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He's okay, but not the greatest.


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And why is Batman saying Superman is better than him?

WAIT A MINUTE are you saying that spiderman can beat up SUPERMAN 

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Superman is in fact the best superhero, here are my reasons why


1) He was the first


 Without Superman there is no Batman, Spider-man, Marvel or DC and the manga landscape would be different to. The world without Superman would be a radically different place and the people that bash him need to realize this single fact before they bash him. The pure essence of everything that is Superheroes is molded after Superman. Essentially all superhero characters are formed around his template. No matter how radically different they may turn out, he is THE Superhero. The origin story, the superpowers, the secret identity, the love interest, and the villains. He’s obviously not the first character in history to have all of these things but the classic superhero tale is all Superman’s.

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2) He in fact is not overpowered

Any writer can make a hero overpowered, Batman in comics as beaten Superman in fight and beat the entire Justice League. How is that no overpowered? This can apply to any hero, writers give heroes their takes on them and their all different. The original Superman couldn't fly.


3) He's a pure hero

Superman is a hero that reflects the potential in all of us for greatness; a beacon of light in times that are grim and a glimmer of hope for the hopeless. While he has power of a god, Supeman sees himself not as that but someone who is only here to help and expect nothing in return. He didn't become a hero because crime affected him, he had powers to help and uses them. His Kryptonian S-Shield recognizable as a universal symbol for truth and justice. Though Superman may have begun as a slice of Americana, he’s grown into a symbol that all of humanity can look up to.

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4) He's very relatable

While he may have powers and could be boyscout. Clark Kent side of him is an outcast and he's feel like alien who doesn't fit in. Read stories like It's Superman or Superman: Secret Identity and it's easy to relate to the character and what he does. More than characters like Batman while he's doesn't have powers he's crazy.

Edited by Deadshot

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I never liked Superman. I wasn't even terribly big on him as a kid.


He's just so completely unrelatable. Name a power, and he probably has it. He doesn't have to cope with a superhero identity, he has to feign a mortal one, and thats just not fun for me.


I'll still watch the new movie, but Superman will never have my favor.

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WAIT A MINUTE are you saying that spiderman can beat up SUPERMAN 

He could with a costume that is irradiated with sunlight similar to that emitted by a red sun. But other than that no, as he lost in Superman vs The Amazing Spider-Man: The Battle of the Century. And I meant that "Greatest" was subjective, before Deadshot posted reason number 3 anyways.

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I'm sorry but no. Batman is the best. But I'll join anyways cause Superman is still cool :3


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I like Batman more than Superman  i like Superman just a tiny bit less so that's why i decided to make this fanclub. Anyway the Batman fanclub was already taken

Edited by Balloonga

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