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The Transcendent Key

Text Seeing The World With Brand New Eyes.

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Hey there guys, here is the latest chapter of my story!  I see that you’re all enjoying it, and I’m so happy because of that!  I hope you continue to keep on reading! And remember that this chapter will be from Vincent Grace’s point of view. Hehe, without further ado, here is Chapter Four!
Chapter Four: Clues
I’m in my office, getting ready to head out towards downtown.  The sun is starting to get covered up by looming rainclouds, giving the indication that it might rain.  I pack up my things and I head out, and then I head towards my car.  I start the car and start driving.  My mind is heavily focused on the case of this little boy named Tyler.  The day before, I was in Starbucks, and I met this guy named Derek, who seemed to be stressed out about something.  When I asked him what it was about, he told me that he had been helping the police to try to solve the case of Tyler Thompson, who had been raped then killed alongside his mother.  The moment he said this, it intrigued me, and so I decided that I would help on the case.  He then told me that I had to meet this girl named Rose Everdawn.  According to him, she was the person with whom Tyler was the most attached to.  And so, that’s the reason I’m going downtown now, to meet up with her.
By the way, the name is Vincent Grace.  I’m 22 years old, was born in Great Lakes, Chicago, and I’m a professional detective.  Some call me the best in the business, some call me the modern day Sherlock Holmes.  Some people even compare me to L from Death Note. I was always a quite person during my childhood and teenage years, but I had a few friends here and there.  There was even a time when girls would want to date me, but I didn’t do such a thing, because none of the girls I met were special.  None of them had what I was looking for… Anyways, I’ve been a detective since earlier than you might expect.  At the early age of 15, I was enamored with criminology and delving into the human psyche.  I would always watch CSI, Law and Order, and other shows like that, and I would always read many detective books.  I know, most of you would think of this as childish, but that’s what actually got me into being a detective.  For my young age, I was abnormally smart, and I knew that I could be able to lend my talents for the greater good.  I remember when I was 16, and a murder had been committed in my neighborhood.  The police spent weeks trying to piece together how the murder was committed, while I had already figured it all out.  I explained to the police that the murderer had emotional ties with his victim, and that the murder was committed over a dispute about money.  The man had threatened to kill her if she didn’t give him his money, but she resisted, and he killed her.  I showed all the evidence to the police, and they were impressed with my skills, and they decided to take me under their wing.
And here I am, six year later, and I’ve solved dozens of major cases.  But I tell you, it’s not easy.  While I am always devoted to my job, I know that I am a major target to the criminal underworld.  They all know of my presence, and they know what I’m capable of.  And so I know that they might kill me at any time, but I’m always prepared for the case that I might find myself in a life or death predicament.  I keep driving down the road and then I come upon a local park, and I see Derek waving at me.  I park the car and then head towards him.  He shakes my hand and says: “Once again Mr. Grace, thank you so much for offering to help us with the case!”  I nod and smile and take off my glasses and say: “Please, call me Vincent, there’s no need to be so formal.”  Derek nods and then says:  “Rose will be here any minute.  She’ll tell you what you need to know.  Oh and by the way, I forgot to mention, she’s blind, so don’t make any comments about that.”  I glare at him and say:  “I’m not the kind of person that does that.  You don’t have to worry.”  Derek then points to his right and say: “Here she comes.”
The minute I lay my eyes on her, I’m taken by surprise, and I freeze.  She’s so beautiful…her long black hair flowing to her shoulders, her face so innocent and gentle, the modest nature of how she walks, which implies that she’s not the kind of girl to show off, but at the same time isn’t afraid of being herself.  I shake my head and turn away for a moment, still dazzled by her…then I turn around and notice her gray eyes, the way how they are fixed upon me, even though she can’t see.  She approaches me, and she seems nervous, almost afraid to be near me.  She says: “Good morning…”  I think of reaching out my hand for a handshake, but somehow I sense that she doesn’t feel comfortable, so I simply put on my glasses and sit on the bench, while Derek watches silently.  I clear my throat and say: “Good morning Ms. Everdawn.  I’m glad you could come here.  I need to ask you some questions regarding Tyler.”  She nods, indicating for me to start asking her questions.  I look at her attentively and ask:  “How long did you know Tyler Thompson?  Was he a new student or was he already a student for a considerable amount of time?”  She says to me: “I knew Tyler for three years.  He was one of my most cherished students.”  I nod and write that down and proceed to the next question: “And did he ever tell you of anyone that was endangering him or his mother?”  She quickly responds: “No. On the contrary, he always talked about how much he loved his mother, and he would tell me of all the things they did together.  But he never told me of anyone who might possibly want to hurt him.”  I take a moment to analyze this answer, and then I ask one final question: “Have any other of your students been murdered before Tyler?”  She nodded no, and then I closed my eyes.  I took a moment to analyze the answers at hand, and then I stood up and looked at the sky.
(Start Song Here)
Derek looks at me curiously, while Rose remains silent, and then Derek says: “So, what do you make of it?”  I look at him and then say:  “Well, it’s quite simple really.  Tyler was murdered by an unknown assailant, and from what Rose has told me, he had no emotional conflict with anyone.  But, it seems that the murderer committed this crime, as if to signal a certain person, maybe to symbolize someone’s past.  Because I’ve worked on people that have gone through traumatizing experiences, and those that have gone through such things are likely to experience some repercussion to the event years later.  In the event that my assumption is correct, then we are dealing with a potent serial killer.  He might be the same person that committed the crime to another individual years earlier, or it might be a relative.  It’s too early to tell though, but I imagine it might have to do with something about Ms. Everdawn’s past.  Isn’t that right Rose?”  Derek opens his mouth wide and says: “What do you mean?  Rose hasn’t been through something like that!  Right Rose…?”  I see Rose lower her head, indicating that my assumption is correct.  I don’t ask any more questions so that I don’t make them feel more uncomfortable than they already are.
I observe them carefully and then I tell them:  “Come with me, we’ll go to my house and examine more evidence and get to the bottom of this.”  Derek asks:  “But, don’t you work in an office?”  I smile and look back at him and say:  “I also have a private office at home.  It’s preferable, since it’s more secluded from anyone that might want to snoop in too much into this.  Come on, let’s go.”  Derek quickly gets in the car, but I see Rose hesitate, almost as if regretting to have come.  I look at her and say:  “Don’t worry, nothing bad will happen.  You can trust me”  She then nods and gets in the car, and then I hear her say in a soft whisper:  “Thank you.  Thank you so much for helping us…”  I nod and then I start driving, and we all remain quite on the way to my house.  Along the way, I think of what connection might Rose have with the killer.  Was she raped by the same person, considering if the murderer is indeed the same or a relative?  And if so, why did the murderer leave her alive?  I’d have to ask her questions about her past, but I would have to do that some other time, when Derek isn’t around, because from what I saw, she didn’t want anyone to know about her past. All the questions swirled in my head, and I kept wondering what possible explanation there could be to all of this.  But, at least one thing’s for certain.  We’ve got our first clue.
(End Song Here)
Well guys, I hope you enjoyed this chapter!  I even have to say that I was surprised by how this turned out when I finished writing it.  Please comment!!! ^_^
Edited by Sesshomaru

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