Ventus99 69 Posted February 20, 2013 Hi, I know very little about final fantasy, what is the game about and why is there like 300 games in the series?!?!?!?!?! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sikota Urinakano 876 Posted February 20, 2013 I need this information as well, and perhaps a youtube video playlist of some-sort that can both entertain and teach me/us... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Weiss 8,279 Posted February 20, 2013 It's about different things depending on the game. It's pretty much a really popular rpg that's pretty good. And it has a lot of games due to it's popularity Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Demyx. 10,064 Posted February 20, 2013 A game series that saved Square's ass. 7 Weiss, Bearanort, Jilly Shears and 4 others reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OthersiderME 614 Posted February 20, 2013 The original competition to Dragon Warrior/Quest. 1 Jilly Shears reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Joker 1,560 Posted February 20, 2013 Hi, I know very little about final fantasy, what is the game about and why is there like 300 games in the series?!?!?!?!?! the games all pertty much take place in separteate like you can play final fantasy ten and not play 9 and understand everything as they arent connected what so ever.though the Ilviance games all take place in the same world just different at diff times in tht world like tactitcs A2 takes place after final fantasy12-2 the ds one etc.... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ruran 481 Posted February 20, 2013 It's Square Enix's main cash cow game series. There are so many because most games are stand alone stories that share similar elements. As such it's hard to describe but a quick wiki search should help. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AnHeiressofaSOLDIER 358 Posted February 20, 2013 (edited) All the numbered Final Fantasy games are a series of fantasy, strategy based, and turn based RPGs. There are a ton of them because each game stands on its own: meaning that the story, worlds, and characters are usually completely different. The only time this isn't true is if a particular title has a prequel, sequel, or spin-off to it. So for the most part, you can play any of the Final Fantasy games from wherever you want, and don't have to worry about anything. Mainly what ties FF games together are just recurring things in all of them: the summons, guys named Cid, job classifications, etc. And as for a little trivia about Final Fantasy, the reason why there's so many of them is not only because they're Square's biggest money maker/polished games, but because Squaresoft was about to go out of business... and decided to release one last game "Final Fantasy". Obviously, the game was a huge success, and more than saved the company, thus it became its own franchise. Anyway, if anyone is looking to start the series, I say start at FFX for many reasons. A) because its a spectacular game, and the last game of Square's "golden age", but also because it is more up to date with today's games than even FFIX was. For more information about the series, I'd suggest watching this video: Edited February 20, 2013 by DenizenofTwilight 1 Shazzam reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zola 3,038 Posted February 20, 2013 Kingdom Hearts minus Disney. Pretty much just a collection of Epic Fantasy RPGs, each with a unique story. 2 Jilly Shears and Weiss reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dave 5,715 Posted February 20, 2013 Each Final Fantasy has their own seperate story and universe, but they all tend to share certain elements and features, usually mixing medieval culture with steampunk technology. 1 axele reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jilly Shears 2,144 Posted February 20, 2013 It's a fantasy that didn't end up being the final one. 1 IsaTheTroll reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VENROXAS 152 Posted February 21, 2013 A rpg fantasy to sum it up. Most of them involved heroes of light to save the crystals from evil. As the series has progressed the crystals of power are more briefly important to the story. And usually 1 main hero will emerge and have a few friends to help banish the evil from the land. Thats what I've gotten from the ones I've played and i've played (I,II,II,IV,VI,VII,VIII,X,XI,XII,XIII,XIII-2, Dirge of Cerberus, Crisis Core, Dissidia, And tactics) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mystics Apprentice 2,397 Posted February 21, 2013 Well, it looks like you got a fair amount of answers already, but, because I'm a huge fan of the series, I'm going to get my two cents in as well. Final Fantasy is a series of RPGs featuring entirely different universes and casts, all revolving around fantasy. Some of the games are based in a medieval era, whereas others are futuristic and are ruled by tyrannical empires/governments (think Hunger Games). There's quite a variance between all games, which really makes the series appealing to a wide range of audiences. They're generally rated T, which makes them slightly darker, more serious, and a tad more violent than the Kingdom Hearts series. Gameplay-wise there's little similarities to the Kingdom Hearts series, but some of their stories are rather similar, namely X and XIII. If you like role-playing games in general, chances are you'll like at least one of the many Final Fantasy games. If you could tell us what sort of story/style of gameplay you like we could probably help pinpoint which Final Fantasy would be best for you, if you'd like. Overall, it's an awesome series. I hope you decide to try it out someday! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
axele 151 Posted February 21, 2013 Usually a hero with a fear or problem that holds him or down and then up overcoming it by the game's end meanwhile a villain with terrible hair that has some connection to the hero wants to destroy the world. Add in Chocobos, Moogles and Monsters into this mix and you have a Final Fantasy. And the villain fails to get a decent hair-cut. Poor soul. 3 Mystics Apprentice, OthersiderME and IsaTheTroll reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RoxSox 3,593 Posted February 24, 2013 Final Fantasy was the series that saved Squaresoft from going mothafukkin bankrupt. They are a series of fantasy RPGs that are standalone games. All of the main numbers, 1-14 are standalone save for the ocassional spinoff, but the spinoffs maintain the same number. X's sequel was not XI, but X-2, for example. XII's sequel was not XIII but XII: Revenant Wings. Being as the games are seperate from.each other, All of them have a drastically different world and combat system. You really have to play them all before knowing which ones you actually like. My personal favorite is IX. But X is rather fantastic, and they say that either VII or VI are the best ones. I personally am not very fond of XIII's battle system, but I like the story and the world well enough. VI, VII, VIII, and IX are all available on the PSN as PSOne classics. They're each around 10 bucks. I through V are all available for the PSP/PS Vita I think. X is being given the HD treatment and will be released on PS3... eventually. No one is very fond of XII, at least not many are. XI.and XIV are both online only games... MMORPGs. Pick and choose. remember that VI, VII, VIII, IX, and X are the primo ones. I don't like VIII tho. 1 IsaTheTroll reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Reyn 1,755 Posted March 1, 2013 Mainly Final Fantasy is an RPG, with huge world's to explore, complicated(but amazing) story plots, and very fun battles. Unlike in KH, where you can bash the crap out of monsters with no consequence, FF is more strategy based, especially if you're low leveled. They have great soundtracks and sometimes Parkour. In Most of the games, normally a person(or you could say Main Character) finds out about some plot to destroy the world or ruin it or something like that(trust me, its alot more complicated than what i just said in most of the games) and goes off on a quest for their own specific reasons. Along the way they befriend others who eventually join your party and help you fight. All in all, its a great game series. If you wanna get the games, most of the FF games were released on Sony Platforms(A.K.A.The Playstation), at least that was until SE sold out Final Fantasy toMicrosoft...(Final Fantasy XIII-1, and XIII-2), but forget about that. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites