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Sikota Urinakano

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"Yup though we can't have people be friendless."Natsumi replied.She stood for a few moments looking for anyone friendless.

"Well i'm off maybe I'll have a class with you guys,bye NYAN!"Natsumi waved bye as she ran off to make more friends.

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Natsumi spotted a girl with long black hair walking all by herself.She could tell right away the girl wasn't very social and calmly walked over to her,"Hello there i'm Natsumi but you can call me Natsu.What's your name?"

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(well that escalated quickly)

Year 1, Monday April 1st, beginning of class

(everyone introduce yourselves to everyone else!)

I stood as my name was called. "My name's Kyameron. Gaitii Kyameron. I enjoy writing and drawing, although I haven't gotten much done drawing-wise so if you have a request, don't hesitate to approach me ask. Or overall, just don't hesitate to approach me, heheheh." I bowed and took my seat.

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I stood up and introduced myself. "Name's Nara Shugo, call me Shugo, though. I like talking to people, doing things with computers, and playing video games." I sat back down and listened to other introductions.

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As I walked up to my new school, I suddenly realized no one was outside. "Oh no, oh no, I'm late," I thought. I didn't know where to go. As I was walking down the hall, I heard people introducing themselves. "That's where I need to go," I told myself. I quietly opened the door and picked a seat in the back.

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Sakura stood up to introduce herself next as a girl walked in, "I'm Sakura Fujamora, I like video games and sports but I don't play one." She sat down nervously.

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Lenka stood up to introduce herself. "Well, introductions make me nervous," she said as she started to laugh. "I like messing around with computers and meeting new people." She sat down, hoping she would make new friends soon.

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Sadly, it was Ritsu's turn. She hated introducing herself.

"I am Ritsu Sukone...I like being alone and drawing..." She said in her quiet voice, sitting back down, her hands shaking from just one sentence said aloud.

Ritsu needed something to do instead of having the burden of people looking at her. So she focused her eyes on the window, hoping everyone would just leave her alone.



(Gosh....I haven't had a quiet roleplay character in a LONG time...)

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Kei took a deep breath and stood up quietly,"I'm Amaterasu,Kei...I like to sing and play my guitar."

Kei quickly sat back down,she looked down at her feet as her face turned a crimson red.

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"Hmmm we could explore the school more."Natsumi suggested as she skipped along side her friends.


((Sorry for late replies,school))

Edited by lolitacosplayer

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Mae took a seat outside of the school and sighed. Maybe Sakura or someone else would show up.

She figured she shouldn't waste time anyway. She opened her book bag, grabbed some books, and started to study. Better to study then to do nothing.

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At long last, Henteko made it to his new school. He had gotten lost on the way there about 26 times, but now he was ready to do school... stuff. He walked up to the gate and tried to open it. Locked. "Oh." he said in a bored tone. He then did his awkward, hunchbacked-walk around the side of the school to try and find a way in.

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Mae took a seat outside of the school and sighed. Maybe Sakura or someone else would show up. She figured she shouldn't waste time anyway. She opened her book bag, grabbed some books, and started to study. Better to study then to do nothing.

  As Mae was studying, a toothbrush flew through the air and hit her in the head.

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Mae touched the spot where the toothbrush hit her in the head.

"What the heck?" She said in a confused tone, looking around. The she giggled. A toothbrush? Okay then.

Then she saw a boy at the gate.

"Oh!" Mae said, getting up from where she was and running up to the gate, opening it.

"Hello. Did you just hit me?" She giggled.

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"Huh..." I said as Kyameron left. "Well, exploring sounds good. Where should we go first?" I asked Natsu. "The cafeteria sounds like a good place to start, personally."

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"Yes,and after we can check out the dorms!"Natsumi smiled at the idea."Well come on we have so little time to do all this!"Natsumi took off running towards the cafeteria.

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As the car of his parents pulled by the curb of Toboshi Academy, Toru sighed.

"I'll miss you!" his mother exclaimed. "I wish you the best of luck." 

Toru hugged his mother and exited out of the car, with a small luggage. Once the car drove off, Toru pulled his luggage across to the gate of the academy. It seemed as if he wasn't alone. A boy and a girl seemed to be socializing. Toru decided to ignore them. He walked with his head down with quick steps. 

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