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Let's talk about Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 ReMix

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But it doesn't matter that it makes no sense according to the timeline because KH2 would give players more understanding of what to expect in BBS, and Terra's armor is in KH2 FM, i'm sure someone playing KH2 will want to see who it is and why it's there? It just makes sense.

SInce they already named it as 1,5, then it would make sense, plus I meant BBS not KH2. They could just make another remake including BBS on it.

I doubt it. The point of the HD collections is that the fans will be able to experience the majority of the series on a single console before playing KH3 In addition. KH games rarely come out on a console in the beginning of it's lifespan. In fact, most of them came either in the middle or at the end of the systems life.

KHI, CoM(original) Days -Middle

KHII, Re:Coded, BBS -End 

Only DDD has come out close to the beginning of it's systems shelf life, now even 1.5 ReMIX is coming out just as the PS3 is being replaced. Besides. I'm pretty sure the collection is already in development.

But then BbS will never be remastered at all.  Meaning that non-Japanese players will never have the opportunity to experience BbS's FM content such as fighting the REH, unless there's another HD collection of  the 1.5 ReMIX games in the future, which likely won't happen. Besides BbS has more of a story connection to later games in the series (KHII, Coded, and DDD,) than the earlier ones. (KHI, CoM, and Days. ) I'll admit that KHIIFM and Days have about the same amount of references to BbS but, given the other possible entries in 2.5 Re:MIX I think it makes more sense for it to be included with those.


On another note I want the capes back too but Edna Mode probably won't let it happen. And, assuming 2.5 ReMIX releases next year, I don't think they'll include DDD because it will still be relatively current.

They could just make it in another remake, cuz having it as a title between KH2 and KH3 does not make any sense.

But not including it because of same naming technicality would be silly.Besides, who says it will necessarily be called 2.5?Heck, just call it "2.5 ReBirth" and you got both the 2.5 games and BbS covered in the title.

But still it means that BBS got the title 2,5 on it, which does not make sense

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SInce they already named it as 1,5, then it would make sense, plus I meant BBS not KH2. They could just make another remake including BBS on it.

I was talking about the connections between BBS and KH2, and why I think it would make more sense if they go in the 2.5 collection together.  Because it's a prequel, so it gives us a little back story about how everything falls into place.

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I was talking about the connections between BBS and KH2, and why I think it would make more sense if they go in the 2.5 collection together.  Because it's a prequel, so it gives us a little back story about how everything falls into place.

Still the timeline does not help.

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Still the timeline does not help.


If people want to see the story in timeline order they could always watch the GT Kingdom Hearts Timeline when it comes out. 


But honestly as for now the games are just being but together in hd remasters for bringing in new fans, allowing people to play games they missed, final mixes, etc. It doesn't really need to be in a specific order imo. Sure 1.5 happened to follow the "all games between 1 and 2" thing but 2.5 will not be required to.

Edited by Weiss

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Since KH HD 1.5 ReMix will be released net week in Japan already and came overseas still this year, lets talk about the next game from the franchise -  KH HD 2.5 ReMix. As long of us already supsect the pack will have KH2FM, KH Birh by sleep FM, and cutscenes from re:coded (or 3D, not sure in this one).


So what kind of upgrades would you like to see in this one, despiste the basic

stuff like upgrade of textures and models ?!


For me, talking about KH2, I would like them to add Behemoth and Wyvern in the battle agaisnt 1000 Heartless in Hollow Bastion/Radient Garden. They wanted to add these heartless in this part but unfrotunately they were reaching ps2 limits and had to remove them, because ram problems. Since ps3 is better than ps2, they could add them now and make this battle even cooler, thats one of

the things i would like to see upgraded.


You can see the Behemoth and Wyvern in the 1000 heartless battle in this trailer.

min - 2:50


The other one, this one only happened in the overseas versions, is more attetion to the translation.In this scene, for example:



Pence was the one who talked but hayner's voice was the one that came out.


The summons, even though they are a little better than the first game, they could still be more useful too. Genie and Peter Pan were the only ones worth spending my time to summon them.


Little fixes that came all the difference in the end. For now O cant think anything more. So what would you guys like so see upgraded?!


I just talked about KH2 here but you can talk about the rest too.

Share your opinions.

Bambi was pretty useful.

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No. The timeline doesn't even matter. What matters is how the story is told, opposed to how they fit into the timeline..

If what matter is how the story is told, then putting BBS with KH2 would be a big mistake and a big mistake for telling the story.


If people want to see the story in timeline order they could always watch the GT Kingdom Hearts Timeline when it comes out.


But honestly as for now the games are just being but together in hd remasters for bringing in new fans, allowing people to play games they missed, final mixes, etc. It doesn't really need to be in a specific order imo. Sure 1.5 happened to follow the "all games between 1 and 2" thing but 2.5 will not be required to.

We'll see soon if what he meant by 1,5 and 2,5 is the games in order or not.

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But still it means that BBS got the title 2,5 on it, which does not make sense

Oh for Christ's sake. The title would basically mean "2.5 plus BBS". Eitherway it doesn't matter.BBS belongs on the collection for convenience's sake alone, stupid naming conventions be damned.

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If what matter is how the story is told, then putting BBS with KH2 would be a big mistake and a big mistake for telling the story.

No it wouldn't, because people (Who haven't played KH2 FM+) will want to know about the Lingering Will's story and Xehanorts past story, as his name first appears in KH2. You need a reason to have these elements in the game, so a back story would make the most sense, as it gives players a better understanding on how these things fit into place, why things 'are' and in BBS's case, how things will 'be'.I don't get how you don't see that. I don't understand how you don't think having a game that can clear up so much of the story, won't make any sense just because of the timeline. Besides, Re:Coded would also makes sense if it came after BBS because it has more vague information about the Terra, Aqua and Ventus, not stating their names in the game but referring to them as three people, while Namine mentions the connection Sora has to them. People who haven't played BBS will be like.. WTF!! WHAT THREE PEOPLE!? I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT NAMINE, YOU SILLY! BWAHBWAHBWAAAAAAHH. But yes. KH2 and Re:Coded are the two ends that make BBS make sense. Those three games together would make a good trilogy with a lot of back story and continuity. So i'm afraid your argument is invalid, until the collection actually comes out, then I won't be able to count on the fact i'm right, but i'm sure I am. Then DDD will come out on a new console when people are living on Mars or something. 

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No it wouldn't, because people (Who haven't played KH2 FM+) will want to know about the Lingering Will's story and Xehanorts past story, as his name first appears in KH2. You need a reason to have these elements in the game, so a back story would make the most sense, as it gives players a better understanding on how these things fit into place, why things 'are' and in BBS's case, how things will 'be'.I don't get how you don't see that. I don't understand how you don't think having a game that can clear up so much of the story, won't make any sense just because of the timeline. Besides, Re:Coded would also makes sense if it came after BBS because it has more vague information about the Terra, Aqua and Ventus, not stating their names in the game but referring to them as three people, while Namine mentions the connection Sora has to them. People who haven't played BBS will be like.. WTF!! WHAT THREE PEOPLE!? I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT NAMINE, YOU SILLY! BWAHBWAHBWAAAAAAHH. But yes. KH2 and Re:Coded are the two ends that make BBS make sense. Those three games together would make a good trilogy with a lot of back story and continuity. So i'm afraid your argument is invalid, until the collection actually comes out, then I won't be able to count on the fact i'm right, but i'm sure I am. Then DDD will come out on a new console when people are living on Mars or something. 

We'll see, let's just hope they end up with a good collection.

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Ive had a PS3 for awhile now, im not really saving up much for 1.5, as it'll probably come out in Sept. and my B-day is in August, so i can get money then to buy it the month after. That or ill just pre order it on my birthday.

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Since KH HD 1.5 ReMix will be released net week in Japan already and came overseas still this year, lets talk about the next game from the franchise -  KH HD 2.5 ReMix. As long of us already supsect the pack will have KH2FM, KH Birh by sleep FM, and cutscenes from re:coded (or 3D, not sure in this one). So what kind of upgrades would you like to see in this one, despiste the basicstuff like upgrade of textures and models ?! For me, talking about KH2, I would like them to add Behemoth and Wyvern in the battle agaisnt 1000 Heartless in Hollow Bastion/Radient Garden. They wanted to add these heartless in this part but unfrotunately they were reaching ps2 limits and had to remove them, because ram problems. Since ps3 is better than ps2, they could add them now and make this battle even cooler, thats one ofthe things i would like to see upgraded. You can see the Behemoth and Wyvern in the 1000 heartless battle in this trailer.min - 2:50http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cbEvmJmw7fIThe other one, this one only happened in the overseas versions, is more attetion to the translation.In this scene, for example: 0:47Pence was the one who talked but hayner's voice was the one that came out.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mklkshzkrys&feature=player_embedded The summons, even though they are a little better than the first game, they could still be more useful too. Genie and Peter Pan were the only ones worth spending my time to summon them. Little fixes that came all the difference in the end. For now O cant think anything more. So what would you guys like so see upgraded?! I just talked about KH2 here but you can talk about the rest too.Share your opinions.

I agree with you on the Behemoths and Wyverns for the 1000 Heartless Battle.

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