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Hi and welcome to the community, LostMemory. I hope you enjoy it here. Feel free to send me a PM or chat with me anytime :D

Edited by No. i

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Hello there, LostMemory! I'm Keys! :) Welcome to kh13! :D Glad to hear you decided to join. Remember to read the rules and have fun.
The staff is as follows:
Red are admins
Pink are mods
Blue are sec mods
BOLD Purple is translating and news and content team (there you go sora96 xD)
The members here are pretty nice so I think you'll have a good time here. If you ever have any questions or just want to chat feel free to send me a PM or find me on the chat system.
Hope to see you around the forum~
By the way, have some of my traditional welcome tea!
( ・∀・)っ旦~~
Edited by Keysofblades

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Hi there! ^^ I'm Kirby; welcome to the community! :D I think you'll like our community. A lot of insane and awesome stuff happen here. Anyway, if you have any questions or just want to chat, feel free to send me a PM or find me on the chat system. :3 


I hope to see you around the community. :)

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Welcome to KH13, home for awesome and insane people. (Insane is normal in KH13)

You will love being on this website. most of the activity is in the video game, KH, and Random section. (ENTER RANDOM SECTION ON YOUR OWN RISK!!!)


I hope you will enjoy KH13!


By the way, you will see hedgehogs a lot. Blame keysisblades.

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Welcome to this site. I want you to know this place is full of wonderful crazy and lovable people that care about you.

As a fan I will see you as forever as someone I care about. I care about all my brethren through. heh welcome to the site.

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hi lost im just some random guy that likes DC COMICS (watch out for hedgehogs :ph34r: )

Edited by Balloonga

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