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The Wii U And PS4

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With the announcement of the PS4 yesterday. I am very interested in seeing how the competition between both consoles will go out. Since the Fall/Holiday Season is when both Nintendo and Sony will pull out new games for their new systems I'm really interested in seeing how everything goes between them.Oh, and before anyone says that Nintendo doesn't care about competition. Nintendo said that that competition is what keeps things interesting and and fresh. I know Nintendo doesn't really care about being better than another company but they do like competition. And I remember very well Nintendo stating that fact. But anyway back to the subject. The PS4 and Wii U seem to look like they will be going all out with their new games later this year. it all comes down to this year's E3 and seeing what Nintendo and Sony will bring to the table for their new systems. As for Microsoft, I just hope they at least announce their console at their E3 conference and not any more stupid hardware like Kinect otherwise i will once again be disappointed with them.

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Wii U will attract casual gamers and families

PS4 will attract hardcore gamers and tech addicts

Most likely Wii U will sell more, but PS4 units will cost more per sale.

However I've seen a lot of xbox fanboys denouncing their love and vowing to get the ps4 instead of the 720 now.  

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Well, I honestly don't care about competition of two consoles, but currently Wii U has sold kinda poorly. Of course that is gonna change, because of pile of really good looking games announced for it are coming. But the fact is that (I don't remember certain month) Wii U actually sold more poorly than XBOX 360 and PS3 have ever during their time. Which is extremely weird. 

Also, Sony is probably gonna do well if they get few good launch games and keep price of PS4 reasonable, which I highly doubt

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Nintendo's system will always be for Nintendo games and Nintendo gamers. This is a good thing. They have an ecosystem that is their own, and that can exist without directly conflicting with the experiences the PS4 or next Xbox will offer; which is really good, because in terms of sheer technical ability, the Wii U has just been overtaken.


The PS4 actually is giving me a sense that Sony is doing something new, and that it's pushing the envelope. They aren't copying the gimmick of the year. Yes, things like motion control and remote play are there, but those aren't the selling points. The new online commitment and the games, those were the important things at yesterday's conference. There are still a lot of unanswered questions: what features are subscription based, how will streaming games work with PS3 titles, does my current PS+ account carry over? And of course, what does the system cost?


Microsoft has played it cool so far, but now that Sony's gone first they have a tougher job to do. Everything the next Xbox does will be compared to the PS4; does it create a gaming social network, can I remote play these games, can I play games while they're downloading, is there save states that let me start off playing my game immediately? What games are for this system that aren't for the PS4? Microsoft has to differentiate themselves while at the same time saying they can do everything the Playstation can. And a next generation Kinect isn't likely to grab the hardcore audience.

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Never cared about powerful graphics and they were never a factor for me to buy a console.


Seriously most of us who bought Nintendo consoles bought it not because of third party titles,but because of their exclusives that sells the system,third party games were never system sellers for Nintendo consoles.


Anyway,I'm gonna buy a Wii U right after E3


As for Ps4 I'll buy two years later 



But the xbox 720 I'm not gonna buy it as long as they're pulling their kinect  bullshit on us.


For me,I'll support Nintendo and Sony only in the next gen

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Wii U will attract casual gamers and families

PS4 will attract hardcore gamers and tech addicts

Most likely Wii U will sell more, but PS4 units will cost more per sale.

However I've seen a lot of xbox fanboys denouncing their love and vowing to get the ps4 instead of the 720 now.  



PS4 will not attract Hardcore gamers, the next Xbox will only attract a small amount of hardcore gamers through Halo which is the only viable competitive gaming...game on the consoles. 


The PC will remain the heart of the competitive gaming scene into the next generation.  

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I will stick with the Wii U this gen and the PS4 if KHIII releases on it. One of the reasons I was put off with the PS4 is the amount of mature games... I have never been a fan of extreme violence and/or gore.

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