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KHCoM for those of u who beaten com/re com

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the title said it for those who beaten com/re com, how many times do u fight marluxia, and is he easy, and wich cards r best to beat him with for all his fights and which r the best lvls r the best to be to fight him with, plz tell me, im already at his 1st fight and i want to beat the game

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Well i beat marluxia in com for gba on lv 70 with attck cards value each 9 for half the deck and the rest hi potions and mega elixers but took me 20 times to finnaly hefeat him.

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Well i beat marluxia in com for gba on lv 70 with attck cards value each 9 for half the deck and the rest hi potions and mega elixers but took me 20 times to finnaly hefeat him.


kay thanks its just i have re com and im at his 1st fight at lvl 51

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It took me about 3 tries on Proud Mode.


i thought there was no proud mode


anyways, there are three fights, the first fight will allow you to access a save point with in that room,

entering the door will initiate a second battle while he is in a big machine where you have to take out the main frame, with the option of taking out his sythe arms, which drop hp bubbles when drained of hp

once you defeat his main frame, you will be taken to the back end of the machine where you will see a some what entraped marluxia standing in front of a large demon like version of him weilding his sythe. this will be an ultimate test of your deck. you would be suggested to take in cards six and up as well as good sets of potions or ethers. i would also suggest to take a draw card if you have one, and use it when he knocks your cards from you. also make sure you break his low sleights, and try to break the high ones if you can, but if he uses the doom spell on you, just keep mashing in regular cards until you finish it, over all, it isn't to hard if you are the right level, i would probably say 55+ but im not to sure

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well in the 3rd fight i always get his health down to half way to 3 or 2 bars left then he does that slice move im haveing problems with and other then that i need a tad more health, but im skilled for kh2 b/c i checked and i saw that im the only one that beaten kh2 on proud/hard mode with only dieing like 4 times and at lvl 42 with in 28 hours 27 tops

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he was so easy in both versions of the game. personally i had about 30 Cloud cards with like 15 attack cards with lvls at least 6. then 3 Tinkerbells just in case and the Vexen card really helped. beat him first try for all his fights. took about 30 min on GBA version and Re:CoM took about 15. Re was way too easy. the card stats above are all for the GBA version btw. Omnislash omnislash omnislash omnislash.

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tutti frutti. I pretty much had 0's and 9' for my cards. As for what was in the deck I had, it was mostly just cure cards, attack cards, mega potions, and a couple of elixers. Whenever he does certain moves use the zero attack cards to stop and counter his moves. With this for me Marluxia was cake.

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