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Is Final Fantasy VII Dirge of Cerberus any good?

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I'm thinking of getting it. (You can buy Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts games brand new on PS2 in Australia for only like $20.)


So yeah, is it any good? Worth getting?





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I think its worth getting. The story's not the best and not the worst, but I find it really fun to play, especially if you're into the Final Fantasy VII universe. Probably the best FPS I've played. Or...TPS I guess...?

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If it's only $20, yeah it's not bad. It's an alright game, but in comparison to the other games in the FF VII series, I don't think it's GREAT or anything. But yeah worth $20.

Edited by Ertyx

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Actually, you can get a lot of PS2 games for about that price here in the US as well. ;)  As for Dirge of Cerberus...  I bought it, played it, and managed to complete it in about fifteen hours.  While it wasn't a bad game by any means, it's not really the kind of game that you can replay easily.  The gameplay resembles a shooter, and unless you like that sort of gameplay, Dirge of Cerberus gets old pretty fast.  There's hardly any variety in scenery, not to mention the story revolves around Vincent, Cait Sith, and an all-new cast for Dirge of Cerberus.  There's places where Cloud, Tifa, and Yuffie *appear*, but that's all it is--only a brief appearance.  The one thing I did love about this game--and the one true thing that kept me motivated to play--was all the flashbacks presenting Vincent's life serving as a guard to Professor Lucrecia Crescent.


All-in-all, I wouldn't rate it as a bad game, but it's nothing like other Final Fantasy titles, so be sure to bear that in mind.  The story itself is even pretty far removed from the FF7 saga, with the exception of the flashbacks, as I mentioned above.  Don't buy it if you're expecting a Crisis Core-version of a sequel; but if you really loved FF7, chances are you'll like this game.  My main complaint is that it pretty much has a 0% replayability rate, since you can re-watch cutscenes after completing the game and there's not much else that's worth going back after again.


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Oh, god. I was SO bad at using the battle system, but that's probably more of my problem, as I'm not a shooter type of gal (the camera is pretty awful, though). But for the most part, I liked DoC a lot. It shines a light on some of the earliest things in the FFVII universe, as well as the latest, since it takes place AC, but has a lot of flashbacks about Vincent's past.


That's actually what made that game for me. Seeing all that went down between Vincent, Hojo, and Lucrecia... just epic (it helps that I ship VincentxLucrecia...). Experiencing ShinRa Manor again? Freakin' amazing! I definitely think it's worth twenty bucks. LOL.


Especially since someday Square might make another FFVII game based off the secret ending. And for some reason, I enjoyed all of the minor characters of FFVII taking the lead this time, where as the main characters sort of took a break. LOL. Also, I love Tifa's phone call to Vincent. So funny!

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