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Do You Prefer Being Underleveled or Overleveled?

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That's a good question...being underleveled takes ALOT of skill and patience...being overleveled you breeze straight through without much challenge...


with that being said...i'd say it depends on the game for me...but for KH, Overleveled

Edited by Static15

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I prefer being overleveled. There isn't a "speed limit" in RPGs. Being stronger than the enemies part of the experience in my opinion. The two games where I tend to grind are Pokemon and Kingdom Hearts. I usually won't leave Destiny Islands until I reach level 12, or however long it takes to get learn 'Scan'. 

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Depends on the game.


If it's real time than I love the challenge.


If it's turn based (strategy) than I need to be at least at normal level. A funny exception is Disgaea. Beat a level 4000 enemy with a character at a low level~

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I think I'd prefer being over leveled because I love grinding in KH haha, plus over leveledness makes me feel like a boss when I kill stuff haha :P


But I wouldn't mind being underleveled just for a challenge, most of the times though I end up overleveling myself. 

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I love the little chime you get when you level up in most games, so I'll take overleveled over underleveled any day. Plus when you're adequately leveled up, most Post-game things, like secret bosses and such don't destroy you as much. I'd rather grind evenly throughout a game than all at once in the end. Sweet serotonin baby!

Edited by ShiningFantasia12

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POWER, POWER AND MORE POWEERR! leveling is a crucial part of any Rpgs, and some require you to grind for HOURS which is boring, (Dragon quest VIII as an example, seriously after lvl 40 you weren't going nowhere without metal slimes)


So in games that allow you to level up at a reasonable pace, I do tend to overlevel myself a bit. Specially on games that allow you freedom from the getgo like the .Hack//Gu games where you coul literally get to the maximum levels the moment it allowed you to make your own maps in it, allowing for infinite grinding.

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That's a great question, and my answer is, I love both!  Being underleveled offers a sense of powerlessness and the need to become stronger to overcome your foes, and well, through level grinding and learning new abilities, comes the amazing and satisfying feeling of being overleveled!  Once I'm overleveled, I get to mow down countless Heartless/Nobody/Unversed/Dream Eater hordes like a boss!  So yeah, that's my view on things! :3

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Not only in Kingdom Hearts, but in basically any JRPG, I remain underleveled.


It's not that I LIKE being underleveled, In fact, i'd be more satisfied if I was overleveled. It's just that i don't have the patience to grind. haha. So I take out the enemy with my superior ultimate godlike skills dodgeroll after dodgeroll mwahahah.

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I'd prefer to not be overleveled but also not underleveled. I'd choose the recommended levels for each world so that it doesn't seem easy but also not hard. So I'd guess the middle option? :P 

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