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Master Juan

What Would You Do If....

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Final Fantasy Versus 13 was announced as a launch game along with the Playstation 4 tomorrow? Many people believe that Sony will not announce a new console tomorrow, but if you go on their website it specifically has a video for each system's timeline from the original Playstation to the Vita. This would honestly make so much sense if Versus was released on the PS4 because it would explain why development has taken so long, and Sony would have a solid, amazing title to display the capabilities of the PS4. My personal reaction would be....

(Yeah, I'm bringin this back!)

Tell me, what are your guys' thoughts and what would you like to see announced tomorrow? Do you even think the PS4 will be announced?

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Kind of annoyed tbh. I've been waiting years to get a PS3 but I still won't get one for a while and Versus is one of the games I was looking forward to playing on it. When the PS4 comes out I probably won't get that until years later. My excitement for the PS4 is stagnant at the moment. Not because I'm not anticipating the newest console, I want to see what they're planning, but as I mentioned before it's something I won't be able to get my hands on for a very long time.

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would make sense why SE kept saying "look forward to next year" for FFvs13. I wouldn't mind if it jumps to PS4. I plan on buying one anyway. Also if TLG jumps to PS4 as well then cool 2 great games. But if they do jump to PS4 they better be Day 1 launch games

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