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YouTube One Channel - New channel design

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Read about and set up your channel to use the new YouTube channel design here: http://www.youtube.com/onechannel


I like the new design a lot. It looks more modern and looks like the rest of YouTube which is very important in web design.


Feel free to check out mine: http://www.youtube.com/user/KHSora9669


Share yours below as well. 


Well done YouTube on your best designs in years. 

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I don't like it .-. It's so boring...and confusing and..stuff owo I like the one they've had for a while now. I do kinda like how they did a Google + feel to it though.

Edit: I changed mine and omg the cropping is terrible q_q but here's my channel http://www.youtube.com/user/TheMisterCappy it's actually not that bad now that I look at it .-.

Edited by Rainbow Dash

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I don't like it .-. It's so boring...and confusing and..stuff owo I like the one they've had for a while now. I do kinda like how they did a Google + feel to it though.


Edit: I changed mine and omg the cropping is terrible q_q but here's my channel http://www.youtube.com/user/TheMisterCappy it's actually not that bad now that I look at it .-.


You can change the crop.




404 Not found. But still, nice channel.


Fixed. Had a full stop in the link.

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It's as if Google want me to stop using my channel. Seriously that new look is absolutely horrendous. I hate the blandish grey channels as it is but they are far better than whatever that is.

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You can change the crop.





Fixed. Had a full stop in the link.

I did but it still doesn't give much of a good area that shows for the desktop layout, I guess I used a huge photo xP

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I'm glad Google is giving us the option of customizing our video layouts, so we can show the world that we're all special snowflakes. ^_^But srsly, ugh, Google. Why are you so focused on introducing quoteunquote "better" layouts that introduce like 40 new bugs to the system. Just...stop. Please? Or at least stop feeling the need to "update" every 8 months.EDIT: Also, I'm starting to get some serious TWEWY-vibes from the homogeneity Google is pushing on us. Like, eventually there's going to be a "WE ARE YOUTUBE, WE ARE ONE" movement or something. Oh wait...

Edited by JillSandwich93

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I personally hate it, It's entirely unnecessary. I don't understand why Google feel the need to change things all the time without ever listening to their user feedback. It's looking more like a horrible social network now than a video sharing site.

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