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Sony Japan to hold Vita broadcast tomorrow

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I hope they release the Zelda Majora's mask 3d remake for it! The vita needs a 3d Zelda game.

There's a few problems with that thought

1. The Legend of Zelda is a Nintendo owned 1st party franchise, Meaning it wouldn't be allowed on any other non-Nintendo System

2. The PS vita can't display 3D

3. It would make very little profit, meaning it would be virtually useless to make

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There's a few problems with that thought

1. The Legend of Zelda is a Nintendo owned 1st party franchise, Meaning it wouldn't be allowed on any other non-Nintendo System

2. The PS vita can't display 3D

3. It would make very little profit, meaning it would be virtually useless to make

Haha I know. I probably should have also said I was kidding ^-^

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 Gran Turismo and Team Japan project as well some games that appeal to Japanese crowd i would guess, Could be a Patapon 4 as well.

Edited by Deadshot

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 Gran Turismo and Team Japan project as well some games that appeal to Japanese crowd i would guess, Could be a Patapon 4 as well.




oh and I wouldn't mind another Syphon Filter game, Logan's Shadow was one of the best games of PSP

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