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If there were they would have told us they had it planned already. I doubt it. Actually, I'm absolutely certain there won't be any DLC for it. I'm pretty sure there will never be DLC for any Kingdom Hearts game. Ever.

Edited by Sora_Kuno

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  On 3/3/2013 at 7:10 PM, Sora_Kuno said:

If there were they would have told us they had it planned already. I doubt it. Actually, I'm absolutely certain there won't be any DLC for it. I'm pretty sure there will never be DLC for any Kingdom Hearts game. Ever.



  On 3/3/2013 at 7:10 PM, BitTripNano said:

as awesome as that sounds, I seriously doubt it

Yeah I didn't think there would be, especially considering it's a port of two PS2 games, and scenes from a DS game. But if there were DLC, would you buy it? I'd def get it. Even it was just a KH2 costume hahah

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I sure hope so!! But it'd probably be a catch to it like: Only for Japan/For a limited time/pre-order only. Or they might just wait to KH3 to start introducing new materials...whenever that may be lol

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There are possibilities for anything. That'd been cool I like the idea. Costume changes would be funny DDD Sora in KH1.

  On 3/3/2013 at 7:12 PM, darklunatic said:

they never have dlc for remakes dude

Star Ocean last hope first released on Xbox then released on PS3 as a small remake and it had DLC.

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  On 3/3/2013 at 7:12 PM, darklunatic said:

they never have dlc for remakes dude

Yeah haha I guess. But if you think about it, it's only $40. Not the average price for PS3 games now-a-days. Maybe, and hopefully, they'll do something to squeeze an extra 20 bucks out of us through DLC, or even a special version, like an equivalent to a Mark of Mastery Edition.

Edited by SSGoten

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  On 3/3/2013 at 7:15 PM, SSGoten said:

Yeah haha I guess. But if you think about it, it's only $40. Not the average price for PS3 games now-a-days. Maybe, and hopefully, they'll do something to squeeze an extra 20 bucks out of us through DLC, or even a special version, like an equivalent to a Mark of Mastery Edition.

actually most HD remakes from ps2 are 40 bucks



also i meant ps2 remakes none of them have  dlc

Edited by darklunatic

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  On 3/3/2013 at 7:16 PM, Metal Snake said:





Especially after how CAPCOM made the concept of DLC as=disc-locked content

Capcom did that? To be honest I only by Call of Duty and Kingdom Hearts games, and sometimes I stray away from COD and buy other shooters, and once in a blue moon I buy other types of games, like Paper Mario: Sticker Star. But I don't think Square Enix would be that cruel.

  On 3/3/2013 at 7:17 PM, darklunatic said:

actually most HD remakes from ps2 are 40 bucks


also i meant ps2 remakes none of them have  dlc

Dang are they really?? I didn't know that. But this game basically has 2 and a half games in it haha. But so does the GOW remakes I guess. And yeah I understood what you meant, I just worded my response weirdly.

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  On 3/3/2013 at 7:14 PM, ReikuSSR said:

There are possibilities for anything. That'd been cool I like the idea. Costume changes would be funny DDD Sora in KH1.

Star Ocean last hope first released on Xbox then released on PS3 as a small remake and it had DLC.

also thats differnt from a ps2 remake none of the ps2 remakes have dlc its not meant to becous the game is already full of what they wanted

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To be honest, I was expecting a big fat no because back then, games were pretty much completed when you purchased it (or left with cliffhangers that made you wait 2+ years for the sequel, but that's another case). I should have asked do you guys WANT DLC? I would love it. Not DLC to add to the story, but subtle things like new costumes, maybe a new keyblade. Another OPTIONAL hidden boss. Small things like that, which will add to the optional fun. Not things that you ABSOLUTELY need to progress in the game. Things that you could buy if you had spare money in the PSN store, or something.

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  On 3/3/2013 at 7:30 PM, silver3drago said:

I really don't like DLC all too much- and putting it into a Kingdom Hearts game just feels like a greedy grab for money if you ask me.

I think in some games there just nice things to add to the game's life to keep you playing more. I'm going to bring up COD again. The Infinity Ward CODs have good DLC because they're not required. They're just bonus maps that won't change the game at all if you don't have them. On the flip side, Treyach's COD have bad ones. If you love their zombie mode as much as I do (which is honestly the entire reason I bought the games, Hardened edition and all), you essentially need the DLC. If you got the regular version, you have one huge map, and three small, shitty maps. But when the DLC releases you get an extra one along with multiplayer maps. Just one though. THAT'S being greedy. TranZit got old real quick and one map isn't good enough. And now they're even releasing a weapon with every DLC. Treyarch is just sucking your money up. It honestly depends how they approach the concept of adding DLC and whether or not they going to make it "required" (and I use that word very loosely here). 

Edited by SSGoten

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  On 3/3/2013 at 8:02 PM, VENROXAS said:

Most likely not, I hope not, I don't like buying a game and finding out i have to buy the dlc to be able to play the full game....

That's what I've been saying though. They should make in a manner that's not required to play the full game; just extras or add-ons. Not like "Please buy DLC coming out next month the fight Form 2 of Ansem" or whatever (I know no game does that lol).

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I would only buy DLC outfits/keyblades if it gave you an advantage, and wasn't just an aesthetic, e.g. the DLC outfits for Alice Madness returns gives damage boosts, ability to enter hysteria mode at any time, shrinksense at any time etc. 


I also don't like DLC endings, it feels like a cheap cashcow.


And if there was any DLC item required for the game or optional boss, it would piss off fans even more, especially the ones who bought handhelds and consoles specifically for a KH game.  

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