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What age was Roxas ?

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 Roxas was probably whatever age Sora was, which was 14 in KH1 as you said.


I think he grew up before they became nobodies and heartless

I know Nomura said Nobodies don't age but Ienzo/Zexion couldn't have aged that much over the course of only one year.

Edited by JTD95

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 Roxas was probably whatever age Sora was, which was 14 in KH1 as you said.

I know Nomura said Nobodies don't age but Ienzo/Zexion couldn't have aged that much over the course of only one year.

Well there was the whole BBSV2 thing we never saw so he could have aged during that

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Well there was the whole BBSV2 thing we never saw so he could have aged during that

If I remember correctly all of 'em became Nobodies 1 year after BbS.And in the beginning of KH3D we saw little Ienzo lying on the Ground, sparkling away...well I think it could have something to do with this whole "everything can grow a heart" thing. Everything can grow a heart, but without one nothing can grow.Maybe Zexion did have a kind of a Heart? It's just complicated as hell and I don't think we will know the answer soon... Damn you Development Time ~.~

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Well there was the whole BBSV2 thing we never saw so he could have aged during that

How? BbS took place 10 years before KH1. Radiant Garden was destroyed by Maleficent 9 years before KH1. By the time of the worlds destruction, Ienzo had already become a Nobody.

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How? BbS took place 10 years before KH1. Radiant Garden was destroyed by Maleficent 9 years before KH1. By the time of the worlds destruction, Ienzo had already become a Nobody.

Ah, didn't know that lol

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I don't know why Nomura bothered to put in that "Nobodies don't age" thing when there's evidence to the contrary.  Just look at Ienzo.  It's a bit hard to see but in DDD's first scene, given his clothing and relative size to Even, you can see it was little Ienzo who was fading away.  Namine aged as well.  Her character model in KH2 compared to Re:CoM clearly has older proportions.  As for Roxas, as he manifested when Sora was fourteen, we can assume Roxas was that "age" as well when he first appeared.  Chronological age doesn't seem to matter to Nobodies.  It's more like you go by the age you were when you lost your heart and keep counting from there, so Roxas would be around fifteen by the time of KH2.

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 Roxas was probably whatever age Sora was, which was 14 in KH1 as you said.


I know Nomura said Nobodies don't age but Ienzo/Zexion couldn't have aged that much over the course of only one year.


Either Ienzo, Isa and Lea (including the last two because 3D seems to indicate they were turned into Nobodies about the same time as the apprentices) all underwent a massive growth spurt in the year between, or Nomura's contradicting himself and humanoid Nobodies (younger ones, at least) do age to some extent. I'm personally going with the latter, it seems to fall more in line with what I've seen in-game. He also said Xemnas looked about 30, where Terra's probably 20 at most, and Terranort still looks about 20-25, not 30.


I can say with certainty that Naminé definitely ages (they include both her CoM and KH2 models in her 3D journal entry, and the latter is noticeably more "adult" looking), but she and Roxas are anomalies even as far as Nobodies go, so...


edit: ninja'd lol

Edited by Ultima Spark

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For better or worse the interviews are second tier canon so it's easier for him to change his mind about certain matters even if he stated them as fact. The games never said that Nobodies don't age so Nomura can get away with contradicting what he said in interviews because it's not set in stone until brought up in the games. At first the only Nobodies who aged were Roxas, Namine, and Xemnas because they're special Nobodies but it looks like the idea of Nobodies not aging was ditched entirely.


Assuming that Sora birthday didn't pass sometime during the event of KH1, yes, his physical body is fourteen then later becomes fifteen. When asked about the Org. members ages in a Days related interview Nomura said Roxas was fifteen, so I take it that's how old he was for most of Days? Though despite his body I consider him one-two years old because I go by when he came into being, lol.

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