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Studio Ghibli Worlds: Y/N?

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(If this is a repeat topic, I'm really sorry!)


Although they aren't owned by Disney (to my knowledge,) Studio Ghibli films are distributed in America under Disney. So I think it's entirely possible for the studio to allow Square to integrate one or more of their movies into the game. At least I think it would be a great idea.


Worlds that would most certainly fit the KH universe would be Spirited Away & Howl's Moving Castle. Another I would love to see, but am sort of on the fence about, is Nausicaa (only because, if you've seen the film, the protagonist is completely adverse to violence.)


They have plenty of other fantastic movies, like Ponyo, Kiki's Delivery Service, and Princess Mononoke (my personal favorite,) but these films would clash with KH's atmosphere. (Ponyo & Kiki being overall lighthearted with action on the scarce side, and Princess Mononoke is way too violent.)


What do you guys think? Would you like to see Ghibli films in a future title? Do you think it's possible? If so, which films would you love to see be worlds the most?

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You have no idea how much I'd love to see a Spirited Away world, but unfortunately, doing the English dub isn't strong enough of a tie to Disney for Miyazaki's films to be included.  If it's possible then it's very unlikely, and there'd be a whole ton of legal work with Studio Ghibli for it to happen--assuming they allow it.

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I would really like to see Spirited Away and Howl's Moving Castle! It would be pretty awesome to explore those two worlds :3

Nausicaä wouldn't be bad either, but maybe too wide and open for my taste (story would be pretty easy to execute to KH though) 

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