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Anime | Manga Why do anime characters yell attack names?

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Seriously. How come a TON of anime characters just scream random cheesy attack names every time they do one?


Examples: Naruto constantly yells out Rasengan. Ichigo constantly says Getsuga Tensho and ect


We already know the attack name, so why must they say it all the time? It get's a little annoying xD


ANYWAYS, what are you're thoughts on this?




dbz doesn't count cuz it's cool


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Sometimes it's pretty stupid, but it can also be useful for Information xD for example, in One Piece Luffy has the Attack Gum Gum Gatling. He has also the Attack Gum Gum Punchingball, which is the Gum Gum Gatling from above when he's falling onto an enemy. Nobody would know that if he didn't yell it out xD

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I get where you're coming from - I also find it unnecessary. However, I suppose it differentiates between similar looking attacks and tells us when something really cool is coming.... My exception being Xiaolin Showdown.... the attack names are so.... what the factor?

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Sometimes it's pretty stupid, but it can also be useful for Information xD for example, in One Piece Luffy has the Attack Gum Gum Gatling. He has also the Attack Gum Gum Punchingball, which is the Gum Gum Gatling from above when he's falling onto an enemy. Nobody would know that if he didn't yell it out xD

Yeah I understand that, but he could just say it once xD After that then you can be all like "Oh yeah, he is using Gum Gum Jet Pistol! OWN HIM LUFFY!" instead of having the constant reminder when they shout it out all the time.

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It is actually quite simple. It is to let your allies know what you're doing if the plan is being executed. much like a script.




(Ally 1: know that oh I am to be using my attack now)




(Ally 2: awaiting ME to use another attack.)


Yes that is how it is.

Posted Image


But it is mostly


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Well it something that truly is weird and it tries to make it sound cooler. But it is kinda stupid as well, because their enemies always know what they are gonna do next..

But I admit that in animes like Gurren Lagann attacks like Giga Drill Breaker would be kinda lame without that shouting part. 

But most of animes I like don't have that "we shall yell the attack names" such as Darker Than Black, Hellsing, Cowboy Bebop etc.

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I think its just something japanese. i mean in games,Sora Say's the magic attack he uses everytime(every third time in KH2) and In UMvC3(made by japanese capcom) they do the exact same thing as in animes. its just badass thing to do and apparently amplifies power and differentiates them from regular blows.

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LOL, I've also wondered this myself, such as is the case with Inuyasha.  He always shouts out his attacks!  "Iron Reaver Soul Stealer!", "Fangs of Blood!" and "Wind Scar!".  I find it funny, and I guess it's just something natural with animes.  But you should also note that it's not the case with all characters, because Sesshomaru doesn't shout out any attacks when he attacks.  So keep that in mind. :)

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Two reasons:


1. They're not normal attacks, so they need special attention


2. How else are we gonna know what move they're doing? Somebody's gonna ask anyway, so they nip the bud in the head right there.

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okay i can understandnsome but what if for naruto and ichigo the way their blade ( ichigo) or their body ( naruto) need it to be said to know what the firetruck to do i mean the naruto part yeah sure we can d owithout but what if the zanpakutoe need it to be said like when it is being realeased to shikia form you have to say it or it'll stay the same. i dont know i'm just saying it' possible thats why either this or the creators just want to be big dicks and force us to listen to them say it alot.

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Well it something that truly is weird and it tries to make it sound cooler. But it is kinda stupid as well, because their enemies always know what they are gonna do next..

But I admit that in animes like Gurren Lagann attacks like Giga Drill Breaker would be kinda lame without that shouting part. 

But most of animes I like don't have that "we shall yell the attack names" such as Darker Than Black, Hellsing, Cowboy Bebop etc.

I forgot to say Gurren Lagann did it right as well. It wouldn't be the same, especially since it's so insanely awesome. But yeah, a lot of animes don't do it, which I appreciate since we don't have to hear something like "OVERDRIVE FALCON SABER MULTI ATTACK SLICE" all the time


Two reasons:


1. They're not normal attacks, so they need special attention


2. How else are we gonna know what move they're doing? Somebody's gonna ask anyway, so they nip the bud in the head right there.

They could say it once per...let's say Rasengan. He does a normal Rasengan and shouts it once, ok we know the attack. He does Rasenshuriken and yells it once, we know what that is now. But it's the constant use of him shouting "RASENGAN" that gets kind of cumbersome xD


Plus, it gives their enemy knowledge of what they are gonna do so they just end up compromising themselves.

LOL, I've also wondered this myself, such as is the case with Inuyasha.  He always shouts out his attacks!  "Iron Reaver Soul Stealer!", "Fangs of Blood!" and "Wind Scar!".  I find it funny, and I guess it's just something natural with animes.  But you should also note that it's not the case with all characters, because Sesshomaru doesn't shout out any attacks when he attacks.  So keep that in mind. :)

Yeah not EVERY character is gonna do it (Sesshomaru is awesome btw) but just hearing "IRON REAVER SOUL STEALER" everytime he does the attack is just weird xD

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Two rules of anime regarding attack names1. Yelling out the attack name makes it stronger2. the longer the name the stronger the attackbecause logic

^This. And honestly i dont mind it too much. Fairy tail in particular had long animations when natsu used an attack but ver time they got shorter until they became the right length, and it also puts a certain power on it as well

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What I don't understand is why can't the people they're fighting use that information that they've just revealed to them and then use it to dodge appropriately?


It'd be like if you were playing poker, and your opponent kept announcing what cards he has in his hand. The other people playing should be able to take these guys down no problem.

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