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What's Your favorite Culture?

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I was obsessed with Native American cultures when I was younger.   Most of my jewelry is Native American.


My current favorite culture, though, has to be my pet slime mold, Martin.

(Hahah, get it?  He lives in a petri dish, so he's a culture?  xD   )




. . . 

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I'm not very fond of the human culture. (consider all the war, famine, pollution, etc. that we caused.) I do like to learn more of the alien culture.


If I were to choose, it would be Japanese, because they have cool anime, manga, and video games over there. I heard it's a very clean country. One pet peeve that bothers me is that they're a about 50 years behind in gender equality. However, it doesn't stop me from visiting there someday.

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I like japanese kawaii culture!!! awwwww x3;


Also, Irish/keltic culture is pretty cool too with all the fairies and lepricons and stuff :3 Oh BY THE WAY, speaking of which, tomarrow is saint patricks day everyone^^ have a lucky one^^

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