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Sakuraba Neku

Let's talk about Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 ReMix

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Since KH HD 1.5 ReMix will be released net week in Japan already and came overseas still this year, lets talk about the next game from the franchise -  KH HD 2.5 ReMix. As long of us already supsect the pack will have KH2FM, KH Birh by sleep FM, and cutscenes from re:coded (or 3D, not sure in this one).


So what kind of upgrades would you like to see in this one, despiste the basic

stuff like upgrade of textures and models ?!


For me, talking about KH2, I would like them to add Behemoth and Wyvern in the battle agaisnt 1000 Heartless in Hollow Bastion/Radient Garden. They wanted to add these heartless in this part but unfrotunately they were reaching ps2 limits and had to remove them, because ram problems. Since ps3 is better than ps2, they could add them now and make this battle even cooler, thats one of

the things i would like to see upgraded.


You can see the Behemoth and Wyvern in the 1000 heartless battle in this trailer.
min - 2:50

The other one, this one only happened in the overseas versions, is more attetion to the translation.In this scene, for example:


Pence was the one who talked but hayner's voice was the one that came out.


The summons, even though they are a little better than the first game, they could still be more useful too. Genie and Peter Pan were the only ones worth spending my time to summon them.


Little fixes that came all the difference in the end. For now O cant think anything more. So what would you guys like so see upgraded?!


I just talked about KH2 here but you can talk about the rest too.
Share your opinions.

Edited by Sakuraba Neku

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eh. kh2fm already has tons of stuff in it compared to kh2. I'm alright with them just remastering that and adding trophies for it and bbsfm

Edited by Weiss

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It'd be really interesting to see cutscenes of RE:Coded, the game was really enjoyable to PLAY,but storywise it wasn't that great game, so I wonder what is really important enough "storywise" to create a cutscene of. I also wonder if they'll be doing Birth by Sleep? I think that game would actually be way cooler on a playstation, Just way more comfortable to play c:

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Fool. They won't add the behemoth or wyvern. That's too much of a change. KH ReMix 2.5 will most likely be on the ps4 as well. They won't fix that mistake with pence talking. The mistake will just be in HD. They kept Terra's cape in KH 2 final mix. I'm hoping they'll be able to put the capes on the three heroes in Birth By sleep.

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I am hoping Re:Coded get more cutscenes like what happened with 385/2 Days.

I don't EVER agree about BBS in 2,5 HD ReMIX, cuz BBS's timeline is not between KH1 and KH2, which means that it doesn't fit to be in this remaster collection.

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I was hoping they'd add those enemies as well, since they were in Re: Coded's opening. And I hope for capes and global multiplayer in BBSFM.

That'd be pretty neat actually.The capes too. I have a feeling they won't add the capes, but I really liked how heroic they looked with them...

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KH ReMix 2.5 will most likely be on the ps4 as well.

I doubt it. The point of the HD collections is that the fans will be able to experience the majority of the series on a single console before playing KH3 In addition. KH games rarely come out on a console in the beginning of it's lifespan. In fact, most of them came either in the middle or at the end of the systems life.

KHI, CoM(original) Days -Middle

KHII, Re:Coded, BBS -End 

Only DDD has come out close to the beginning of it's systems shelf life, now even 1.5 ReMIX is coming out just as the PS3 is being replaced. Besides. I'm pretty sure the collection is already in development.

I am hoping Re:Coded get more cutscenes like what happened with 385/2 Days.

I don't EVER agree about BBS in 2,5 HD ReMIX, cuz BBS's timeline is not between KH1 and KH2, which means that it doesn't fit to be in this remaster collection.

But then BbS will never be remastered at all.  Meaning that non-Japanese players will never have the opportunity to experience BbS's FM content such as fighting the REH, unless there's another HD collection of  the 1.5 ReMIX games in the future, which likely won't happen. Besides BbS has more of a story connection to later games in the series (KHII, Coded, and DDD,) than the earlier ones. (KHI, CoM, and Days. ) I'll admit that KHIIFM and Days have about the same amount of references to BbS but, given the other possible entries in 2.5 Re:MIX I think it makes more sense for it to be included with those.


On another note I want the capes back too but Edna Mode probably won't let it happen. And, assuming 2.5 ReMIX releases next year, I don't think they'll include DDD because it will still be relatively current.

Edited by Sora_Kuno

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I don't EVER agree about BBS in 2,5 HD ReMIX, cuz BBS's timeline is not between KH1 and KH2, which means that it doesn't fit to be in this remaster collection.

But not including it because of same naming technicality would be silly.Besides, who says it will necessarily be called 2.5?Heck, just call it "2.5 ReBirth" and you got both the 2.5 games and BbS covered in the title.

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That'd be pretty neat actually.The capes too. I have a feeling they won't add the capes, but I really liked how heroic they looked with them...



Same, probably not though. But it would make the opening of Bbs and the secret ending of Kh2Fm more accurate.

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I am hoping Re:Coded get more cutscenes like what happened with 385/2 Days.

I don't EVER agree about BBS in 2,5 HD ReMIX, cuz BBS's timeline is not between KH1 and KH2, which means that it doesn't fit to be in this remaster collection.

But it doesn't matter that it makes no sense according to the timeline because KH2 would give players more understanding of what to expect in BBS, and Terra's armor is in KH2 FM, i'm sure someone playing KH2 will want to see who it is and why it's there? It just makes sense.

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My guess is that it will be comprised of KHII FM, BBS (FM?) and Coded cutscenes. There aren't a whole ton of changes I'd like to see, the thing I'm looking forward to is playing BBS on a console.


While I'm on the subject, stop saying that BBS doesn't make sense because of "timeline reasons". Nobody cares that it wouldn't be chronological. Though it's a prequel, the game contains numerous references, nods, and plot lines to pretty much every Kingdom Hearts game. It is a continuation of the fiction regardless of it's place in the chronology, and shouldn't be ignored just because it took place before the other games.


But it doesn't matter that it makes no sense according to the timeline because KH2 would give players more understanding of what to expect in BBS, and Terra's armor is in KH2 FM, i'm sure someone playing KH2 will want to see who it is and why it's there? It just makes sense.

^This Edited by Kishira

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All I want in KH2FM is more of a variaty of Heartless in the 1000 Heartless fight.

Well there's limit/trinity form if you haven't played kh2fm before. Other than that it'll probably be the same with hd since it's a remaster.

My guess is that it will be comprised of KHII FM, BBS (FM?) and Coded cutscenes. There aren't a whole ton of changes I'd like to see, the thing I'm looking forward to is playing BBS on a console.


While I'm on the subject, stop saying that BBS doesn't make sense because of "timeline reasons". Nobody cares that it wouldn't be chronological. Though it's a prequel, the game contains numerous references, nods, and plot lines to pretty much every Kingdom Hearts game. It is a continuation of the fiction regardless of it's place in the chronology, and shouldn't be ignored just because it took place before the other games. 



But it doesn't matter that it makes no sense according to the timeline because KH2 would give players more understanding of what to expect in BBS, and Terra's armor is in KH2 FM, i'm sure someone playing KH2 will want to see who it is and why it's there? It just makes sense.

bless u both

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Well there's limit/trinity form if you haven't played kh2fm before. Other than that it'll probably be the same with hd since it's a remaster.



bless u both

I have no idea how many times i posted it, but no one seems to take notice ._.'

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Am I the only one that is still saving up for a PS3 just for 1.5 ReMix and 2.5? :P

I'm saving up for a flatscreen tv for my other house. Does that count?(I have divorced parents).

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I have a PS3 for some time now (bought it for versus XIII, Blu-ray etc) and that 1.5 comes out was a surprise

and of course....1.5 doesn't make sense if there won't be a 2.5 or something like that

I really hope that 2.5 (or whatever) will contain KH 2 FM (this is 100%) and BbS FM and cutscenes from coded

DDD is too new to be a part of it, but I hope that the opening will be available in theatre mode or something else

and you should know....DDD is a 3D game....and the PS3 is able to play 3D games if you have a 3D TV => DDD opening viewable in 3D on TV


to the changes:

first, of course, the graphics remastered in HD and with the newer models

maybe some gameplay changes (especially BbS from PSP to PS3), but no new content

the FMs already have some changes and I think they are enough

the story is the main point and not how many things can I collect etc


in case of coded......I don't know how many cutscenes are important for it, but not so many like Days has

Edited by Mila

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