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Annoying moments/things in KH

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Fighting that giant Ursurla, and in kh1 after you beat Ansem then go back to alladins world and try to beat that big dumb 4 armed beast annyos me so much because you cant use magic half the time and he uses those bombs of death

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- Everything about Wonderland in KHI (Days's version is way better)

- Everything about CoM except for the storyline (But Re:CoM is really good)

- Leechgrave in Days

- EVERYTHING about Space Paranoids. Seriously, thinking about the races freaks me out even now.


I've only named an aspect for each game, but there definitely are more things to list.

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How Marluxia's hair changed from brown to pink magically. Seriously, wtf. D<

How Riku Replica stuns you when you fight him in ReCOM.

Using the right analog stick to navigate the menu in the bottom left corner in KH1. (SUPER annoying! It's usually used for camera control only, and I'm so used to that. >.<)

Saix's X on his face. (I want to know what happened to him!)

Camera control in KH1. (I always get L and R mixed up because it's backwards. >.<)


... Don't get me wrong though, KH is still my most favorite game series! :)

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Saix X on face too,and that things under Axel's eyes,not that I don't like them,I just want to know where they come from,because I don't see them in BbS and Saix doesn't have an X in BbS either,they'll have to explain this.

And Sephiroths music when you fight him,don't know why it gets me nervous,but I can't fight without sound.

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Saix X on face too,and that things under Axel's eyes,not that I don't like them,I just want to know where they come from,because I don't see them in BbS and Saix doesn't have an X in BbS either,they'll have to explain this.

And Sephiroths music when you fight him,don't know why it gets me nervous,but I can't fight without sound.


How dare you to say something against One-winged Angel?

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Hmm......Sora not being able to remember anything from CoM, Kairi never being playable in the game, Axel killing himself, Sora killing himself,

Xehanort killing himself...Terranort killing himself

, ATLANTICA!!!, What it took to get the Ultima Weapon in KH1, Xion's a puppet, Riku's Replica (Since he's a puppet) and.........yeah.

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How Marluxia's hair changed from brown to pink magically. Seriously, wtf. D<

How Riku Replica stuns you when you fight him in ReCOM.

Using the right analog stick to navigate the menu in the bottom left corner in KH1. (SUPER annoying! It's usually used for camera control only, and I'm so used to that. >.<)

Saix's X on his face. (I want to know what happened to him!)

Camera control in KH1. (I always get L and R mixed up because it's backwards. >.<)


... Don't get me wrong though, KH is still my most favorite game series! :)


PSP only have 1 anaogic, so yeah, we have to use de "R-L" again

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In Days, the fact that I worked my butt off to get the Zero Gear and it ended up sucking crap... hard...

And the fact you can unlock Sora, Donald, and Goofy. Seriously, WTF? I can understand Riku, Xion, and Mickey, they all have some relation to the Organization, but SORA? GOOFY? DONALD? ... Doing missions for "the other side"? Makes about as much sense as... well, there's nothing that absurd. That game was supposed to be Organization-centered, more or less, and Roxas-centered. Sora already makes cameos in it anyway!

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Atlantica was fail in KH2, I got lost in Atlantica in KH1, Emerald Serenade was really stupid(The things I had to do to unlock Sora) In KH Days, Getting all the ingredients to unlock Ultima Weapon in KH2(Sorta took a long time or I couldn't find them)...... Thats pretty much it.......

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