much of a scratch to Zangan, and he simply laughs and grips us tight and flings us towards the crowd, and the demons roar with excitement and joy, and they give us space to stand up.  Derek wipes the blood off of his mouth and I look to my surroundings, to see if I can find anything that might help us get the advantage on this guy.  For now, there’s nothing, and Derek and I plunge forward towards him but he simply slams us to the ground and summons curved swords and he starts to slash them at us.  Luckily, we’re able to block his attacks, but he has surprising speed for his size.  Derek then shouts out to me: “This guy really does live up to his name, doesn’t he?”  I smirk and say: “Hey, even the mightiest have to fall, don’t they?”  Zangan growls angrily and he swoops his swords down at us and says: “Enough blabbering and pay attention to the match you imbeciles!  I want to be able to have a glorious victory, to once again impress my peers!”  I then think to myself: “Can you believe this guy?”  He’s nothing more than a delusional guy.  But I shake off the thought and continue to block the blows of his swords.
Zangan suddenly jumps high up and he swoops down to the floor and we dodge his attack, but he laughs and says: “Look down below.”  Derek and I quickly look at the floor and it shakes violently, and pillars rise from the ground and strike us hard, sending us crashing to the ceiling and falling back to the floor.  The demons cheer Zangan on and chant his name, and Zangan basks in the glory.  Derek smirks and says: “Wow, this guy is a glorified mess.”  I laugh and say: “I will admit that he fights though.”  Derek nods and he disappears and reappears behind Zangan and he strikes him multiple times with his dark blade, causing shockwaves of darkness to ripple and ricochet throughout the arena.  The demons leap out of their seats like children, enjoying the chaos that ensues.  I look again around my surroundings, and I notice four pedestals scattered around the arena.  I then analyze on how I can use them to my advantage, but before I can come up with a plan, Zangan’s swords slash the ground near my feet and I jump out of harm’s way, and then I leap towards him and slash him with my scythe.  I manage to cause a tiny scratch on his chestplate armor, and for a moment, I feel relief, but then the scratch repairs itself and the armor is brand now again, and I open my eyes in shock, but not before Zangan sends me reeling towards a pillar.  I then think to myself: “He regenerates…”  I look up and Derek is high up in the air, sending down debris to Zangan, but he simply uses his swords as cover and he folds his two free arms as if the debris doesn’t faze him. 
I then growl and say: “You know, you’re starting to piss me off Zangan!”  The demons go silent and Zangan ignores Derek and turns towards me and he says, in a mocking tone: “Oh, am I now?  Ha, well isn’t this rich?  I managed to piss off a Guardian Angel!  Come on, show me your fire, lad!”  He then leans his face close and he hits it with the palm of his hand as if saying, hit me with your best shot.  I then smirk and say: “Don’t mind if I do.” and I charge my energy and my eyes flare light blue, and Zangan looks at me surprised, and my energy channels through the scythe and I swipe is across his face, leaving a scar on his cheek, and he falls back, stunned.  The demons open their eyes in amazement and fear, and they look at Zangan, expecting him to stand up.  He doesn’t disappoint and he stands up and he growls angrily at me and he says: “Oh, that was an excellent shot.  But now it’s my turn!”  He raises his arms up and prepares to strike me with his swords, but I leap out of the way and then Derek looks at me and nods, and we slash him from both sides rhythmically, causing our blades to form an x when we swoop down, and then we both stand side to side and our blades glow with mighty energy, and a radiant beam of light and a ray of darkness emanate from our blades and strike Zangan right in the center, and he falls to the floor, dazed and stunned, and surprised.  I look closely and I notice that most of his armor is chipped off but starts to regenerate itself again.  I then look at Derek and say: “We have to get rid of this guy, and fast…do you see those four pedestals scattered around the arena?”  Derek nods and says: “Yes, I see them.”  I then reply: “Just follow my lead, and we’ll take care of this guy for good.”  Derek then says: “Right.”
Zangan slowly rises and he wipes the blood off of his mouth and he says: “Well gentlemen, you have managed to make me bleed, an accomplishment that few have been able to go through.  I will admit that you have skills.  But now is the time when you perish and feel my wrath!”  I then taunt him by standing next to the pedestal and I say: “Oh come on, you can do better than that!” He growls and says: “How dare you!?  Show some respect!”  He then charges towards me and I get out of the way and he breaks the pedestal, causing cracks to spread through the floor.  Then Derek taunts him by saying: “Come on, bring on your best!”  He growls and says: “Stop that this instant!”  He charges towards Derek but he jumps out of the way and he hits another pedestal, causing the cracks to increase.  Panicked, the demons start getting out of their seats and running for their lives.  I then say: “Zangan, come at me, you wretch!”  He growls and says: “Look at what you’ve done!  Our audience is leaving!”  Then Derek throws his blade to his chest, causing him to run towards Derek.  He jumps out of the way and he hits the final pillar and he opens his eyes wide, and the floor gives way to a surprisingly deep chasm.  He tries to hold on to dear life, but he falls towards the pool of fire below, and he screams in agony and pain, and Derek and I hang on to the doorway leading out of the chamber.  Derek then says: “Whoah, that was one heck of a battle.  Never knew you could be so skilled in combat Vincent.”  I smirk and say: “Come on, we have to keep moving, Rose needs our help.”  Derek nods and says: “Just a few more floors and we’ll be in Hakufen’s throne room, and then we can finally put an end to this.”  I reply: “Right you are, now come on, we don’t have any time to waste!  I can already feel the immense aura of demons going through the city.”
(End Song Here)
We run quickly and keep ascending the stairs and hallways.  As we continue going upward, the demonic aura grows stronger and stronger.  Hakufen’s power keeps on growing the closer we get to him.  I suddenly sense something, as if an event of ill omen is about to occur, and I suddenly stop and stare at the floor, thinking, hoping that Rose is all right.  Derek taps my shoulders and he says: “Vincent, we won’t be able to do any good if you continue to mope around, come on and let’s get a move on already!”  I nod and say: “Right.  Sorry about that.”  We then run faster and faster, as if our lives depend on it and then we come upon an empty space.  And when I say an empty space, I literally mean empty.  It’s as if we stepped off the border of reality and into the border of space.  I can see the stars and comets as clearly as I can see Derek.  I’m having a hard time believing what I’m seeing, but then again, after so many things that have happened, this shouldn’t really surprise me.  I notice that we seem to be walking on nothing more than thing air, because there is no floor, only the endless and empty abyss of space.  I look at Derek and he looks stunned, and I ask: “Hadn’t you been here before?”  He says: “Yes, but I had never come upon this room.  It’s as if this was made recently.  Well, I don’t know if I should even call it a room.  I don’t even see a door.  Wait, the door we came through, it’s gone!”  I look back and he’s right, and then I curse under my breath, but I say: “We have to keep moving forward, we can’t give up now!”  Then I think to myself: “Hang in there Rose.  Please hang in there, I’ll come for you!”
Okay, so that was the chapter!  I hope you all enjoyed it, and I hope you’re looking forward to chapters 40 and 41, which will be from Rose’s perspective!  Please leave your thoughts and comments below! :3

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Hey there everyone, sorry for the delay on posts, but my family has been out of the house for a few days and since today I started my summer job, I haven’t had time to write chapters.  But rest assured, I’ll try to post as much as I can.  Enjoy the final chapters of my story everyone!  And remember that this chapter is from Rose’s perspective. :)
Chapter Forty: Unshakable
I open my eyes slowly, and I find myself bound by chains, and at first my vision is blurry, no doubt from all the time I’ve been unconscious, but then my vision starts to clear up, and I notice that I’m in what appears to be a dungeon.  I look around me to see if there are any guards, but none are around to be seen.  The last thing I remember is falling unconscious, and that Vincent and Derek were frozen in place.  It only took a moment for me to notice that I was scantily clad, with most of my skin showing, with only thin garments to cover my body parts.  I then gulp and look around once more, and then I see a tall, brooding demon with a table full of torturing devices.  I then decided to ask: “Who are you, and what the hell have you done to me?”  The demon turns around to face me and he smiles and says: “Ah, so you’ve finally awoken.  I thought you would never wake up.  I am Lucius, the Dungeon Master.  Welcome to Hakufen’s dungeon!”  I look at him with disgust and I growl at him and say: “What have you done to me!?”  Lucius smiles and says: “Oh, nothing at all really.  At least, not yet.”  He then turns around and continues to tinker around with his tools, as if examining which one he should use first.  I look at him and ask: “Was it really necessary to have me almost completely naked?”  Lucius lets out a deep laugh and he says: “It’s not up to me girl, it was Hakufen’s request.  He wants you to be prepared for the ritual.”  I then think to myself: “…Ritual?”  My mind then suddenly drifts off to Vincent, and I pray that he’s all right.
Noticing my concerned face, Lucius goes towards me and he looks around, as if to make sure that no one else is around and then he whispers: “Look girl, I don’t want to be here as much as you, we’re both prisoners here…”  My eyes open in shock and I reply: “What do you mean?”  He then urges me to talk softer and he whispers: “I’m a demon in the service of Ayleda of Sablewind, I’m currently undercover.”  I then look at him and I say in a sad tone: “Ayleda’s been dead for centuries now, I thought you of all demons would know.”  Lucius allows himself a grin and he shakes his head and says: “Honestly girl, with all that you’ve witnessed, you really think it impossible for me to be able to communicate with her?  She may be dead, but her spirit lives on, and all of her followers know of her brave and noble sacrifice, and so demons such as myself follow her example.”  I then ask him: “Then please free me.”  He nods in disapproval and he says: “I can’t do that.  I’m undercover, I need to create a diversion to make sure that Vincent and Derek come here in time so that the final battle can commence.”  I reply: “I see.  Okay, then I’ll play along.”  Lucius nods and he turns back towards the table containing the torturing devices, tinkering with them as if he was searching for the greatest torture device of all.  I then think to myself: “Vincent, Derek, please hurry.  We have to end this now.”  I then lean my head down and think of all the wonderful moments that Vincent and I have shared, and that wonderful time when I gave myself to him.  I smile at the memories and it gives me even more resolve.
After a few minutes, a guard enters the dungeon and takes a look at me and then he says: “Hakufen has spoken.  It will soon be time.”  Lucius nods silently and waves his hand dismissively at the guard and he says: “Yes, yes, just let me get back to work.”  The guard nods and leaves the dungeon and then Lucius goes towards me and whispers: “All right, now I’m supposed to leave a mark on your thigh, so just pretend that I’m doing so and shout out so that they take the bait.”  I nod and I start to moan painfully and I rattle the chains, and no one comes through the dungeon door.  After a few more minutes of rattling my chains and grunting and moaning, I pretend to fall unconscious, and then Lucius takes off one of his gloves and from his hand radiates a beam of light which carves out the supposed marking that he was going to make.  I smile and says: “You’re quite the artist.  Did you ever consider being a tattoo artist for demons?”  Lucius chuckles and says: “That was actually my first job, but then I was offered to be an agent for Ayleda of Sablewind, and of course, I accepted the honor.”  I look at him sympathetically, and he looks back and smiles, and then I feel the urge to ask him: “So, how exactly did you get to meet Ayleda?”  Lucius sighs, as if recalling a fond memory, and he sits down and then says: “Well, you see, it was a very long time ago, and I had heard of a great war that was going to begin, and the generals were recruiting soldiers from all the villages.  My father was going to enlist, but I couldn’t let him, since he was too old, and instead I took his place.”
(Start Song Here)
I look at him and I say: “That’s a very honorable thing for you to do.”  Lucius nods and then he continues his story: “I enlisted for the war, and then next thing I know, I was in the training grounds, honing my combat skills and my senses for the coming battles.  Weeks passed, and from time to time I was allowed to go visit my family, and I cherished all the moments that I could with them.  Then came that fateful day.  It was a bright morning, but the trees and the mountains and the skies were brimming with dark tidings.  My comrades and I were fearful of what might happen, but that’s when I saw her, standing amongst us as if she was a demon herself.  Ayleda of Sablewind.  I dared not to look at her beautiful face, for such a beautiful creature did not need to look down upon a creature as horrendous as I.  Everyone was nervous, and among the ranks of demons, I could also see humans, and then I thought to myself of how comforting and how encouraging it was to see humans and demons fighting side by side.  After a few seconds I saw Ayleda’s feet, and I slowly leaned my head up to take a glance at her, and when I looked at her, I couldn’t believe my eyes.  Her face was pure and simple, her long and black hair falling on her shoulders, her crystalline green eyes, I did my best not to look surprised.  She gave me a comforting smile and then I took off my helmet and I said: “It is an honor for me to be serving by one as pure as you.”  I remember her smiling and touching my face, and I remember her saying: “The honor is mine, to be able to fight alongside you my comrade.”  She then looked at all of us and she said: “There will come a time when the world hangs on the hinges of destruction, when all hope seems lost, and when everything seems to be hopeless, but by uniting and standing strong, we stand a chance at making a change.  This alliance of human and demonkind proves that change is possible, and now, we head to war, with pride and with honor, and we go to protect all that we love and cherish!  We go to war!”  At that, all of us roared a mighty battle cry, and we lunged forward to battle, humans and demons side by side.”
(End Song Here)
I smile and look at him and say: “That was a very touching story.  She sounds like she was a wonderful person.”  Lucius nods and says: “Yes, indeed she is.  After the war, she asked me to be her agent, to scour the lands for any injustice wherever it may have been, and I took the offer with honor and pride.”  I smile and say: “If we’re able to get out of this Lucius, I promise you that everything will be set right.”  Suddenly, the sounds of someone banging on the door were heard, and Lucius motioned me to pretend to be unconscious, and so I did.  Lucius opened the door and the guards came in and one of them said: “It is time to bring her in to the ritual chamber.” Lucius nodded and replied: “Understood.”  The guards left quickly and rallied the other soldiers while Lucius started pulling me with a contraption.  He then whispers: “I can sense Vincent and Derek close, we won’t have to wait that much more to free you.”  I nod and say: “Right.” and I pretend to be unconscious again.  I can then hear the roars and battle cries of more demons coming from the south, and then I can feel a warm breeze blowing at my face, and when I open my eyes, I see that I’m in a chamber that is surrounded by six pillars and below I can see a river of lava, and when I look up a bit more, I see a dreadful and intimidating figure, sitting in what appears to be a throne, and I see him smirking, and then the demons says: “We bow down before you, Lord Hakufen!”  I then think to myself: “Lord Hakufen…so, I’ve finally found you, bastard…” and then I allow myself a smirk.
Well everyone, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and let me know what you think!  This story has almost reached its end.  Leave your thoughts and comments below, and prepare yourselves for the next chapter, from Rose’s perspective! :D

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All right, here’s another chapter!  Everything has been leading to this!  Soon the grand finale shall come, and the story of Rose and Vincent will end!  I hope you all continue to enjoy these final chapters of my story!  So, without further ado, here we go!  And remember that this chapter is from Rose’s perspective. :3
Chapter Forty One: Ritual
(Start Song Here)
I slowly raise my head and I take a good look at the Demon Lord Hakufen.  He’s as intimidating as I thought him to be, and his cool and calm demeanor represent a very overconfident and sadistic jerk.  He slowly stands up from his throne and he starts walking down the stone steps, while all the other demons stay on their knees, as silent as can be.  As he gets closer, I can sense the immensely powerful aura inside him, and then he grabs my face with his hand and he makes me look at him.  His bright yellow eyes teem with darkness and hate, and his grin oozes with destruction in mind.  He takes a good look at me and then he looks down at Lucius, who’s still knelt on the floor, and then he says: “You did a splendid job brother Lucius, and you did especially well with the brand on her thigh.”  Lucius quietly murmurs: “Whatever to please you my master.”  With that, Hakufen grins and then he looks at me again, and then he spreads his arms wide open and then asks: “So, what do you think of the place?  It is quite unique in design, is it not?”  I look around and then I say sarcastically: “Oh, well, it’s splendid, and from this chained up point of view, I can see that you have very generous hospitality, and considering how I’m almost naked, you have good taste in clothing.”  Hakufen claps and laughs gleefully and he says: “Ah, what a marvelous creature you are.  Beautiful, and with a sense of humor, eh boys?”  The other demons cheer and laugh and nod in unison.  He then walks around me in circles, examining me, and then he says: “We’ve finally met at last, Rose Everdawn.  Oh, how I had been looking forward to this meeting.”  I spit back at him: “Yeah, same here.”
After a few seconds, Hakufen raises his arms high, as if he was being praised, and immediately the demons started cheering and roaring in approval.  After the roars and applauses died down, he took a good look at me again and then, with a smirk, he said: “It looks like your precious Guardian Angel wasn’t able to make it. Ha, my soldiers have proved to be their doom!”  I gasp but then I think to myself: “Vincent’s not dead.  I know it.  Vincent’s strong, and I know he won’t go down without a fight.”  I then look up at Hakufen defiantly and I say: “Just you wait, he’ll come here, and together, we’ll finish you off!”  He then turns around and looks at me with an amused face, and then he traces his fingers on my cheek and he strokes it and he says: “Ah, but once he’s in here, he’ll be doomed.  Nothing will save him from his doom.”  I then spit back at him: “Your nothing more than a coward…all this time you’ve wanted me and yet you sent Derek to kill innocents just to get to me.  I have to say that this is a very bad way to get a woman’s attention.”  Hakufen laughs and asks me with a mocking tone: “And why should I care for the lives of petty humans?  They hold no interesting to me.  And so I need not dirty my hands with such filth.”  I then look down and notice Lucius looking at me and smiling.  He knows that I’m stalling, and so I keep on the charade.  I then hear a slight clicking sound, and then the door to the chamber crashes down, and Vincent and Derek storm through it and they swiftly decimate the demons dwelling near the entrance.
Hakufen growls and screams: “What blasphemy is this!?  Derek, you dare to betray me!?”  I see Derek look at him, and then he says: “I finally got some sense knocked into me, and it’s time that you went down.”  Hakufen smirks and he simply snaps his fingers and instantly, red vines appear from behind Vincent and Derek and they are pinned to the wall, with the vines digging into their skin.  I then scream in shock, but my scream is cut short as Hakufen smirks and then he says: “The time has come for the ritual to begin.”  He then draws a short dagger and he cuts his own skin and black blood seeps out and then he makes it drip on my face, and I can feel it burning, burning like acid.  I moan in pain and I try to struggle, but Hakufen keeps smiling and then he says: “Now my blood shall be yours, and you shall feel what I feel and see what I see. You will know no mercy, you will know no compassion.  You shall be my tool for making offspring.  Your powers, combined with my might, will no doubt result in the breeding of strong demons.  We shall mate together and have many sons!”  Vincent screams in anger and tries to speak, but the vines cover his mouth, and Derek is almost completely consumed by the vines.  I scream in disgust and say: “No!!!”  He then raises his arm and he’s about to stab the dagger in my heart, but then I see Lucius get in the way, as if in slow motion, and he takes the killing blow for me. I look at him with shock, and Hakufen looks at him in disgust and says: “You are a traitor!  Die!”  Lucius smirks and he snaps his fingers and release me from my chains, and the vines consuming Vincent and Derek disappear, and I run towards Vincent, hugging him and kissing him with great passion.  I then look back towards Lucius and scream: “Please Lucius, you have to hang in there!”  Lucius nods in disapproval and smiles and says: “Live for the future.” and with that, he digs his hand into Hakufen’s chest and an immense explosion takes place.  I fall into Vincent’s arms, crying, and Vincent casts a protective shield around all three of us, and then the explosion dies down.
(End Song Here)
Vincent looks into my eyes and then he kisses me once more, and I kiss him back and he asks: “Are you okay my love?”  I smile and touch his face and nod with tears rolling down my cheeks.  Derek smiles, but then his smile turns into a dead serious face, and we look at his direction, and Hakufen rises from the debris.  Vincent growls and stands in front of me and he says: “Stay behind me.  I’ll protect you.”  I nod in disapproval and say: “No.  We do this together.  This is for Tyler, for Lucius, for everyone!”  The three of us nod, and then Vincent gives me some clothes and I put them on, and Hakufen laughs mockingly and he points down at us: “You are nothing more than human pests.  If you will not let me have my way with Rose, then you shall all be swept away by the ultimate darkness that I will conjure upon you!  You will know utter despair!”  Derek laughs and says: “You can try, but we’ll be here to stop you.”  Hakufen roars with anger and he turns into a dark mist, and we ready ourselves for battle, but then all of a sudden, everything is pitch black.  Vincent and Derek stay close to me and then Vincent looks at me and says: “I don’t like the looks of this.”  And just as quickly as there was darkness, a beam of light radiated through, and we found ourselves falling.  Falling in what seems to be an endless abyss.  I look to my left and right and all I can see are whirlpools of seeping darkness, and endless clouds.  Derek then screams: “You know Vincent, now would be a good time to use those wings of yours!”  Vincent nods and says: “On it!” and he spreads his wings wide and carries both me and Derek, and we swoop down to the ground.
When we land, we notice that the earth is a decaying ash black color, and cracks of fire can be seen from it, and we look to our surroundings and we see floating stones and a volcano in the distance.  I open my eyes wide and say: “Where are we?”  We keep looking around and we see a giant river of lava and a forest of sharp thorn trees, and we see crows flying above us.  I then look to Vincent, and then to the distance we can see Hakufen walking toward us, smirking and intimidating.  Vincent then shouts out: “Where the hell have you taken us!?”  Hakufen disappears then reappears in front of us and he says: “This is the Demon Realm.  Here, all demons surface, and here is where they go after they die.  This is a place of eternal fire, of eternal evil.  Here is where you shall know your final rest, and the world you know shall perish forever in the fires of a new empire!”  Vincent then steps up defiantly and says: “Not while we’re here.  You can take us to hell, even the end of the world itself, but we won’t go down in flames without a damn good fight.  So you might as well be ready, because you’ll regret ever trying to hurt Rose!”  Hakufen smiles and says: “Ah, such a strong fellow you are.  You are truly a Guardian Angel.  Worry not, I know not to underestimate you, but don’t you dare underestimate me, for I’ll be your worst nightmare!  You shall all be doomed!”  Derek looks at him and says: “Cut the end of the world crap, we’re not going to let it happen.”  Hakufen smirks and then he says: “Then let the blood-fest begin!” and with that, he swoops up and summons his demonic dragon wings, and he sharpens his claws, ready for battle.
Okay, so that was the chapter everyone!  I hope that you all enjoyed it, and make sure to leave your thoughts and comments below!  And stay tuned for Chapters 42 and 43 which will be from Vincent’s perspective! :D

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Okay, so here’s another chapter everyone!  Again, I apologize for the delay on chapters, but work is currently keeping me busy, so it’s a tad bit hard for me to post chapters, but rest assured, I’ll be sure to finish this story.  Until then, enjoy the chapters leading up to the finale!  And remember that this chapter is from Vincent’s perspective.  Enjoy! :D
Chapter Forty Two: Flames
(Start Song Here)
This is it.  After all the struggles we’ve faced, after all the hardships we’ve endured, we’ve finally come face to face with Hakufen.  He’s the scum that has made Rose’s life a living hell, and he’s caused so much misery and suffering.  But now, all that changes.  With Rose and Derek by my side, and with our minds set on ending this threat once and for all, I’m determined now, more than ever.  As we charge towards Hakufen, I can feel the fiery anger and hatred that seeps from this unnatural land.  Hakufen swoops down towards us and instead of slashing us, he digs his claws into the ground and he raises the earth beneath us, as if he was dusting off a rug.  We flail back and fall back a few feet, but then we head towards him again.  I then hear him shout out: “Ha, you fools!  You actually think you stand a chance against my might?  Then you are sorely mistaken!  Feel my wrath!”  I smirk and say: “Even the mighty must fall.”  With that, I soar high into the black sky and I dart towards him, and from his arm he spawns a demon blade and he clashes his blade with mine, and sparks fly all over the battlefield.  I can feel the demonic aura seeping from him with every thrust, and then I push him back with my wings.  He then spawns his arm into a giant hammer and he swoops it down at me and I fall hard to the ground, and Rose and Derek head upwards towards him, but to no avail, as he swipes them off with his strong arms.  I then hear Derek say: “Hakufen’s drawing power from his surroundings!  If we don’t take him out quick, he’ll only get stronger!”  I then think to myself: “Damn…this will be a lot tougher than I thought.
Immediately, I start thinking of what I have around the environment that I can use to my advantage.  I look above the fiery hills and the steeps crevices, but nothing seems to “pop up.”  I then hear Hakufen roaring and I see Rose and Derek bashing their weapons at him and trying to hold him at bay, but he breaks free and darts quickly, almost as if teleporting, right to where I’m standing and he delivers an uppercut that sends me soaring high to the sky.  I pierce through the jet black sky, and I start to run out of breath.  I then think to myself: “These aren’t black clouds…this is smoke!”  My vision starts to blur, and I try to stay in focus, but I can feel the life being drained out of me.  Then I hear her voice, my dear Rose’s voice: “Vincent!!!”  As I hear her desperate voice, I pierce downwards, getting out of the thick of the smoke, and heading straight to a surprised Hakufen.  Luckily, I’m able to hit him, but I don’t even know if the hit is effective.  When the dust clears, Hakufen stands, with his arms folded across his chest, and he claps slowly, and smirking, he says: “Very good Guardian Angel.  Your love for Rose allows you to overcome anything.  How sweet.  But this bond shall be severed, and you will suffer!”  Rose shouts out: “Not today!” and all three of us clash weapons against Hakufen’s demonic blade, and Hakufen laughs, no doubt enjoying the battle.  He whispers: “Never have I had those who defy me be so strong.  You are excellent opponents!  But the light won’t save you!”  Derek growls angrily and pushes Hakufen back and says: “Your tyranny will come to an end!”
We all charge towards him, but he proves to be even more agile than I first thought, and he sidesteps and makes Rose trip, and then he sidesteps to Derek and he pummels him to the ground, and then he teleports towards me, and just when his demonic arm spawns a claymore and strikes me, I block his attack, and I struggle to keep my footing.  Hakufen chuckles softly and then he looks at me dead in the eye and then he asks: “What is it about that girl that compels you so much?  What is it about her that makes you willing to risk your life for her?  What is it about her that makes you spur into action?”  Struggling to keep my footing, and in between breaths, I slowly answer: “Because she was the one who came into my life and changed it forever.  She showed me what it means to be loved, and she showed me how to stay strong no matter what.  And she made me realize that I can achieve the impossible!”  With that, I shout of anger and I push Hakufen back several feet, and then I head to Rose and Derek and I check on both of them.  “Are you okay” I ask.  Rose smiles and nods and Derek wipes a little bit of blood from his mouth.  “It’s nothing, just a scratch.  We can take him.”  I smile and then I turn around and I see Hakufen charging an immense beam of energy, and then I shout out: “Get out of the way guys!”  Then, in just a matter of seconds, Hakufen unleashes a blast so deadly that it could have easily pulverized us.  Even though we evade the blast, he levels the battlefield and causes immense earth tremors.  Hakufen laughs and shouts: “Abandon all hope, for you shall never see the light of another day!”  We stand up and we start to strike at him, but he dodges our attacks, and the times we do hit him, he doesn’t react, as if the attack were nothing to him.
(End Song Here)
Realizing that our situation grows ever more difficult, I decide that we need to retreat.  Hakufen is too powerful, and at this rate he’ll just finish us off easily.  We can’t shake him off, for every time we strike him, he just dodges or doesn’t flinch.  I then go in front of Rose and Derek, and they both look at me speechless and I suddenly throw a crystal of light that radiates a blinding beam of light.  All I can hear is Hakufen’s deadly scream, and after that, we find ourselves in what seems to be an underground passage.  Rose looks at me and asks: “Where are we?”  Derek looks around and analyzes the environment, and he quietly paces back and forth.  “We seem to be in some kind of underground route, possibly to either a fortress, or just to the surface.” he says.  I then sit down, noticing that my arm is bleeding, and I put my hand over it and I slowly heal my wound.  “We need to think of a strategy.  Going all out on him isn’t working, so we have to think of a better way of defeating him.” I say to them.  Rose nods and she looks around and says: “He has to have a weakness…if Ayleda was able to imprison him, I know we can be able to kill him.”  I smile, but then I hear a strange noise, and suddenly the temperature rises considerably, and then I think to myself: “What the…?”  I see Derek stepping back slowly, and then I hold him by the arm and ask: “What’s wrong?”  Derek replies: “I think we should run.”  I then ask: “Why?”  He then steps back a bit more and shouts: “Because we’re right under a lava geyser, and it’s going to blow!”  Rose then screams: “Shit!” and suddenly a torrent of fire cracks the ground and it starts to flood through the passage, and then we quickly start running, trying to stay as far away from the flames as we can.  We keep running and running, my blood boiling in anger and in frustration because of our current predicament.  I think to myself: “Hakufen you bastard…once we take care of you for good, you’ll wish you were never born…”
As we keep running, we hear distant roars and battle cries, and then Rose shouts: “I think we’ve discovered his army!”  Derek then frustratingly shouts: “Great, just what we needed.  More damn demons to fight against!”  I keep looking on ahead, my legs taking me as fast as they can, and my senses as alert as they’ve ever been.  Suddenly the flames start pouring through the ceiling, and then we have no choice but to crouch and run faster.  Derek shouts: “This has to be one of his traps!  After all, this is his domain, so he has complete power here!”  I then think to myself: “Complete power…”  We run faster and faster, and the flames keep getting increasingly hotter, and the battle cries come closer, and then we notice a crack in the wall and I shout: “Guys, over here!”  They immediately go through the crack in the wall along with me, and then the flames pass by, and I sigh of relief.  Derek then pats my shoulder and says: “I wouldn’t exactly say that.”  I then say: “What do you…”and as I turn around, I can see legions and legions of demons, all battle clad and battle ready, and more demons coming out from giant crevices from all directions.  My eyes then locate Hakufen, up above us, looking down at us and laughing mockingly.  He then asks: “How are you enjoying yourselves?”  He stretches his arm wide and he says: “This is my demonic legion.  They are all my loyal soldiers, ready for battle, and ready to destroy anything and anyone that dares oppose my rule!  This shall be your death trap.”  And with that, he turns around and slowly walks away, and then I shout: “Come back here you coward!”  Rose then holds my hand and says: “Vincent, we have to take care of the situation at hand.  Then we can take care of Hakufen.”  I nod and say: “Right.  Let’s do this!”
Well people, that was the chapter, I hope that you found it interesting!  Please leave your thoughts and comments below, and remember to stay tuned for the next chapter, which will be from Vincent’s point of view! :D

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Thanks for the comments, I really appreciate it!  Okay then, here’s another chapter of my story, and I hope that you all enjoy!  And remember that this chapter is from Vincent’s perspective! :D
Chapter Forty Three: Reawakening
(Start Song Here)
I look left and right, up and down, and I clench my fists in anger.  Hordes upon hordes of demons are now surrounding us, and now Hakufen simply left, leaving us to fend off his soldiers.  What a coward…nothing more than a rotten coward.  And then he calls himself a mighty Demon Lord.  I look to Rose and to Derek, and they’re both as uneasy as I am.  I then speak up and say: “We have to hold our ground guys.  We can’t give in, not after all we’ve been through.  We have to stay strong and hang on!” Rose smiles and nods and Derek smirks and says: “Amen to those words Vincent.”  With that, the demons start pouring down on us, and we fend the first wave off easily.  I change my weapon into a scythe and start to mow down the surrounding demons.  They keep coming wave after wave after wave, determined to see us dead.  I look up towards the cracks in the ceiling and the crevices, and more demons keep pouring out.  Rose throws daggers at them while Derek uses his Shadow Blade.  I then think to myself: “This is turning out to be a little too easy…something’s not adding up.”  I shake my head and I continue to ward off the demons and we keep slaying them effortlessly.  Then we hear battle cries and very mocking laughter.  Derek then looks up and says: “Now they’re bringing the big guys!”  Rose gasps and says: “Oh, now I see.  They were testing our strength, that’s why it was so easy to take care of the first waves of demons.  We have to be ready for the more powerful ones now!”  I nod and then we steadily step back while the demon hordes keep closing in on us.
I can feel all the pressure going down on me.  I can feel my blood boiling and my heart beating faster and faster.  I can feel the aura of the demon hordes, making me feel even more uneasy.  But then I think to myself: “I can’t freak out like this.  The world needs to be saved, I can’t just stand by and let evil take root.”  With that in mind, I charge forward and start decapitating demons here and there, taking out another wave with Rose and Derek’s help.  I look to my left and Derek performs a back flip and he spins around relentlessly with his Shadow Blade, taking out many demons with a single stroke.  I then look to my right and Rose is running up the walls and delivering kicks and punches with the finesse of a ninja.  I smile and then I stab my scythe to the ground and cause an immense shockwave to head in the direction of the demon hordes, and I send them flailing back.  Suddenly the ground starts to shake, and immense stalagmites start to pierce the ground, causing fire to seep from the cracks, and the demons, caught off guard, are consumed by the flames.  Derek then says: “The lava!  It pulverizes them!  Aim for the stalagmites to make a stairway, then we break through the ceiling and we can go back to the surface!”  Rose looks up, as if tracing the route, and she shouts: “Excellent plan!  Come on, let’s do it!”  I nod and I change my scythe into a bow and I start shooting arrows at the stalagmites, causing lots of them to drop in unison.  I smirk and watch the demons get burnt to ashes by the fire seeping from the cracks in the floor.  But, just as we’re picking up the pace in this battle, a giant demon appears from one of the crevices and walks through the flames as if it were nothing more than hot air.  Rose then says: “Looks like we got ourselves a tough one here!”
And with that, the rest of the demon horde retreats, making way for the giant demon coming at us.  He stops a few feet from us, and he slowly smirks.  “So, you are the ones who have been causing quite the ruckus here?  I can’t believe this, ha, it makes me laugh!”, the demon says.  Rose smirks and says: “Oh don’t worry, after we finish you off, Hakufen will be next.”  At that comment, the demons smirk quickly fades, and he summons a giant mace and he growls and shouts: “Not while I, the great demon Kalleos, have anything to say about it!  Die, petty insignificant humans!”  With that, Kalleos swiftly swings his mace to the ground, causing the ground to shake and making us fall on our faces.  I then see the floor giving way, and I take Rose and Derek by the hand and I sling them over to safety, and then I find myself falling, but quickly recover from the shock of falling and I soar up high above Kalleos.  The demon simply throws his mace, and while I’m able to dodge it, I find that I’m still hit and I fall down to the ground hard.  I hear Rose and Derek shout in unison: “Vincent!”  I look over to them and Kalleos grabs me by the neck and he starts to choke me, making me run out of breath instantly.  Kalleos smiles and says: “You will die now, Guardian Angel.  You will not live to witness the rise of the demons and the reshaping of the world!”  I sputter out in between struggling breaths: “Not on your life!”  My eyes then flash bright blue, and I feel a surge of energy go through me and I manage to shock Kalleos, making him drop me, and I slowly stand up and then I see stalagmites falling towards Rose and Derek.  I quickly head over to them and cast a protective shield.  Derek nods and says: “Thanks, we owe you one!”
I nod and then I see Kalleos on the corner of my eye, and I quickly disappear then reappear behind him, and I hit him in the neck, but apparently it only causes him to get angrier, as he grabs my foot and slams me to the ground and he throws me to the wall.  He then goes running towards Rose and Derek, and they do their best to hold him back, but Kalleos is making quick work of them.  I try to get out of the wall, but I feel a strange aura binding me to it, as if stealing my soul.  I keep struggling, and my vision starts to darken. I can hear Rose and Derek grunting and panting, getting increasingly tired the longer they fight Kalleos.  I think to myself: “Guys, hang in there…”  I keep struggling, and then I’m able to free myself, and I swoop down to Kalleos, turning my bow into a lance and stabbing his back.  He roars in pain, but then he slams me and Rose against each other, and he takes Derek and flings him to the ceiling.  Kalleos then spreads his arms wide tauntingly, as if challenging one of us to test his power.  He smirks and says: “Oh come on, I expected more of you.  I heard so many stories about you, I would think you were stronger.  But then again, you don’t even look how I expected.”  I then hear Rose laughing, and then she says, almost in a whisper: “Huh, don’t be so sure.  The thing you may not realize Kalleos, is that you can never underestimate us!”  I then open my eyes wide as I see Rose suddenly have a burst of speed, and she heads over to Kalleos and kicks him in the neck so hard that his head comes off, and then she grabs the body and throws it down through the cracks and into the lava.  She then wipes off her hands as if she had dust and she sighs: “You know, if this is how it’s going to be fighting Hakufen, you guys really need to step up your game.”  Derek and I look at her in disbelief, and then we climb up the stalagmites and onward to the surface.  We look around and the area is even more grim and dark then when we first arrived.
(End Song Here)
Derek looks to the horizon and then he looks back at us and says: “All the demons know that we’re here.  We’re going to have to fight even more legions of them.”  Rose walks a few steps forward.  “Where do you think Hakufen could have gone off to?”, she asks.  I fold my arms and go deep in thought, and Derek says: “He’s in the volcano, the Mountain of Souls.  That volcano you see way over there in the distance.  That’s our mark.”  I then walk in front of them and I say: “Guys, things will get even more difficult from here.  Are you sure your ready for this?”  Rose nods and says: “Yes, as ready as I’ll ever be.  I’m not going to let Hakufen have his way and destroy the world.  I won’t let that come to pass.”  Derek looks up to the pitch black skies and he says: “We’re already here, so we have to finish what we started.”  I smile and then we all look to the horizon, and for a moment, I feel this sensation of fear and dread, my stomach clenching and my mind swirling with thoughts of the future.  Will we be able to get out of this alive?  Will we be able to stop Hakufen?  Will I be able to have a family with Rose and have a happy future?  All those thoughts swirl in my mind, and I feel my heart beat faster.  A family…ever since I met Rose, and ever since I fell in love with her, I want to have a family with her.  After all the suffering she’s been through, I know that it’s the least I can do for her.  I just want to make her happy, to make sure she has nothing more to fear.  I then summon up the determination and resolve in my heart, and then I think to myself: “We will finish. For me and Rose, and for everyone.”
All right my fellow readers, that was the chapter, I hope you all enjoyed it!  Stay tuned for chapters 44 and 45, which will be from Rose’s perspective!  And please leave your thoughts and comments below! :)

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Hey everyone, sorry for the delay on chapters, my internet hasn’t been working these days, and I’ve been coming online on my IPad, and so because of that, I haven’t been able to post chapters of my story.  But here is more of my story, and I hope you enjoy!  Thank you for your patience! And remember that this chapter is from Rose’s perspective! :D
Chapter Forty Four: Brimstone
Here we are, standing in the middle of what seems to be an endless horizon, a horizon filled with fire and ash and brimstone, a horizon with grim tidings and horrifying demonic auras.  As we look towards the distance, I wonder to myself of how it had all come to this.  One moment I was blind, the next, I had met Vincent, who came into my life and saved me from my own fears and doubts.  I then gained the gift of sight, and now, I’m thrust headfirst into a battle not just for myself and for my love, but also for little Tyler, for Rufus, for Lucius, and for everyone who gave their defending humanity.  They sacrificed everything, and now it’s our turn.  I look at Vincent and Derek, and they’re both as still as statues.  Either their frozen in fear or they’re in deep, pensive moods.  I’d take the latter one.  I walk in front of them and then I wave my hand towards the distance and say: “We’ve come this far guys.  Even though the fate of the world is on our shoulders, we can’t let these demons take us down.  We have to fight for everything that we care about.  Hakufen will not rise, and humanity will be safe.  Of that you can be sure.”  Vincent and Derek nod and smile in unison, and Derek walks towards me and says: “Those are inspiring words Rose.  Wiser words couldn’t be said.  We’ll follow you to the end.”  Vincent nods and he says: “We’ve been through so much together, and I know that all the battles we’ve fought, and all the trials we’ve faced, have led us to this moment.  Nothing’s going to stop us from achieving our goal.  Not now, not ever.  Rose, we’ll follow you anywhere, we will fight to the death.”
I smile and nod at them, and we look towards the horizon, and soon, tiny bits of coal start falling from the sky.  I sniff at the air and wonder what it is.  Almost as if on cue, Derek answers the question before I even ask it.  “I guess this is the demonic version of hail.  If we don’t hurry, we’ll soon be under some serious trouble.”, he says.  Vincent looks up at the sky and says: “Rain of fire and brimstone.  Come on guys, we have to move.”  I nod and I run ahead of them, scouting the area around this place.  All that can be seen is fire and more fire.  Such a sad place.  Who knows, maybe this was once a place filled with light?  That’s something that suddenly gets into my mind, and I can’t help but wonder if this indeed was once a place full of light.  I shake off the thought and I keep running ahead of Derek and Vincent.  I suddenly stop and then I signal them to stop.  We come upon what looks to be a really steep cliff, and I look down and notice strange shapes down there.  “What’s wrong?” Vincent asks.  I turn around to face both of them and I say: “There’s something down there, and I sense that it’s very powerful…”  Vincent then shrugs and then says: “Not to worry, I can simply fly us over.”  I nod in disapproval and reply: “But that’s just it…there’s something down there…something with a deadly demonic aura.  And I fear that flying will do us no good.  We have to be extremely careful.”  Derek folds his arms and says: “Then what do you suppose we should do?”  I look down intently and slowly mouth out: “Slowly back away…”
(Start Song Here)
“Huh?  What do you mean?”, Derek asks.  I then scream: “Back away!”  Then, in a split second, a giant beam of fire, like a pillar, shoots from down the cliff and makes a giant hole right where we were standing.  The energy from the pillar sends us reeling back, and I struggle to keep my footing.  I then gasp, for when the dust clears, a giant made of brimstone stands before us.  It’s probably the size of a skyscraper, and I clench my teeth at the sight of the demon.  Vincent growls and says: “This must be another one of Hakufen’s tricks!”  Before we can even react, the brimstone demon pounds his giant fist into the ground, causing giant spikes to rise from the ground and making us run like crazy.  I can feel the demon’s terrible and horrific aura coming down upon us, as if with every step it takes, it saps our strength.  But then I think to myself: “I can’t let this happen.  I have to remain focused!”  I look to my left and I see Vincent and Derek trying to attack the demon, but to no avail, as the demon seems to have some kind of protective shield surrounding it that doesn’t let it come into harm. “Damn it, this thing’s tough to beat!”, Derek screams, and I see him hurling his Shadow Blade to the demon, only to have the blade disintegrate.  Derek keeps assaulting the demon, but it only seems to get angered more and it spews lava from its mouth and fires it at us, and we take cover behind enormous stone walls.  Vincent looks up, trying to see if he can find an opening somewhere on the force field.  “How the hell will we take care of this damn thing!?” he asks angrily, and he turns his weapon into a bow and fires arrows towards the demon, but the force field simply absorbs it and fires it back at us.
Suddenly, an idea comes into my head.  I know that it’s a long shot, but I decide to go in front of the demon, straight into its sights, and I taunt it into attacking me.  “Are you insane!?” screams Vincent from behind the stone wall.  “Do you want to get fried!?”  I smile and I say: “Just trust me on this Vincent, I know what I’m doing.”  I then turn around and the demon raises its foot and then it goes towards me, and I start to charge energy, and I can feel rays of light floating and coalescing around my arms, and then, just when the demon is about to step on me, I feel my eyes flash with immense energy, and I look at my arms and see that they’re charged with rays of light, and I start to fire them at the demon, causing its force field to slowly chip off.  I then scream to Derek and Vincent: “Now, attack!”  They both nod and start climbing the demon’s legs and they scale upwards until they reach the demon’s center, and then they start to bash away at its midsection.  I keep throwing rays of light at the demon, and we make it fall to one knee, but just as we’re about to claim victory, the demon raises both of its arms and swoops them down to the ground, causing the landscape to shake like if a strong tremor had shaken it.  I make my way back to my feet, and when I look up, I see Vincent and Derek falling to the ground below, and the demon slowly turns around to face them.  I then shout: “Hey, I’m not done with you yet!” and I throw a giant ray of light to its back.  Apparently, I got his attention, because he turns around and starts to walk towards me.  I then think to myself: “I need for this to work.  I just need to.  I need to defeat this thing somehow, someway.  We can’t let this thing run amok!”  I then start to run away to make the demon chase me, and from the looks of it, the demon takes the bait and starts to chase me right away.  Vincent and Derek are in close pursuit, making sure to keep up with me, and Vincent asks: “What in the world are you planning to do?”  I shrug and say: “Don’t really know yet!  I’m just improvising to be honest!  Let’s hope it pays off!”
We quickly climb up a steep hill, and just when we’re about to head to the top, giant flame pillars block the way, preventing us from going anywhere.  I curse under my breath and I turn around and see the demon face to face.  I look to Vincent and then to Derek, and they’re just as determined as I am.  I then say: “Well, let’s end this bastard.”  We then all go towards the demon, but it quickly decimates us with its flames and it ensnares us.   I scream in pain and I feel like I’m being suffocated, and then I think to myself: “No, it can’t end like this, it just can’t!”  Just when I feel like my life will be drained away from me, the demon utters out a roar of pain, and the flames suddenly subside.  I then look at Vincent, but he seems to be clueless as to what’s going on, and then I ask: “Vincent, weren’t you the one that freed us?”  Vincent shrugs and says: “No, it wasn’t me.”  We then look at the demon and notice a figure standing above its head, making the demon collapse and slowly fade away.  When the dust clears, I open my eyes in shock and then I hear Derek gasp and start crying.  Vincent wonders what’s going on, but he can notice it in my face, he knows why I’m making a face.  I then see Derek run into the person’s arms and hug the person tight.  Derek says while in between sobs: “Big brother, your alive!  Your alive!”  Wade embraces his brother and he says slowly: “No, I am merely a spirit, I am what’s left of my former body…”  I then think to myself: “I get it.  He’s what’s left of his soul, the little left that he still has roaming this land.”
(End Song Here)
Okay everyone, that was the chapter, I hope you enjoyed it, and stay tuned for the next one, which will be from Rose’s perspective!  Remember to leave your thoughts and comments below! :D

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This is it everyone, only five more chapters and my story will reach its conclusion!  I sincerely hope that you’ve all enjoyed this story, and I appreciate you all so much for your comments and your patience.  Now then, here’s the next chapter, from Rose’s perspective.  Enjoy everyone!
Chapter Forty Five: Wade
(Start Song Here)
I’m still shocked by what I’m seeing, not able to let this all sink in.  Before my very eyes I’m seeing the man who ruined my life, who made my life a living hell.  Even though he’s dead, his soul lives on, but just looking at him makes me think he’s still alive.  I start to shake in fear and then I feel Vincent’s hands on my shoulders and he stands in front of me protectively, and then he looks onward to Wade and Derek.  I then see him summon his weapon and point it at Wade with great anger,  and I hide my face behind Vincent.  “No, please, don’t hurt big brother!”, Derek screams, standing in between Vincent and Wade.  Vincent says nothing and only growls in anger, while Wade seems as silent as a dead man should be, and then Derek says: “Please, just hear him out, if he’s come here and helped us, he has to be sorry for all he’s done, right?”  Vincent and I look at each other skeptically, but seeing as how Derek has had a change of heart, there’s never an impossibility of Wade doing the same.  Vincent doesn’t lower his weapon, and he asks in a shrill voice: “What do you want?”  Wade slowly lifts his head up and looks at Vincent dead in the eye.  I can feel the coldness and the harshness of their stares at each other, and Wade then says: “To end all this fighting, and to atone for my past sins…”  Just when I’m about to say something, Vincent blurts out: “And you think that’ll save you!?  You did unforgivable things Wade!  You raped Rose, you killed so many innocent people, and you got your brother mixed into this as well!  You think you deserve forgiveness!?”  Derek objects but Wade raises his hands, motioning him to stop.  “No Derek, Vincent is right.  I’ve done many things…too many sins, and I know that someone like me will never achieve forgiveness…but I need to do this.”
(End Song Here)
Noticing Vincent’s expression softening, I go in front of him and touch his face and say: “Vincent my love, don’t you think that he deserves a chance?  After all, everyone deserves a second chance, no matter how evil they’ve been in their lives.  Don’t you think so?”  I see Vincent shift his eyes towards me, and I see his arm slowly lowering, and then he whispers softly to me: “But…are you sure?  Even after everything he’s made you go through?  Are you sure you want to give him a chance?”  I nod silently and smile and kiss him gently in the lips.  Vincent lowers his weapon and he looks at Wade for a few moments, and then he says: “All right, we’ll trust you…just don’t let us down when we need you the most.”  Derek smiles and embraces his brother, and Wade embraces him back.  “Just for the record though, I’m doing this for my little brother, and for my mother, not for you or Rose.  My family is what’s important to me.”  Vincent nods and says: “I knew as much.  Don’t worry, I wasn’t waiting for you to say that you’ll do this for our sake.”  With that, we all walk towards the volcano, onto Hakufen’s lair, filled with courage and fear at the same time.  I then think to myself: “It’s all come to this.  We’re now here, and it’s now or never.  We have to do this.  We can’t back down now.”  I look to my left and I see Derek and Wade walking together, and I can see the strong bond of brotherhood that they have.  After a few minutes, we arrive at a long bridge, and Wade goes in front of us and says: “I’ll go first.  Wait for my signal.”  
We all nod in unison and he slowly walks through the bridge, and while he walks, I look to Vincent, and I can see that his eyes are still full of distrust towards Wade.  I can’t blame him though, for I myself can’t believe that Wade is now on our side.  I’m also finding it difficult to trust him.  But regardless, we look onwards, hoping that it’s safe to cross.  When Wade is nothing more than a speck on the other side, he signals us to cross, and so we start crossing, carefully but quickly.  We all make it through and then we see a winding stone staircase, leading upwards.  “This must be where we climb up to Hakufen’s lair.”, Derek says.  We all remain silent and start to climb the stairs, the air growing thicker and more ominous the further we go up.  I then suddenly start to feel the presence of a strong demonic aura, no doubt that of Hakufen’s, but I keep on going, not letting anything stop me.  Then I hear Derek scream: “Take cover, fire from above!”  When I look up, I see giant stones on fire, hurling downwards towards us, and we quickly take cover and hold on for dear life.  The stones fall heavily, and I feel like my grip is being lost in the commotion.  I then slip and start falling, and I scream out to Vincent, and then he starts to swoop down for me, but he’s jammed by one of the stones, and just when I think that it’s over, I feel a hand grab me.  When I look up, it’s Wade, and my eyes again open in shock.  He then launches me up with unnatural strength and he frees Vincent from the boulder.  The flame stones keep falling, and when the rain of stones subsides, we finally continue our climb up.  I look at Wade and not at him with appreciation, and Vincent does the same, and Wade simply keeps climbing up along with the rest of us.
A few minutes later, we finally find some solid footing and we make it to the top of the staircase, and the terrain pans out to reveal what seems to be an ancient courtyard, no doubt from an enormous castle from ages past.  I slowly explore these ruins, while I see Vincent, Derek and Wade head their own directions.  The powerful demonic aura grows ever stronger, and I can feel Hakufen’s eyes bearing down on me, and I can feel his terrible darkness seeping into me.  I fight through the feeling and suddenly I feel like normal.  “Damn this bastard…” I say to myself, and I head back towards Vincent, Derek and Wade.  I make my way through the pillars and walls and then I suddenly see Hakufen appearing right in front of us, and then he laughs mockingly and bears his claws at us, while we all dodge away to safety.  “Damn you Hakufen!  Time’s up!  There’s no escaping now!”, Vincent screams, and Derek shouts out: “We’ve finally found you again, so don’t you think you’ll escape us this time!”  Hakufen looks at us, as if amused, and then he slowly walks towards us, his darkness emanating from him.  I then step in front of everyone and I shout: “You think just because you have the power of darkness that you can strike fear in us?  Do you think that we’re that weak!?  If that’s your way of thinking, then you’re more pathetic then I thought!”  Hakufen stops in his tracks, and for a moment I see a glint of anger in his eyes, but then he smirks again and maintains his usual composure.  “Now this all ends here Hakufen, you won’t be able to do anything about it.  This ends here and now, and you won’t endanger and risk more innocent lives!  Your time has come to an end!”  Wade nods and says: “You caused me my downfall, and in doing so, I caused my brother to follow that same dark path…but now I’ll finally gain redemption, and I’m not going to let you slip out of my fingers, of that you can be sure.”  Derek smiles and I see tears swell up his eyes, and he looks onwards towards Hakufen.
Hakufen laughs, overjoyed, no doubt because of our resolve, seeing as how he intends to break it.  He then sharpens his claws and says: “Ah, how inspiring this is.  Two brothers seeking their happy ending after a hellish life, a woman who’s seeking to end her own suffering to be happy with the Guardian Angel she loves, and the balance of all humanity at stake.  Humans are such mysterious and wonderful creatures.  But they are too flawed, for they make so many countless mistakes.”  I then growl angrily and shout at him: “Sure, we may be flawed, but at least we know more about compassion and honesty and things that are worth living for!  You say that we’re flawed, but have you even looked at yourself!?  Everything that your doing is wrong, everything your doing is just to get back at an enemy that died so many years ago!  Everyone has flaws, no one is perfect!  If anyone were perfect, then we wouldn’t even be here!  We would be in a place where only perfection reigns supreme!”  With that, we all summon up our courage, and Hakufen smirks and says: “Very well then.  Let us commence the beginning of the end!  You will all know true sorrow, and you shall not know mercy, no quarter, no light of day to sustain you!  All things that exist begin in darkness, and to the darkness it shall return!”  With that, he pounds his fists to the ground, and the surrounding area distorts and then we’re transported into what seems to be a giant chasm, an endless abyss, but we’re standing on the air as if it was solid.  I look at Vincent, Derek and Wade, and we all nod in unison.  The time has come, and we won’t back down now.  
I hope you all enjoyed the chapter!  Please let me know what you thought about it, and stay tuned for chapters 46 and 47, which will be from Vincent’s perspective!  The end is almost here people! :P

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The final battle is taking a dramatic turn everyone, and Rose, Vincent, Derek and Wade are in for the fight of their lives!  What do you think will happen next?  Read on if you want to find out!  Remember that this chapter is from Vincent’s perspective!

Chapter Forty Six: Rage
(Start Song Here)
As soon as we start charging towards Hakufen, the landscape around us shifts entirely, and the ground shakes and fire spews from the ground.  The environment is lashing out at us, as if it was a living entity itself.  But then again, with Hakufen in control of this barren wasteland, I wouldn’t be surprised if the environment was indeed another entity.  With a wave of his hand, Hakufen summons pillars of stone to block our path, and then we scatter and I jump on each pillar as if they were stepping stones.  I quickly shift my weapon into a scythe and I mow down the surrounding pillars and I thrust myself towards Hakufen, only to have him swipe his arm at me and send me back flying.  Luckily, I’m able to sprout out my wings before I can fall.  I look to my right and I see Wade teleporting around the battlefield along with Derek, as they both gather the energy from their surroundings and they start unleashing their energies, taking the form of daggers, and they go straight towards Hakufen.  But the daggers disintegrate before they can even hit their target, and suddenly giant boulders start falling from the sky. The hail of fire.  Rose runs through the battlefield, quickly moving from side to side, and she jumps up and kicks one of the boulders to Hakufen, but to no effect, as the attack does nothing to him.  “There has to be a way to at least get a scratch on him…there just has to.”, I think to myself.  I then look upwards to the falling hail of fire, and then I notice a tiny opening in the otherwise pitch black sky.  Could it be light? I can’t help but wonder, but my wondering is cut short as a boulder falls to my side, almost crushing me.
Hakufen laughs maniacally, taking Derek and Wade and throwing them to the ground as if they were nothing more than rag dolls.  “You are all pathetic and weak, you aren’t even a challenge for me!  Is this all the power you can muster?”, he says while laughing.  “Don’t get all cocky just yet…”, I think to myself, and then Rose goes to my side and she puts her hand on my shoulder, catching her breath.  “Hakufen really is as powerful as I thought.  We have to put all our energy at him.”, she says.  I look at her and reply: “Right.  Otherwise we’ll be toast.”  We then look towards Hakufen and he utters out a mighty roar that sends shockwaves towards us, and we’re barely able to dodge them.  Then he bears his claws to the ground and he scrapes the ground and fires off giant arcs of darkness and fire.  The attack catches us off guard, and we’re sent pummeling down a steep incline.  Wade and Derek climb back up, making sure to keep the fighting going.  Derek then summons his Shadow Blade and Wade amplifies the blade’s power with his own darkness, and the weapon shifts into a giant katana and Derek launches it at Hakufen’s hand, and he actually makes the blade pierce through.  Hakufen screams in anger and he says: “You dare to wound me!?  Ha, you will all perish!”  He then roars again, and the next thing we know, arms come out of the ground, and what seems to be skeletons are set ablaze and they run towards us in a menacing and quick way.  Derek and Wade teleport in front of us and they defeat the fire skeletons, and Derek smirks and says: “Now you owe me one Vincent.”
I nod and smile back at him, and then suddenly the ground gives way and we start falling down what seems to be an endless abyss.  “You know…I’m really starting to get tired of all these sudden surprises!”, exclaims Rose as we keep falling down.  I then hang on to Rose and I shout: “Everybody, hold hands!”  They do just that, and I sprout out my wings once more and we get out of the abyss and back on the battlefield.  Hakufen, apparently irritated, sends giant waves of lava at us, like a giant tsunami.  “What the heck?  A tsunami of flames!?”, screams Derek anxiously.  Wade goes in front of us and he says: “Dodge the flames!”  We nod in unison and as soon as the giant tsunami of flames comes at us, we jump as high as we can, hanging onto and climbing up any piece of rock we can find.  The fires die down but Hakufen’s rage dwells on.  He then sends a giant wave of bats at us and he says: “You humans are so persistent, you never know when to quit.  Admit your defeat, and perhaps I shall show you mercy!  But if you keep resisting, you will all die by my hand!”  Rose then screams from behind a boulder: “Not today we won’t!  We’re not going to surrender to you!” and as soon as she says that, I see her summon up rays of light that go towards him, striking him right in the eye.  Hakufen then screams of agonizing pain, and in his rage he makes geysers of fire sprout from the ground, and lava spews out of them, falling all around us.  I cast a protective shield around us, preventing the lava from harming me and my friends.  After the fire stops we counterattack with all our might.
Then, I suddenly hear a voice inside my head.  A voice that sounds so familiar.  “Mr. Vincent, use your ultimate power!”  I then ask myself: “Hoshi?”  I then feel the voice warm my heart, and I can feel a strong power start to charge inside me.  “Mr. Vincent, you have to kill the mean bad guy, or the world will be toast! I know you can do it, we all have faith in you!”  I then say: “Hoshi, I’m so glad your safe!  How are Agito and the others, are you all still under attack?” There’s a sudden silence but then I hear her voice again.  “We’re all right, and Agito and the others are fighting the bad guys off as much as they can, but things are getting harder, you have to hurry!”  I nod and then I feel the energy about to tip itself over, and then I feel my eyes flash bright, and then silver and sapphire armor clads my body, and I feel my weapon shift into a giant claymore, and then I feel my wings turn razor sharp.  Rose and the others gasp and Hakufen looks at me with an impressed face.  “How did you do that?”, Derek asked.  Rose smiled and she said: “Hoshi.  She lent us her strength!”  I nod and then I teleport quickly towards Hakufen and I start bashing away at him with all my might.  “Ah yes, I can feel your power!  Your power shall soon belong to me!”, Hakufen says in a mocking tone, and he punches me and sends me reeling back a considerable amount of distance.  I then wipe some blood coming out of my mouth and I smirk, and then I shout: “You know Hakufen, your overconfidence will become your undoing!”  I then dash towards Hakufen again with blazing fast speed, and my claymore strikes Hakufen’s giant  Demon Blade, and I can feel the powerful aura emanating from it, seeping out of him.  I then think to myself: “Such a terrible darkness.  I can feel all of this terrible energy.”  I then push back his Demon Blade with all my might and five orbs of light form from my Claymore and they circle around Hakufen, forming the constellation of a silver star.  Then I bind Hakufen’s body with the light, so that he’s unable to move at all.  Then my claymore starts glowing bright, indicating that it’s powers are increasing each second this battle endures.
Then, as if guided by instinct, my body slowly levitates and my wings spread wide, and rays of light shoot out of them, and then I teleport on all five orbs and form the silver start, and then I start slashing Hakufen repeatedly with my Claymore, every strike making my weapon even more powerful.  Then I leap up high into the air and I strike down, causing a massive explosion to take place, and I hear Hakufen’s muffled screams of despair.  After the dust clears, his body lays on the ground, and then Rose and the others head towards me.  Derek screams: “That was incredible!”  But one look at Rose and I knew that she was thinking the same thing I was: “This was too easy.”  Then the ground starts to shake and Hakufen’s body starts to fade away, and in its place stands the body of a mighty dragon.  Then Hakufen says: “Fools, you think that this is over?  How foolish and stupid you are!  Witness my power!”  Just as we’re about to attack, the landscape shifts, and before we know it, we’re sucked into a wormhole, and I can feel it dragging us around violently.  I hear Rose scream, and I try to reach out for her, but the wormhole shakes us violently, causing us to drift off away from each other.  After a few seconds, everything is pitch black.  There’s nothing but silence.  I try to open my eyes, but for some reason they feel too heavy.  I can hear muffled screams and battle cries, but before I can be able to make out where the heck I am, I suddenly fall into unconsciousness.  The last thoughts I have before falling unconscious: “Rose…please hang on.  This isn’t the end.  It’s not the end…”
(End Song Here)
Well everyone, I hope you enjoyed the chapter, and remember to leave your thoughts and comments below!  And be prepared for the next chapter, which will be from Vincent’s perspective! :D

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