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Final Fantasy X looks weird?

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This game looks strange. The voice acting was terrible, the fruity blitzball hero with fangirls thing going on, the small breasted girlfriend that then became a rockstar and a villain with a strange haircut. I don't understand why people consider this the last ''great'' FF game. In my opinion, FFIX was the last great game(and the best in the series). Can you help me understand?

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It's a very beloved game for a lot of reasons. Even if it does look a bit strange by today's standards, many people can still find several things to love about it. The music, the battle system, and even the story. All of these things can be put before "how the game looks"; and to some people, the games look might not even be that important.

Edited by Mr. Mancer

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Final Fantasy X was one of the very first PS2 games of course it's voice acting isn't the best.


Final Fantasy X is a fantastic game and it's sequel is also very good.


There is no "last great FF game" because most FF games are very good. 

Indeed, though VII is the undisputed best one

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I didn't think it was that strange. The only strange part of it may be Tidus' laugh owo

It all comes to opinion for certain people what the "last great ff" was. I personally like all of the ones I've been able to play which are pretty far apart number wise. 

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I feel like I've had this argument some time before... 


Anyways, beyond the graphics and voice acting the game explores religious corruption much like how vii tackled the conflict between the environment and mega corporation. Those motifs I always thought games on another level. 

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Wasn't it the first ff game that even had real voice acting? I'd give them some lenience for that. I thought it had some fascinating plot twists and some really good points if you are into analyzing stories. If you think Seymour's hair was weird... you should play more final fantasy games. xD Even if you don't appreciate the plot, the music had some really good stuff going on if you like pianos, which I do. I'm usually pretty happy with any new story, and FFX was unique enough to keep me amused.

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X is always a bit of a strange one to me. On one hand, there are a few things which I like a great deal: I actually like Tidus (mainly because he's such a twerp. Considering every hero we've had prior has been extremely capable, it was new to have one that was lost in the role), I think Yuna is probably one of the best protagonists out there (she embodies all the pros and cons that you can find in extreme utilitarianism), and some of the themes explored are interesting.


On the flip side, the supporting cast is irritating, the overall art design of the game is too loud and unnatural, and the story tends to meander too much rather than staying compelling the whole way.

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Final Fantasy X is...different than most games in the series, but not in a bad way.  I actually really enjoyed it, and would probably rank it as my third or fourth favorite.  It's hard to get into unless you've reached about halfway through the game, then the story really gets more engaging and it's easier to get hooked to the characters.  Plus the ending was epic, with a few rather unusual twists for the franchise.


I have to agree with you on Yuna in X-2 though; it's truly a pitiful sight.  That whole game was a waste in comparison to X.


When I first started playing X, I didn't think I'd care for it either.  It's really one of those that grows on you after a while--or at least I thought so.



The only thing I really found weird in FFX was that nobody called Tidus by his name :(

It sort of bothered me, too.  The reason for this was because you could name Tidus whatever you wanted at the start of the game, and I assume they thought it'd seem pretty contradictory to call him Tidus if you'd named him something else. ;)


There is no "last great FF game" because most FF games are very good. 

Couldn't agree more.

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I dont think there is a best Final Fantasy,most of the time people consider their first Final Fantasy as the best in the series

The FF series is all about reinventing itself with every entry so sometimes when a new game comes out some people enjoy it more and others not

FFX is a great game,one of the first i played and i think that they did a pretty good job,its logical though that not everyone may like it

Thats why there is variety and everyone can choose their favorite entries in the series ;)

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To be honest I'm seeing more fans dislike FF X now than actually like it. IMO it hasn't aged well at all. 


Though everybody has different tastes. 


FF X is one of those Hot but also Cold games to me, it's good but also has some annoying flaws. I can't stand Wakka or Tidus. >:

Edited by axele

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