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Sikota Urinakano

358/3 Days

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New students apply here (and we could use some): http://kh13.com/forum/topic/48689-best-school-ever/?p=996394



358 Days, 3 Years


That's the time span. You have 358 days of the next 3 years to live in this life.

Welcome to Toboshi Academy.









Year 1: Monday April 1st, before class


I walked toward the new building along with the flood of new students. A cherry blossom fell onto my shoulder. I picked it up and smiled. "Ah beginnings." I looked forward and up. "I feel that this is going to be a good year."

Edited by cdgerrity

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Kei slowly followed the new students up to the school.She smiled softly as cherry blossoms fell lightly around her.

"Maybe this year isn't going to be so bad after all."She said to herself.

((Are the students in dorms?))

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I approached my new school, excited for what could happen. Cherry Blossoms fell to the ground outside. "This will be great!" I shouted, and ran over to the building. I was excited about all the new friends I'd make, and all the adventures I'd have...

Edited by VIIIAxel

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I looked over at Kyameron. Sweet, got a new friend before class even started! I thought to myself. "Name's Shugo, nice to meet you!" I exclaimed. "You new here?" I asked him. It'd be great to have other friends that were new, also. The next 3 years were already looking bright!

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I let my new friend go. "I'm pretty sure we're all new, construction just finished last month apparently." I looked around. "Between you and me... and this can either be good or bad... but there are a lot of girls going to this school. You're the only other guy I've seen."

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I looked at Kyameron in surprise. "Seriously? There have gotta be some other guys here..." I looked around at the other people entering, not finding any. "Geez... Maybe we're just the early crowd or something? It'd be really weird if everyone else here was a girl... Oh well, not that it matters."

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Natsumi smiled as she entered the school with the crowd of people.Her immediate goal had been to make some new friends.Natsumi spotted two boys towards the front of the crowd.She ran over and jumped next to them.

"Hey guys! What's up?"

Natsumi smiled as she went ahead and introduced herself.

"I'm Natsumi! but you can just call me Natsu!"

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I looked at Natsu, and introduced myself while answering Kyameron's question. "Name's Shugo, as he said. I like being around people, working with computers, and playing video games." I said proudly. "So, Natsu-chan, what do you like to do?" I asked her.

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"Well I like video games,singing...I took violin and piano for awhile!"Natsumi smiled as she spoke,"So what kind of video games do you play?"She asked,turning to Shugo. As she waited for a reply she took to time to examine the cherry blossoms as they fell.

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Sakura saw a girl who just got here and walked up to her, "Hi! I'm Sakura, what's your name?" She held out her hand for a hand shake and smiled.

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Kei glanced around nervously,everyone seemed to be bonding quickly.She had seen a girl just run up to some boys and already looked like good friends.


I'll make friends soon..just can't be shy..


Kei took a deep breath and continued walking,she suddenly wasn't sure if she would be able to make friends..it was something she was never good at and she had always been considered a rice ball in a fruits basket.




Sakura saw a girl who just got here and walked up to her, "Hi! I'm Sakura, what's your name?" She held out her hand for a hand shake and smiled.

Sorry if that was my character you were talking to,I wasn't sure ^.^

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Ritsu, being the antisocial person she was approached the school without a word. Who would notice the short girl who doesn't speak. To her luck, someone would eventually. The trees were in full bloom.

"Sakura Trees..." she said quietly to herself, grabbing a single petal she stood in silence for a second, a small smile on her face.

She realized there were a couple of students behind her telling her to get a move on.

Without a word, Ritsu turned to the students, her large dark red eyes frightening some. She simply sticked out her tongue, walking foward, she dropped the petal. She passed some girls hanging out with boys and their friends and stuff. Envy tormented her, Ritsu just had to be the odd one in the pack.

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Kei glanced around nervously,everyone seemed to be bonding quickly.She had seen a girl just run up to some boys and already looked like good friends.I'll make friends soon..just can't be shy..Kei took a deep breath and continued walking,she suddenly wasn't sure if she would be able to make friends..it was something she was never good at and she had always been considered a rice ball in a fruits basket.Sorry if that was my character you were talking to,I wasn't sure ^.^

Sorry xP I was talking to OphexHaruhi

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"RPGs,Zombies anything shooting related really!"Natsumi pretended to shoot a gun as she spoke."I'm very much prepared for any zombie apocalypse's"Natsumi laughed since it was very much true."Me and my friends had a plan but it disapeared awhile ago so I was hoping to make a new list with new friends since I moved sooner than I though."She e explained cheerfully.

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I laughed. "Well, I know who to come to when there's a zombie apocalypse. Planning for it sounds like it'd be pretty fun!" I was always up for anything, whether it was going to a new school, or taking down the zombie army. I already knew that this year would be great!

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Natsumi laughed,"It's really fun me and my friends had a great time planning it out." Natsumi adjusted her bags to her other shoulder as she asked,"So what do you guys think about the school so far?"

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"It seems great! All these people already seem to get along pretty well, and there are a lot of people here!" I answered. I liked seeing all the people that were there. It looked like a big school, and there were already students getting along really well.

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