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Playstation Vita anniversary discounts

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In celebration of the PlayStation Vita’s first anniversary, Sony are offering discounts on certain PlayStation Vita games such as PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale and ModNation Racers: Road Trip in North America. The sale on those games will last until tomorrow. In addition to those games, Sony are also giving four games away for free until March 11th. These are: Wild Arms (PSOne Classic), Patapon (PSP), Piyotama (PSP) and Patchwork Heroes (PSP). Additionally, the following games are on discount (30% off) also until March 11th:

Army Corps of Hell
Big Sky: Infinity
BlazBlue: Continuum Shift Extend
Knytt Underground
LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes
LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes French
LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7
LEGO Lord of the Rings
Pure Chess
Retro City Rampage
Sine Mora (with Trial)
Spy Hunter
Street Fighter X Tekken
Sumioni: Demon Arts
Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3
FIFA Soccer 13
Madden NFL 13
Oddworld Strangers Wrath (25% off)
With these discounts and free games hopefully the vita's sales will boost a little.


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Getting Sina Mora, Dokuro and maybe Knytt Underground. Also Disgaea 3: Absence of Detention will be free for ps plus users this month as well as Spec Ops, Joe Danger 2 and the cave.

Edited by Deadshot

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The four free games are available on the psn store for not just the Vita but the psp as well since they seemed to forget it could access the psn store and access the Vita promotion also. So if you want any of the following games but don't have a vita you can still get them on your PSP for free: 


Patapon (PSP)
Patchwork Heroes (PSP)
Piyotama (PSP)
Wild Arms (PS one)
The games will be free until March 11th on Vita and PSP as well unless they change this.

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