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If You Could Be Any Video Game Character, Who Would You Be?

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i dare any of you NOT to have thought of this at least once.

your answer (or at least mine) probably changes whenever you get a new game.


so, the question is if you could be a game character in real life (everyone else normal, and they can't make fun of you :P), who would you be?


i originally wanted to be yami yugi... then KH came alone and i thought sora was pretty epic.


but now, i noticed sonic (unleashed day version) would be so cool. side-stepping, dashing, drifting, jumping off walls, and (if there were rings everwhere) it would be pretty cool to use the lightspeed dash everywhere :P


so mine's sonic, what's yours?

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Yuffie from Final Fantasy VII, because I'd be an awesome ass-kicking ninja princess.

Sae from Fatal Frame, because even though I have a sucky life, my after-life is EPIC!!

I pretty much am a walking a walking Xion, personality-wise and almost physically.

That's all I can think of... xD

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Well what did you expect asking such a question on a KH FANSITE?!!! I on the other hand have no idea, i've took quizes saying i'm more like Cloud. Then again others say i'd be Luigi (T_T) so idk...if my novel ever got published and turned into a movie and then a video game series i'd totally be VEINXS POISENBERRY!!! (Read my story to know who the hell i'm talking about xP)

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Well from KH or FF, Namine or Serah


any other game...... idk


now if we were talking about anime I would say, Haruhi Suzumiya or Konata Izumi (though they do have video games... i think...)

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