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Elijah Gravenhorst

Kingdom Hearts X searches

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What do you guys think the search results will be like for Kingdom Hearts X? Ya know considering how Pokemon X turned out...



Well "X" is an element that occurs often in KH, so even if you search it it's either gonna show us that KHX is announced or something about the sigil itself. 



Also I just searched it and no XXX videos or images appeared at all. It's safe for now. 

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Well "X" is an element that occurs often in KH, so even if you search it it's either gonna show us that KHX is announced or something about the sigil itself. 



Also I just searched it and no XXX videos or images appeared at all. It's safe for now. 


Searched it and there is no immediate porn of it

at least not yet. We are safe temporarily

Key words there are "for now" and "temporarily".  We all know it's going to happen.

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