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Lu Xun

By the trophy list of KH -HD 1.5 ReMix-, does it seem hard to get them all of the trophies to you?

By the trophy list of KH -HD 1.5 ReMix-, does it seem hard to get all of the trophies to you?  

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  1. 1. By the trophy list of KH -HD 1.5 ReMix-, does it seem hard to get all of the trophies to you?

    • Yes, it does. I hope I'm capable of getting all of them!
    • Yes, it does. But I'm sure that if I try my best, I'll manage to get them all.
    • Not really sure. I do hope it's not that hard!
    • Nah... By the trophy list, I think it'll be easier than I thought!
    • Can't answer since I didn't check the list/ don't intend to check it before I have the game.

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I think some of them are hard, since I couldn't complete them when I was a kid (but in comparison with other games i'm much better now than I was then) like One Winged Angel, or the hardest level of the gummi trips (can't actually remember if that was just KH2 or also in KH1).  Others aren't really hard just time consuming (you have to complete it like 3 times).  I'm sure i'll get most if not all of them I just won't be spending every day and night trying to, I'll be playing it for fun, not an achievement list to show off.  

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- The one's for KHFM look's easy, altrough i haven't played FM so i'm not sre about those.. but it can't bee too hard, Right?

- Also i heve never played CoM/Re:CoM, so no idea how Easy/Hard it will be...

- The Days one's.. Yeah... You just watch & Read...

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'Yes, it does. But I'm sure that if I try my best, I'll manage to get them all.'


Being in EU, I've never played Re:CoM before, so that one might take a couple playthroughs to get to grips with the system and all... but aside from that, I'll get them all eventually.

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Having played the PS2 version of Kingdom Hearts 1 to the point where I officially ran out of things to do (Reached Level 100, got all Ultima Weapons, defeated all Secret Bosses, synthesized Crystal Crowns for everyone in my party, etc., etc.,...) AND played Kingdom Hearts RE:  Chain of Memories to the moment of complete repetition and complete boredom, I'm certain that I could easily earn most of the trophies without much difficulty.


It will be the long-term objective-based trophies that I might have issues winning.

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I want to save myself the excitement of seeing the trophies, and so I'll see them while playing 1.5.  I'm pretty sure I'll be able to unlock all trophies, since I've beaten these games a few times before, and I'm pretty sure it won't be so hard, and even if it is hard, then bring it on, because I love a challenge when it comes to Kingdom Hearts!

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I'll be terrible at the speed runs and I won't play through like three times to get beginner, proud and whatever. Ain't nobody got time for that. Or heartless' or unversed....

What a TERRAble pun.I'm going to have to leave now, it's getting out of hand.

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